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The Most Dangerous Game

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1 The Most Dangerous Game
Author : Richard Connell presentation created by: Reagan clancy Andres Valenzuela, Briana Gil, Brennan tryk, and Kohlter Hathcock Period: 4 9/20/16

2 Summary A famous hunter named Rainsford was cruising on a yacht with his friend. He decided to stand on the edge of the boat while smoking and dropped his cigar. He reached after it and fell. He swam to an island and explored it. He found a huge building and met a large man named Ivan that acted as a bodyguard. Eventually he met general Zaroff. Zaroff had a really creepy background that Rainsford would eventually learn. Zaroff hunted men, treating them like animals and Rainsford was his next game. There were many instances where Zaroff came close to killing Rainsford but he barely escaped every time. One night, Zaroff pauses his hunt and goes to his bedroom to freshen up because he had lost Rainsford when he jumped off the cliff. But Rainsford was hiding and came to Zaroff unexpectedly. Zaroff fearfully claims defeat but that’s not enough for Rainsford. The story ends without anyone knowing what happened.

3 Conflict The conflict of the story is person vs person
Its person vs person because Zaroff is hunting Rainsford and if Rainsford survives three days in the jungle while being hunted he will be able to go home unharmed.

4 Setting The story is set at ship trap island which is a superstitious island that is owned by a general named Zaroff. The island contains swamps, beaches, and even high-drop cliffs. Rainsford will continue to use his environment as a weapon against general Zaroff

5 Theme General theme- feel sympathy for others. We never learn to feel sympathy for others until we’ve “been in their shoes”. Having sympathy for others helps us to comfort others in need. Specific theme- “the hunter can become the hunted”. In the beginning exposition, Rainsford is talking to his friend and saying how they will never need to know what its like to be the prey.

6 Literary elements Pathos: One pathos found in the story was Rainsford’s surprise and disgust of Zaroffs “hobby” Epiphany: An epiphany found in the story is when Zaroff realizes the importance of mercy and pleads for it toward the end of the story. Mood: The overall mood of the story is suspenseful and mysterious.

7 Quiz What is the theme of the most dangerous game?
Rainsford’s friends name was… a) Whitney b) zaroff c) john d) andrew Rainsford won the game: True or False? The setting of the story is… a) On a ship B) on an island C) in a park The protagonist is… A) Zaroff B) Rainsford What did Zaroff do for fun? How many of Zaroff’s dogs were killed in the process of finding Rainsford?

8 Answers The theme is that you should always be sympathetic to others.
True because Zaroff claimed defeat. B Zaroff hunted men because of their intelligence and it made hunting fun. Only one dog died in a trap Rainsford made.

9 Important points in the story
Zaroff is actually a dynamic character because he pleads for mercy when Rainsford finally has a chance to kill him. Rainsford before the initial incident couldn’t care less about the prey he’s hunted for so many years, just like us in real life. We have difficulty understanding and caring about others situations if we’ve never experienced them ourselves. The Most Dangerous Game had an ending that was unexpected for most readers because most short stories have a climax, falling action, and resolution. Yet, The Most Dangerous Game has only a climax as the ending, leaving readers to predict themselves what happened to Rainsford and Zaroff.

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