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Preparations for 2011 Municipal Elections Local Government Elections (LGE) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES 08 FEBRUARY 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparations for 2011 Municipal Elections Local Government Elections (LGE) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES 08 FEBRUARY 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparations for 2011 Municipal Elections Local Government Elections (LGE) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SERVICES 08 FEBRUARY 2011

2 Legislative framework
Electoral Commission Act (No. 51 of 1996) Electoral Act (No. 73 of 1998) Local Government: Municipal Structures Act (No. 117 of 1998) Local Government: Municipal Electoral Amendment Act, 2010 Electoral Regulations

3 Election Legislation The Municipal Electoral Amendment Act, 14 of 2010 (Act) was adopted to amend the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000. Major amendments to the Act include; The streamlining of the candidate nomination process, in order to give both a contesting candidate, and a political party, time to corrected minor deficiencies. 3

4 Major amendment: Special votes
Section 55 “Any voter who is unable on voting day to cast his or her vote at the voting station in the voting district where he or she is registered may, in the prescribed manner, apply and be allowed prior to voting day to cast a special vote within that voting district.” 4

5 Electoral system Mixed system: closed PR List and ward constituency
2 municipal elections have been held: 2000 and 2006

6 Demarcation The MDB submitted the final set of wards to the Commission in September 2010 There are 234 Municipalities of which 8 are Metropolitan Councils (Metros) The demarcation process resulted in the establishment of two new Metros, namely; Buffalo City in the Eastern Cape and Mangaung in the Free State 44 District Councils The demarcation also resulted in a 10% increase of wards, from to 4 277

7 Demarcation As a result of the demarcation process, the Commission conducted a process of re-delimitation of the voting districts, in order to align them with the newly demarcated ward boundaries Re-delimitation resulted in an increase of the voting districts by 6%, from in 2009 to Political parties who sit on the Party Liaison Committees (PLCs) at the local government level were consulted on the delimitation process, for enhanced transparency

8 Voter Registration Before the registration weekend of 5 and 6 February 2011, there were voters on the voters’ roll We are committed to increase this number in order to ensure that those that are eligible to vote, are rightfully registered as voters. We have therefore established voter registration programmes that will facilitate the registration of particularly, first time eligible voters, re-registration for those who have changed addresses since they last registered, and verification of registration details for those who are already registered. 8

9 Registration comparison
1994: voting stations, no voters’ roll 1999: VDs, 18,1 million registered voters (ave reg voters per VD) 2000: VDs, 18,4 million reg voters (1 233) 2004: VDs, 20,6 million reg voters (1 219) 2006: VDs, 21 million reg voters (1 116) 2009: VDs, 23,1 million reg voters (1 171) 2011: VDs, ? reg voters

10 Voters’ roll comparison
Verified Voters % Increase 1999 National and Provincial elections 2000 Municipal elections 1.67% 2004 National and Provincial elections 11.9% 2006 Municipal elections 1.84% 2009 National and Provincial elections 9.18%

11 Targeted Communication and Registration (TCR)
Targeted Registration was conducted from 3 to 13 December 2010, in targeted voting districts. TCR yielded applications for registrations, re-registrations from other VDs, and re-registrations within the TCR VDs. These figures add up to a total of registration activities undertaken during TCR.

12 Targeted Registration : Results

13 Public registration facilities
Members of the public who wish to verify their registration details, or to check where they must register if they are registering for the first time, or have moved house can use the following facilities’ Our public call centre ( ) which is operating daily from 8:00 to 17:00 SMS facility (32 810) Electoral Commission Website (

14 Voter Registration Weekend: 5 and 6 Feb 2011
Province New Reg Re-Reg Same VD Re-Reg VD Move Total Eastern Cape 88 890 30 593 Free State 20 718 11 799 37 828 70 345 Gauteng 91 042 19 973 KZN 27 278 Limpopo 53 588 11 637 65 752 Mpumalanga 16 846 4 527 30 773 52 146 North West 30 199 10 430 44 898 85 527 N. Cape 15 116 3 676 21 022 39 814 W. Cape 46 741 8 303 66 561

15 Registration Weekend Activities
The figures for Gauteng and Mpumalanga are slightly disappointing whilst the other provinces follow a normal pattern except for KZN, which exceeded the expected norm. Since people who changed address would not have been able to vote in municipal elections unless they re-registered the net effect (including new registrations) is that persons have been empowered over the past weekend to cast a vote in the forthcoming elections. The first registration weekend in September 2005 (for the 2006 Municipal Elections) yielded new registrations, re-registrations in a different voting district and re-registrations in the same voting district. The current efforts exceed those results by an approximate overall margin of 54% and 66% for first registrations and are thus a big success.

16 Registration Weekend Activities
A few voting stations in the Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Limpopo could not open for part or the whole of the weekend as a result of flooding or inaccessible roads as a result of rain. Special arrangements will be made to accommodate these voters and to offer them registration opportunities. Intra-party disputes about candidate nomination procedures have led the same protests and whilst they did not obstruct registration taking place, turnout in those areas were low. The same low activity and registration rates apply to areas where borders and boundaries are subjects of contention.

17 Registration Weekend The second registration weekend, during November 2005 (for the 2006 Municipal Elections) yielded new registrations, re-registrations in a different voting district and re-registrations in the same voting districts. The entire yield for both registration weekends thus came to new registrations re-registrations in a different voting districts and, re-registrations in the same voting districts Despite the success of the past weekend we are still short of those overall figures/results and a second registration weekend is thus called for

18 Information Technology
Voter registration system (VRS) Geographic information system (GIS) Candidate nomination system (CNS) Electoral staff system (ESS) Scanning of results slips Results system

19 Election Launch The Election Awareness Campaign was launched nationally on 12 January (The Election Logo was also unveiled) Provincial Launches are ongoing. Provinces that have launched includes KZN, Eastern Cape, North West, and Limpopo A Consultative meeting with Chapter 9 institutions and statutory bodies is scheduled to take place on 24 February 2011. A Summit to promote political tolerance in the run up to elections will take place on 3 March 2011. 19

20 Civic and voter education
The Local Government Elections are quite complex, i.e. in a Metropolitan Council, a voter will receive two ballot papers, one for a PR list Councilor and the other for a Ward Councilor In Local Councils, voters receive three ballot papers: one for a PR list Councilor, one for a Ward Councilor and one for the District Council Voter and Balloting education should therefore be intensified As a result, we are partnering with amongst others, Civil Society Organisations, Faith Based Organisations, Community Based Organisations, and Traditional Leaders to ensure that our civic and voter education initiatives are effectively distributed throughout the country. 20

21 Registration of Political Parties
Currently 150 Political Parties are registered with the Commission Level Number National 101 Eastern Cape 7 Free State 2 Gauteng 10 KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga 3 Northern Cape 1 Limpopo 5 North West Western Cape 16 TOTAL: 150

22 Party registration and participation
The major proposed amendments to the regulations include; The increase of the number of signatures of registered voters required for registration of a political party, from fifty to hundred. The deposit payable for contesting and election will also increase from R to R for contesting both PR and Ward elections in a Metropolitan Council. 22

23 The major proposed amendments to the regulations. Cont…
From R to R for contesting both proportional and ward elections in a Local Council From R to R for contesting a PR election only in a District Council From R to R to contest as a ward or independent candidate only. 23

24 Participation in LGE 2006 Candidates 2000 2006 Contesting parties 79
97 Party list candidates 16 156 21 498 Ward candidates (incl. independents) 13 925 23 691 Independents 689 663 Total candidates 30 081 45 189

25 Gender participation 2000 2006 Male 21 519 29 471 Female 8 562 15 718
Total candidates 30 081 45 189

26 Youth participation Total number of young people between ages of 18 and 35 who participated as candidates 2000: 9 939 2006:

27 Registration and Election staff
officials were trained to work during the first voter registration weekend (nationally). Appointment of Presiding and Deputy Presiding Officers is done in consultation with PLC members to ensure that such appointments complies with the criteria that is sent to ensure independence and impartiality 27

28 Registration and Election staff
The Criteria for appointment of Presiding and Deputy Presiding Officers is such that an Officer; Must not in the last five years have held a political office, or been a candidate in an election, or have been politically active for a political party. Must not in the last five years have held office in an organisation that has party political affiliations or aims. 28

29 Registration and Election staff
Approx election officials for the elections Training programme being rolled out and close to officials will be trained before voting day 29

30 Councillors: LGE 2006 Age Category Female Male Total 18 – 35 632 1 070
1 702 Other 2 682 3 966 6 648 3 314 5 036 8 350

31 Voter Turn Out 1994 National and Provincial elections - 86.86%.
2000 Municipal elections % 2004 National and Provincial elections - 77% 2006 Municipal elections %. 2009 National and Provincial elections – 77.3%

32 Thank you

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