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September 19th-23rd Olivia Hardison.

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1 September 19th-23rd Olivia Hardison

2 English I-Monday September 19th
What qualities would be necessary for survival? (Think about being stranded on an island or in the desert and trying to stay alive). (5) Agenda PPT for “The Most Dangerous Game” slides 1-5 (setting), (vocabulary), and slide 21 (kinesthetic activity) Read “The Most Dangerous Game” Clock buddies 12pm- Directions on slides 6-7; students will get with their clock buddy for the designated time and describe a place they have been to see if their buddy can guess the answer. Read your library book and work on annotations! Due 10/31 Tweet!

3 English II-Monday September 19th
Do you think that sacrifice is necessary in order to achieve greatness, even if the sacrifice harms someone? Explain. APE model- restate part of question, provide proof/support, explain and give detail. (7) Agenda/ Objective- I can determine how words and phrases affect the meaning and tone of a text. I can cite textual evidence to support what the text says and what conclusions are being made. I can determine the main idea of a text and see how it is being developed. Close reading review on Google Docs- Close Reading Review Close reading practice- “Better You Than Me”- Better You Than Me Students will complete and present their rap/song, skit/play, or poem to the class. Read your library book and work on annotations-due 10/31

4 English III- Monday September 19th
What is true happiness? Does knowledge contribute to, or inhibit (prevent) it? Explain. APE model (7). Agenda Define and find a synonym for the following words: stolid, earnestly, refract, imperceptibly, censorship, and multi-faceted. DISCUSSION: LE-conflict-internal and external. Continue close reading of Fahrenheit 451- Focus on conflict. FYI- PUT AN EXCLAMATION POINT BESIDE SHOCKING PLOT EVENTS WRITE AND CIRCLE PROFOUND/BOLD/IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES DRAW A QUESTION MARK BESIDE QUESTIONS OR THINGS THAT CONFUSE YOU AS WELL AS WORDS YOU DON’T KNOW DRAW A WORD CLOUD FOR YOUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND COMMENTARY DRAW AN ARROW BESIDE CONNECTIONS YOU CAN MAKE TO THE TEXT Write an le beside literary elements and the page number so you can go back and cite it! Prediction chart: Students will create a two sided chart. One side must quote the text (the prediction) and the other side you should write how that prediction has come true. Students must have 5-10 predictions. Be sure to note the page number!

5 English I- Tuesday September 20th
Do we live in a world where the strong conquer the weak? Why do you feel the way you do? What evidence can you give to support your belief? (Think about the various ways a person can be “strong”). (5) APE model! Agenda PPT slides 8-15 (plot) and slides 22 and 28 (accountability) “The Most Dangerous Game” Clock buddies 12pm- Directions on slides 6-7; student with get with their clock buddy for the designated time and describe a place they have been to see if their buddy can guess the answer. TWEET- You guys are not tweeting enough and miss point opportunities!

6 English II- Tuesday September 20th
Do you believe nature vs. nurture (the strongest survive and the weakest do not)? Explain. APE model- (5) Agenda Vocabulary- define the words and create a poster with one synonym, an animal, person, food, idea, movie, or song, (choose two), and your own visual representation of the word. Increment, recoil, paramount, annihilate, irrevocable, immutable, ponderous, apprehension, ineffably, suspense, and inured. Be prepared to share! Mood words review Begin reading “The Cold Equation” by Tom Godwin- The Cold Equation focus on mood, but don’t forget to mark the text using the format from yesterday! Think-Pair-Share- What words from the text created the tone and mood for you today?

7 English III- Tuesday September 20th
Respond to one of the following: 1. does Facebook make you depressed? Does social media make us less social offline? 2. What is freedom? How can one lose their freedom? How can they gain freedom? 3. how have smartphones reduced boredom and is it a good thing? Explain- (10) APE model Agenda Current Events Review conflict evidence from yesterday. Class vocabulary practice-on separate slide Continue close reading of Fahrenheit 451- Focus on conflict. Prediction chart: Students will create a two sided chart. One side must quote the text (the prediction) and the other side you should write how that prediction has come true. Students must have 5-10 predictions. Be sure to note the page number.

8 Juniors Vocabulary Practice
If a person is stolid, are they going to cry after loosing a game? When you earnestly ask for an explanation, should the person make a joke? If a light is refracted, does it go dark? If a person walks past you imperceptibly, were they likely wearing a bright color? If Fahrenheit 451 is multifaceted, is it complex?

9 English I- Thursday September 22nd
: What constitutes a valuable life? Why? Where do you get your beliefs about this from? (If you don’t believe that all lives are valuable, give examples of types of lives that are not valuable and explain why they’re not. If you believe that all lives are valuable, explain why even serial murderers’ lives and terrorists’ lives are valuable). (5) APE model-15 minutes Agenda Current events-10 minutes ”the most dangerous game”- 25 minutes Slide 20 (literary elements)—word wall for vocabulary in which student will create personal representations for their words. – 20 minutes Clock buddies 12pm- Directions on slides 6-7; student with get with their clock buddy for the designated time and describe a place they have been to see if their buddy can guess the answer. – 10 minutes Tweet- 5 minutes

10 English II- Thursday September 22nd
What are your feelings about afterlife and being afraid of or facing it? (5) Objective-I can determine how words and phrases affect the meaning and tone of a text. I can cite textual evidence to support what the text says and what conclusions are being made. I can determine the main idea of a text and see how it is being developed. Vocabulary- define the words and create a poster with one synonym, an animal, person, food, idea, movie, or song, (choose two), and your own visual representation of the word. Increment, recoil, paramount, annihilate, irrevocable, immutable, ponderous, apprehension, ineffably, suspense, and inured. Be prepared to share! Mood words review Begin reading “The could equation”– annotate as you read

11 English III- Thursday September 22nd
“Ridding the world of all controversial books and ideas makes all men equal — each man is the image of other men” -Fahrenheit 451. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer with explanation and support. (10) Objective: I can cite text evidence for support. I can determine the central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text. I can analyze complex characters and how the develop the plot. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as well as analyze word choice including figurative language. Current Events Create a poster that represents each vocabulary word. You must have a visual/symbol, a song, movie, TV show, or celebrity connection, and one personal connection with the word. Review imagery. F451- focus on imagery. Tweet

12 English I- Friday September 23rd
Free Write! (5) Objective: I can identify plot, setting, and conflict. I can cite evidence from the text for support. Quiz-open notes Read “The Most dangerous game” Clock buddies 12pm- Directions on slides 6-7; student with get with their clock buddy for the designated time and describe a place they have been to see if their buddy can guess the answer. YOU NEED TO BE tweeting every day to get points! Those of you who don’t like to present, this is your main opportunity for points.

13 English II- Friday September 22nd
Free Write- at least five sentences! Objective-I can determine how words and phrases affect the meaning and tone of a text. I can cite textual evidence to support what the text says and what conclusions are being made. I can determine the main idea of a text and see how it is being developed. Present Vocabulary posters Review mood words- handout Begin reading “The Cold Equation” by Tom Godwin- The Cold Equation- focus on mood. Read library book and work on annotations- due 10/31 Tweet!!!!

14 English III- Friday September 23rd
Free Write! (7) Objective: I can cite text evidence for support. I can determine the central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text. I can analyze complex characters and how the develop the plot. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as well as analyze word choice including figurative language. Continue reading Fahrenheit 451and annotating Prediction chart: Students will create a two sided chart. One side must quote the text (the prediction) and the other side you should write how that prediction has come true. Students must have 5-10 predictions. Be sure to note the page number and a quote. Read library books and work on annotations – due 10/31 tweet

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