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Board of Commissioners Meeting

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1 Board of Commissioners Meeting
May 28th 2016

2 Introduction and Goals
Welcome. The goal of this meeting is to provide an update on projects and initiatives on going in the village district. We hope you find this meeting informative.

3 Agenda Committee Updates (10 Minutes)
New Community Center and Office Asset Management On going Initiatives (20 minutes) Oak Ridge Road Repairs Focus on Ditching prior to Grading Culvert Identification and Cleaning Water System pump stations Off Peak Metering Muddy Beach Wells Landscaping at DPW2 Beach Discussion(10 minutes) What to do about our beaches Questions and Answers (20 minutes)

4 New Community Center and Village District office
We have formed a committee focused on Studying the feasibility of selling the lodge Building a Community Center and District office at the parking lot.

5 New Community Center and Village District office
Initial concept is to create a multi-purpose year round usable facility Using the proceeds from the sale of the lodge The building would be centrally located and super insulated to keep future costs low Building has 3 parts Community center (meeting room 35 x 35), District office (clerk style) Storage area for sensitive water system parts

6 New Community Center and Village District office
Next steps. Committee will hold it’s first meeting Committee takes on the task of understanding if it is possible to sell the lodge and if it is possible to build at the parking lot. If we find that it is feasible the committee would create a process for selling the lodge by asking for local real-estate companies to bid on the opportunity. Goal would be to minimize sales costs and maximize the sales opportunity. Once we have a understanding of the possible value and the issues in construction we would then make recommendations to the commissioners.

7 Asset Management Great progress
Mapping and GPS location of Isolation Valves Identification and GPS location of curb stop valves Flags can be removed by home owners. Identification and tagging of District Culverts (185 of them). GPS locations, inlet and outlet Tagged with ID’s Assessment of condition Ongoing inventory and as-built drawings for pump stations Working with the state to complete retrieve matching funds.

8 Ongoing Initiatives Current Activities Oak Ridge Road Repairs
Focus on Ditching prior to Grading Culvert Identification and Cleaning Water System pump stations Off Peak Metering Muddy Beach Wells Landscaping at DPW2

9 Ongoing Initiatives Oak Ridge Road reconstruction has been completed.
Final payment requisition from the Contractor and project oversight invoices from the Engineers have not yet been received. Water lines at Saint Moritz were upgraded during this project, A water main was moved to facilitate placement of a catch basin, and the service line to one house, which was leaking, was replaced.

10 Ongoing Initiatives Focus on Ditching prior to Grading and Culvert Identification and Cleaning You will notice a greater focus on Ditching prior to road Grading this year. This is to better protect the roads by improving the drainage Following the Ditching around the lakes, grading activities will follow. As grading is completed the roads will be compacted and treated for dust control 185 Road Culverts will be tagged and geo located for inlets and outlets, in addition an assessment will be made for each. Culvert cleaning of those culverts that have exceeded a fill threshold will take place All driveway culverts are being identified, listed and condition assessment made.

11 Ongoing Initiatives Muddy Beach Well field work –
Well #2 will be surged to remove any debris which has been clogging the filters for the pump. A transducer will be placed to monitor the flow rate and well level. Well #1 will be pulled, pump replacement planned, new piping to holding tank. New electric panel and SCADA upgrades will also be completed. ($35,000 max cost)

12 Ongoing Initiatives Off Peak metering
Electricity is the major expense for the districts water supply. We are modeling the off-peak operation to understand which pump houses could provide ongoing savings for the district. Initial models have been created with input from the electric companies. Currently we are purchasing electricity from a broker saving the district %%%

13 Ongoing Initiatives Improve the appearance of DPW-2
Landscaping effort in conjunction with EPOA. Thank you for your help on this.

14 Beach Discussion Beach stickers – beach parking could be restricted to vehicles displaying Town of Madison stickers. Renters would need to display a temporary pass (transfer station day pass). Madison Police would enforce. ID on watercraft – Per the Beach Ordinance, all watercraft should have identification on the craft. Eidelweiss address is recommended. Pursue Your input please

15 Thank you Questions

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