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Sins of Society (5) Sexual Sins Adultery.

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1 Sins of Society (5) Sexual Sins Adultery

2 Sexual Sins In our last lesson in this study, we examined the sin of fornication (sexual immorality).

3 Fornication πορνεία (porneia), “illicit sexual intercourse” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary) Describes any unlawful sexual relations (“sexual immorality”) Includes homosexuality, bestiality, pre-married or unmarried relations, prostitution, incest, etc. AND extra-marital sexual relations - adultery)

4 1 Corinthians 7:2 Hebrews 13:4
Fornication It is always a sin! 1 Corinthians 7:2 Hebrews 13:4

5 Adultery is a type of fornication!
Sometimes distinguished from fornication – Matthew 19:9 1 Corinthians 7:2 Hebrews 13:4 1 Corinthians 6:9 Galatians 5:19

6 Marriage is intended to be for life Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6
Adultery Adultery receives special attention because of the sacredness of the marriage covenant Marriage is intended to be for life Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6

7 Adultery Malachi 2:13-16, Divorce is treachery as one abandons the covenant wife of his youth. The LORD HATES divorce This covenant is so sacred, it is the ONLY reason that God permits the innocent party to divorce and marry another Matthew 19:8-9, 5:32

8 Adultery One of the 10 commandments – Exodus 20:14
Under the Old Law, adultery was punishable by death – Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22 Proverbs 6:32, “Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own souls.”

9 Adultery Adultery and fornication were used of God to describe Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him, and cause to put them away Jeremiah 3:8 Hosea

10 UNLESS God severs the marriage, it is binding for life!
Adultery For one to divorce and marry again for another cause makes one an adulterer – Matthew 5:32, 19:8-9 Mark 10:11-12 UNLESS God severs the marriage, it is binding for life! We CANNOT make our own rules!

11 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: The act of (getting a) divorce is adultery Some say that since getting divorced is breaking the covenant, that is the act of adultery Why? Because one can “repent” of “divorcing and remarrying” and then be free to marry again Consider Leviticus 20:10 (LXX) John 8:3-5

12 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: Mental divorce Some say that there is a distinction in time between legal and biblical divorce Why? One can legally divorce and then “wait” for their partner to “commit adultery” and then put them away

13 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: Mental divorce Consider Matthew 19:8-9, divorce was FOR fornication One who abandons his/her spouse is in no way innocent! Cf. 1 Corinthians 7:2-5, , etc.

14 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: Only believers Some advocate that these restrictions only apply after one becomes a Christian. Obeying the gospel removes all sin, including the consequences of former divorces Why? Seeking the lost removes concerns about former divorces and marrying again (emotional concern)

15 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: Only believers Jesus appealed to the beginning in Matt. 19: This was God’s intent, even BEFORE the Law of Moses. “Whoever” in Matt. 19:8 is not exclusive to believers! This also fails to properly define repentance – Corinthians 7:9-11

16 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Argument: But God wants me to be happy! Answer: God wants you to be right! Matthew 7: He wants you to repent – Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, 3:19 Matthew 19:11-12, eunuch’s for the kingdom of heaven’s sake True joy comes in obeying Him

17 Twisting Scripture on Adultery
Such arguments cheapen the sacredness of marriage as a lifelong covenant and undermine the morality of society They dismiss the plain teaching of scripture appealing to emotions or truth

18 This is an unpleasant subject and difficult for some to accept.
Concluding thoughts This is an unpleasant subject and difficult for some to accept. It can have devastating consequences when unlawful relationships are discovered But that doesn’t change the truth of God’s word.

19 Concluding thoughts IS your faith genuine? Will you really put to death the old man of sin and put on the new man? (Ephesians 4:22- 24)

20 Adultery affects OTHERS in so many ways
Concluding thoughts Adultery affects OTHERS in so many ways It does violence to trust in marriage It destroys families It deteriorates the moral fiber of society (especially when it is tolerated and encouraged) It damages our influence

21 Concluding thoughts “We do not help our worldly contemporaries by contriving theories which leave them in their sins. Yet that is precisely what some of our brethren have done. May God grant us the courage to speak the truth in love; but yes, it must be the truth.” (Wayne Jackson, What is Adultery?)

22 Concluding thoughts “There are questions I cannot answer, but there are also answers I cannot question.” JR Bronger Let us choose to be lights in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation! Philippians 2:15

23 How brightly is your light shining?


25 Where fornication and adultery begin!
Lust in the heart Where fornication and adultery begin! Galatians 5:19, Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:3 – Uncleanness, lewdness, passion. Defined as moral impurity, unrestrained lustful conduct, “filthiness”, etc.

26 Lust in the heart Pornography, is a scourge on society. It provokes lustful thoughts and often portrays unrealistic expectations of what sexual relations is about. Matthew 5: Peter 2:14, “eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin…”

27 Christians are to live lives of purity! We are to be holy!
Lust in the heart Christians are to live lives of purity! We are to be holy! Matthew 5:8, the pure in heart shall see God. 1 Peter 1:15-16, “be holy as God is holy! Job 31:1, make a covenant with your eyes!

28 How brightly is your light shining?

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