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Words, Words, Words: Developing Tier II Vocabulary

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1 Words, Words, Words: Developing Tier II Vocabulary
RPS Professional Development February 6, 2017 Presented by LaShanda Melendez 4th grade reading teacher Southampton Elementary

2 Objectives Explain the research-based rationale for more robust Tier II vocabulary instruction. Determine which words to teach. Explore engaging activities to introduce and teach Tier II words. Examine effective assessment methodologies and ways to celebrate words.

3 Why is Tier II vocabulary instruction important?
Students from lower SES groups typically have been exposed to 30 million fewer words than their more affluent peers. Meaningful Differences: The Word Gap Knowledge of vocabulary in 1st grade can predict reading achievement in middle school. Struggling 12th grade readers have vocabularies similar to high-knowledge 3rd graders. Bringing Words to Life p.2

4 Why is Tier II vocabulary instruction important?
If students are coming from taciturn families that use business vocabulary, what have they heard before entering kindergarten? Use the Dolch Sight Words list to determine the level of vocabulary found in each of the following sentences. Put that down. Come over here. Give me that. What are you doing? Get that. Take this. Eat. Hurry up. Leave that alone. Bring it here. Go to bed.

5 Why is Tier II vocabulary instruction important?
There are 88,500 words found in printed school English. To read effectively, one needs a vocabulary of between 15,000 to 20,000 words. Of those words, about 8,000 are familiar. Approximately 7,000 are Tier II words students need to learn by 9th grade. Teaching 400 words each year can significantly affect students’ literacy. Bringing Words to Life p. 9-10 Phantom Tollbooth- Milo in the marketplace. If students were not exposed to rich, Tier II vocabulary before entering school, how will they hear and learn these words? They can’t just visit the marketpplace and buy all the words they need.

6 Why is Tier II vocabulary instruction important?
According to the 2010 English SOL Blueprint, 5 items on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade SOL assessments will focus on using word analysis strategies and word reference materials. Test items include knowledge of synonyms and antonyms without context, knowledge of roots and affixes, multiple-meaning words, homophones, and Tier II vocabulary embedded in the questions.

7 Isn’t wide-reading enough to develop Tier II vocabulary?
ephemeral: my “white whale” Types of Contexts: misdirective contexts, nondirective contexts, general contexts, directive contexts Hobbes holds the same view that many do. But the research contradicts the notion that if one reads a great deal and a wide variety of texts, he or she will enjoy a larger vocabulary. Bringing Words to Life p.6-7

8 What does the research say about Tier II vocabulary instruction?
Establish a routine. Make learning words enjoyable. Provide repeated exposure to words. Words should be in authentic contexts.


10 How do I choose Tier II words to teach?
Tier II words are nonsequential and not related to a grade level. Basals and other reading programs don’t provide sufficient vocabulary instruction. Vocabulary Workshop Flocabulary A Word a Day Vocabulary City

11 What are some effective instructional techniques to build Tier II vocabulary?
read-aloud Dice Game Matching/connotations Frayer Model roots/bases & affixes Akeelah and the Bee “Big Words Come from Little Words” semantic gradients

12 How can I celebrate vocabulary learning?
Block Party: Use vocabulary words to decide with whom to mingle at the party. Word Lanyards: Students wear lanyards with vocabulary words and discuss their words with each other when they are paired or interacting throughout the day. Toasting Party: Students say, Hear, hear,” whenever they come across a vocabulary word. Word Links: Students link the fingers of their hands when they come across a vocabulary words.

13 How can I assess vocabulary learning?
Traditional teacher-created quiz or test (matching, words in context with a word bank, multiple choice) Anecdotal records Analyze student writing Student self-assessment Charting progress

14 In conclusion… remember to complete the evaluation.
me if you have questions or are looking for other resources. have fun with vocabulary!

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