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Facing Monsters Unit Review

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1 Facing Monsters Unit Review
Ms. Ridgway – LA9

2 100 200 300 400 500 Done “The Most Dangerous Game”
“The Birds” OR “The Colomber” “The Sniper” OR “Poison” “Marigolds” OR “Black Boy “ Vocabulary and Literary Terms 100 200 300 400 500 Done

3 Protagonist – Rainsford, Antogonist – General Zaroff
Who are the protagonist and antagonist in the story “The Most Dangerous Game”? Protagonist – Rainsford, Antogonist – General Zaroff Back

4 What is the PRIMARY conflict in the story “The Most Dangerous Game”?
Person vs. person – Rainsford vs. General Zaroff Back

5 _______ + _______ + _______ = THEME
Setting + Character + Plot = Theme Back

6 What are the five elements on the PLOT CHART, in order?
Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution Back

7 What is the theme in “The Most Dangerous Game”?
We are more likely to understand others by putting ourselves in their position. For example, “Even so, I rather think they understand one thing – fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death.” Back

8 What is the climax of the story “The Colomber”?
When Stefano goes to face the columber, and ends up recieving the Perla del Mare At this point, Stefano is ready to meet his fate (face his fears) Back

9 Describe in detail one example of foreshadowing in “The Birds”?
A bird dives and nearly misses the farmer’s head as he mows Nat opens the window and the birds attack his hand Nat spends an entire night fighting off birds in Jill and Johnny’s room Back

10 When Nat smokes his last cigarette at the end of “The Birds,” what does that imply about his future?
He feels defeated, and the future looks bleak. Back

11 Explain Stefano’s feelings about the colomber throughout the story.
Extreme interest/curiosity – when he first sees the columber Obsession – throughout his sailing Fear – when he goes to face it Respect – when he receives the Perla del Mare and thinks of the columber as a faithful friend Back

12 Explain the importance of this quotation from the end of “The Birds
Explain the importance of this quotation from the end of “The Birds.” Nat listened to the tearing sound of splintering wood and wondered how many million years of memory were stored in those little brains, behind the stabbing beaks, the piercing eyes, now giving them this instinct to destroy mankind with all the deft precision of machines. The Birds may be attacking humans because they feel mankind has been destroying the planet for years Back

13 What important information is presented in the background information and exposition of the story “The Sniper”? There is a civil war raging in Ireland, and this can pit brother against brother, as it does in this story. Back

14 What two things does poison stand for in the story “Poison”?
Snake venom and ethnic bias/racism Back

15 When the sniper turns over his brother’s dead body, what message was the author trying to get the reader to understand? The author wants the reader to feel the senseless tragedy of war. Back

16 Provide a specific example of suspense from the story “Poison”.
Example: Ganderbai himself was sweating now, large pearls of sweat standing out all over his forehead and along his upper lip. But his hands were steady, and I noticed that his eyes were watching, not the tube in his hands, but the area of crumpled sheet above Harry’s stomach. Back

17 At the end of the story “Poison,” explain how Harry feels about Dr
At the end of the story “Poison,” explain how Harry feels about Dr. Ganderbai. Harry is angry with Dr. Ganderbai for suggesting that there never was a krait. Also, Harry is insulting to Dr. Ganderbai and calls him names. Back

18 What lesson does the mom in the story “Black Boy” try to teach her son?
To fight his own battles and stand up for himself Back

19 What is the primary conflict in the story “Marigolds”?
Person vs. self – Lizabeth struggles with growing up Back

20 How does Richard initially feel about being the “grocery-shopper” in the story Black Boy? How do his feelings change? Initially he is proud. Once he realizes that he will get beat up on the way to the store, he feels terrified. Back

21 What does Lizabeth mean when she says at the end of the story, “And I too have planted marigolds”?
That she, like Miss Lottie, has tried to create beauty out of ugliness. Lizabeth realizes how people prize their efforts to counteract adversity. Back

22 List three of Lizabeth’s specific problems that lead to her tearing out Miss Lottie’s marigolds.
The need for my mother who was never there, The hopelessness of our poverty and degradation, The bewilderment of being neither child nor woman and yet both and once, The fear unleashed by my father’s tears. These emotions combined lead Lizabeth toward destruction. Back

23 Define disarming, then use it in a sentence.
Disarming: removing or lessening suspicions or fears. “Don’t be alarmed,” said Rainsford, with a smile which he hoped was disarming. Back

24 “Giant rocks with razor edges crouch like a sea monster with wide-open jaws” (The Most Dangerous Game”) is an example of what two/three literary devices? “razor edges” = metaphor Rocks “crouch” = personification “like a sea monster” = simile Back

25 Define abyss, then use it in a sentence.
Abyss: bottomless depth; here, something beyond understanding or too deep for measurement. Great are the satisfactions of an industrious, well-to-do, and quiet life, but greater still is the attraction of the abyss. Back

26 In your own words, explain irony
In your own words, explain irony. Then, provide an example of something that was ironic from one of the short stories. Irony: contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality. Examples: many Back

27 Define imperative, then use it in a sentence.
Imperative: extremely important, urgent. It is imperative that every individual stay indoors tonight and that no one at all remain on the streets or roads or anywhere outdoors. Back

28 Hope you had fun!!!

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