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Harness the Power of Your Data with CRM

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1 Harness the Power of Your Data with CRM
June 24, 2010 Sponsored by Audio is only available by calling this number: Conference Call: ; Access Code:

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3 You are being recorded…
Streaming into Second Life This seminar will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: You will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. After the webinar, you can ask follow-up questions in the Virtual Community Forum: Twitter hashtags: #techsoup

4 Harness the Power of Your Data with CRM
Sponsored by Presenter: Dean Graham, NPower Pennsylvania

5 Today’s Speakers Dean Graham Kami Griffiths
NPower Pennsylvania Kami Griffiths TechSoup Assisting with chat questions: Becky Wiegand & Stephanie Parker, TechSoup

6 Agenda What is CRM The benefits What to include Examples
Getting started Choosing a tool Utilizing the database Q&A Key points: NOT a technology session: focus on process 6

7 the better the story you can tell…
The better your data, the better the story you can tell… Alex’s Lemonade… 7

8 CRM Constituent Relationship Management

9 Constituent Not just donors… Board Members Volunteers Funders Clients
Staff Media Stakeholders

10 How important is this person to you?
A person who volunteered for your organization once? Someone who gave a one time donation of $50? Attends a lecture your organization sponsored? A client of one of your service programs? What if this is all the same person?

11 Relationship Relationships are built on shared experience
Recognizing and leveraging past interactions

12 Build on what you did together
Who talked to that donor last? What did they talk about? What does your donor care about?

13 Management How do we capture these relationships?
How many have a “data entry” person? Do they have the relationship? Move to a decentralized data entry model

14 What is CRM? A database A tool for managing service delivery
A way to document the work you do Support system for relationship building An organizational approach to doing business 14

15 Coin of the Realm Relationships are our most important assets
Clients Board members Volunteers Staff Stakeholders Who owns the relationship?

16 The Traveling Development Director
Move from Organization to Organization Loss of institutional knowledge Ownership of the relationship

17 Building Relationships!
The Engagement Ladder We want to move our constituents up the engagement ladder. How do we do this? High Recruit friends/family Upgrade monthly donation Signup for monthly giving Renew single donation Make single donation Write a letter Attend an event Sign petition Viral / Tell a friend Send an epostcard Subscribe to e-Alerts Subscribe to eNewsletter Enter a contest Visit website Building Relationships! Low

18 Life without a CRM Routine program reports are painful to produce
Using paper and chasing down information on service delivery No easy way to see what’s happening “now” Get used to guessing about service Separate, disconnected data files Duplicate data entry and redundant work Poor communications and information sharing 18

19 Life with a CRM More accurate and predictable budgeting
Clearer picture of relationships with funders, donors, and clients Helps you know who has done what with whom Tool for growth for the organization Can stop cycle of “silo-ed” information Can help boost your efficiency and effectiveness May help create a community impact or service never thought of before

20 Silo Approach Accounting Excel info Web Site Intranet
How can I really leverage this information? Silo Approach Web Site Intranet Excel info Access Database Accounting 20

21 Goals of a Good CRM System
Recording of interactions with multiple constituencies Volunteers, Clients, Board, Staff, Donors, Funders Ability to track the ‘shared experience’ Decentralized data entry – enter the work you do Part of the fabric of the organization

22 Examples

23 Create a Successful Environment
Identify what success means to you Establish a need Start to build buy-in Executive and organizational Collect Requirements inputs Intakes, forms outputs Reports, deliverables business processes Understand when, who, and how

24 LEAD! Build Buy-in L - Listen to the needs of the users
E – Express your vision of the final outcomes A – Align the system to users needs (WIIFM) D – Drive the process

25 Organizational Signs of Success
Executive Buy-in Organizational Buy-in Active Implementation Participation A Leader to Lead Reasonable Expectations Understand the importance of the Truth Ultimately understanding what success looks like for your organization and having professional help will ensure a successful outcome. 25

26 Collect Requirements Inputs Outputs Business processes Intakes, forms
Reports, deliverables Business processes Understand when, who and how

27 Requirements Approach
Take stock What is currently being tracked and by whom What isn’t being tracked but should be What is being reported What is the business process Track what you do Track what you want to do Track everything you can think of

28 Choosing the right system
Features Cost Ease of Use Flexibility Ease of Implementation Sustainability Data Integration Using a Partner

29 How will it hold up? Is it Sustainable? What are the carrying costs?
Cost to implement, TCO Can you make changes yourself? How many people do this work? How are upgrades delivered? Cost? What does it take to support this product Server based Cloud based

30 Integrate Your Data Open API
Provide “true” integration with web CMS’s. This means information can flow both ways. From the website into the database, but also the other ways This provides a way for your constituents to do business with you and that business to be recorded. A modern seamless connection from consumer to web to database to reporting Communications eNewsletters, , meetings, requests for information, Donations 30

31 What to look for… System that can capture the “unique” work you do
Can it integrate with your other systems I.E. website Support distributed data capture (cloud based?) Capture the relationship elements Meetings Interactions Provide real time information reporting and dashboards

32 Don’t Stop Defend the truth
Data quality System suitability Create “Data Entry Standards” documentation

33 Signs you have a good database
Reflects the work of the organization Built what is needed You continue to review your needs, your organization changes, your database should too Your Data is True Information is correct, complete, trusted You have someone looking out for the above. Its being used!

34 Warning! Creating a CRM system, even if done well is: Long
Requires a large amount staff time Intrusive to Organization’s Operations

35 Questions? Submit your questions using the chat box.

36 Continue the Discussion…
Additional questions can be answered by posting in the Virtual Community Forum:

37 Get the Most Out of TechSoup
At TechSoup, you’ll find a range of technology services to help your nonprofit: Read helpful articles in our Learning Center Request donated software, hardware, and online services Join our community forums to learn from your colleagues Browse upcoming events and conferences

38 Upcoming Webinars 10 Social Media Tips & Secrets
Thursday, July 8, 11 a.m. Pacific time

39 Thank you to our Webinar Sponsor!
ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information:

40 Thank you. Please complete the post event survey
Thank you! Please complete the post event survey! Kami Griffiths,

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