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How Lead Igniter targets your ENTIRE CRM Database and Reactivates Dormant Leads into New Customers

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2 How Lead Igniter targets your ENTIRE CRM Database and Reactivates Dormant Leads into New Customers

3 Increase your sales without
You have the keys to unlock your gold Increase your sales without spending more money $20 Average 3rd party lead cost (10,000 leads x $20=$200,000) !!! 5 % to 15 % Average Internet Closing Ratio

4 Open doors to Unsold Leads in your CRM
of vehicle shoppers use digital channels to research 95% of consumers are in-market for 3 months or less 62% of in-market shoppers are looking for information on mobile devices 35% *

5 41% 33% Results of Poor follow up:
Of consumers purchased their vehicles from leads purchased by another dealer 41% 33% Of leads buy after 3 months Follow up is PARAMOUNT

6 How Many Dead Leads Do You Have in Your CRM
? How Many Dead Leads Do You Have in Your CRM The Average Dealership has over 10 to 20,000 Leads in their Internet Department CRM Tool

7 Cast a wide net by targeting your ENTIRE Historical CRM.
Many CRM tools mine your data for prospects that are more likely to buy based on: Date of original lead submission Make/model of interest Location/proximity to dealership Age of current vehicle (if specified) Leads currently targeted by your CRM Dormant, inactive leads that Lead Igniter targets

8 of your Customer and Prospect Database is Comprised of these ISP’s
Engagement ISP’s – ENGAGE or get “BULKED” 50 % to 70 % of your Customer and Prospect Database is Comprised of these ISP’s *

9 of the data is deemed unusable during this process
3 Step Data Cleaning Process Remove potential spam traps Bad addresses Invalid addresses We use a multi-step database cleaning process to help ensure inbox placement and prevent getting placed in spam 20 % to 30 % of the data is deemed unusable during this process

10 3 Step Data Cleaning Process
Sample Report of a dealership Hygiene report Hygiene capital? *

11 The Lead Igniter value proposition steers you in the right direction
Automated follow-up until they BUY, DIE, FLY or unsubscribe Professional content Maximize recipient engagement Higher INBOX delivery past SPAM filters Mobile enabled s

12 Monthly Sales and Service Marketing on a Preset Schedule
Many Dealerships don’t have the resources to build offers every month – let alone target ALL their prospects Monthly Sales Offers from the Dealership are sent out to the ENTIRE database – every month


14 Capture More Sales with Real-Time Clickers
If a Prospect “clicks” through to your website They are shopping *

15 Real Time ROI Reporting
CRM Data matched against closed RO’s & Sales ROI Reporting Shows “Lost” Lead Conversions Existing customers clearly identified (Sales, Service or Parts) Detailed Sales Information Available New Customers from unsold Leads Old sales report?

16 Marketing Automation & Targeted Follow-Up Gets
Them Hooked If they click on a link for used cars, they are automatically sent follow-up s relative to pre owned Send them info based upon what they want

17 The SHIFT to mobile

18 Most Popular Activities on Smartphones

19 66% 75% of customers are reading marketing messages on a mobile device
for millennials 75%

20 78 % Non Mobile Enabled Emails Todays email MUST be Mobile enabled
s sent from your CRM are not setup properly “out of the box” 78 % of your prospects will delete it

21 Mobile Enabled Emails Email reformats (adapts) for smaller
screens using media queries Buttons are sized for Apple & Android Interface Guidelines to accommodate finger gestures Phone numbers are click-activated Text is resized to be readable without pinch and zoom

22 Customers are holding onto cars longer which locks in huge service revenue opportunities
is a relationship building tool that will: Convert service customers to NEW car buyers Convert finance turn downs into service costumers Keep local prospects engaged with your dealership Satisfied Service Costumers eventually BUY Cars

23 Service Coupons for All Makes and Models
Don’t forget to include All makes and Models in your service coupons Bring in additional revenue Re-engage dormant leads More opportunities Keeps their family in your service lane *

24 Mobile Coupons Email Coupons are cost effective and trackable. *
Trackable – traceable? *


26 Service Summary Reporting broken down by Time from last visit
Re-activated Service Customers New Conquest Customers July 2014 – update?

27 Capitalize on every visitor to your website.
Track your Prospects with Return Website Visit Notifications Capitalize on every visitor to your website. Name Phone address Pages visited

28 retargeting Once a prospect is tagged and they return to your website a High Impact Letter Series will incentivize the prospect to purchase. The more often they return the more aggressive the offers become *

29 Real-Time Clicker Reports
As people engage with your marketing message and click through to your website we provide you Real-Time Clicker Notifications so you can follow up real-time Address Link Description Full Name H-Phone W-Phone Make Model Year Salesperson New Vehicles Michael Marc Chevrolet Silverado 2011 104643 David Red Unknown Pre-Own Vehicles Lorenzo Villa Camaro 2010 Paul Loren Traverse Tom Leydi Tahoe 2009

30 For more information contact:
Peter “webdoc” Martin cell Ron “mad” Max cell #ronmadmax








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