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Presentation on theme: "VoiceThread."— Presentation transcript:

1 VoiceThread

2 Interactive media albums Allows viewers to comment on any slide by:
Typing Recording audio or video comment Drawing on the image itself

3 The Two B’s Banishing Timidity, Boosting Participation
More students participate more actively Get students engaged in free writing Collaborative conversation

4 Easy to Use Keep the private or publish them On Voicethread site
Embedded on your own site

5 Technology Accessible to comment on just about any technology:
Microphone Telephone Webcam Text – type comments

6 Learning How to Use Voicethread
Tutorials Help newbies get started Explain more advanced features New teachers Experiment Free educator accounts Educator sites

7 Making a Voicethread Create a Voicethread account online at Decide on topic and audience Photographs or other media must be chosen to lead the discussion Images Powerpoint slides video

8 Click on the create tab & title your video
Upload pictures into your new Voicethread Click share to set privacy settings Public or private Moderating comments Add comments on any slide, click record or type for written comments

9 Once your Voicethread is finished, watch and participate as others begin commenting.

10 Tips For Teachers Start Small Model Appropriate Comments
Internet Safety Your Account Monitor All Comments

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