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Bienvenidos a las clases de la señora Reiss (Español 2 y Español 3)

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenidos a las clases de la señora Reiss (Español 2 y Español 3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenidos a las clases de la señora Reiss (Español 2 y Español 3)
Joan Miró Spanish artist 1893 Barcelona-1983 Palma de Mallorca Ladders Cross the Blue Sky in a Wheel of Fire

2 Un poquito sobre la señora Reiss
Born in: Lima, Peru Studied in : Lima, Peru and Madrid, Spain Lived in Spain: 8 years Lived in the US: Since 1984

3 Where would you find all the information you need related to our syllabus, contracts with students, general rubrics, grading policies, etc.? In my school website :

4 How do I communicate with my students?
I use Google Classroom, a free web-based platform that integrates Google Apps for Education account with all your Google Apps services, including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Classroom saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized.

5 What skills do we practice?
Listening Speaking Reading Writing

6 Which topics do we cover in Spanish 2 and Spanish 3?
Personal Information House and Home Education Earning a Living Family Life Community/ Neighborhood Leisure Public and Private Services Physical Environment Meal Taking/Food/Drink Shopping Travel Health and Welfare Current Events

7 What are some examples of what do in the classroom to have fun while we learn?
We play and/or watch: Kahoot Disney en español PBS Kids

8 How do we keep current events current
How do we keep current events current? We read, listen to news from sources such as: Radio Television Española Canal Sur_Sabor y Fusión Telefe (Argentina)

9 We write and publish multimedia presentations using
E-Maze Prezi Google Slides

10 How do we perform orally? We speak and present to our teacher using…
Voice Thread Google Voice We speak and present to our classmates by means of oral presentations to the class. We speak and talk in pairs and/or in groups by means of guided conversations and/or improvised conversations.

11 Spanish_Level 2 Grading Policy
Quarter grades will be determined according to the following guidelines: 40% Quizzes (Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.) 25% Performance based assessments (Tests, Projects, Compositions… ) (Tests will always announced. Testing day is Tuesday.) 20% Participation (see Departmental Rubric) 15% Homework*

12 Homework will be assigned almost on a daily basis
*Homework will be assigned almost on a daily basis. Only complete assignments will receive credit. Students will begin each quarter with a homework grade of 100%. Five (5) points will be deducted from this grade for each incomplete or missing homework(s). I understand that there are situations beyond your control; therefore you may miss ONE homework assignment per quarter without penalty as long as you bring a note from home within 48 hours of the missed assignment. *Students will be expected to use Google Classroom to receive and access their homework assignments. All students will be provided with detailed instructions on how to sign-up to this educational on-line resource.

13 Spanish_Level 3 Grading Policy
Quarter grades will be determined according to the following guidelines: 35% Quizzes (Quizzes may be given on any day and may or may not be announced.) 30% Performance Based Assessments (This may include compositions as well) 15% Participation (see departmental rubric) 20% *Homework

14 Homework will be assigned almost on a daily basis
*Homework will be assigned almost on a daily basis. Only complete assignments will receive credit. Students will begin each quarter with a homework grade of 100%. Five (5) points will be deducted from this grade for each incomplete or missing homework(s). I understand that there are situations beyond your control; therefore you may miss ONE homework assignment per quarter without penalty as long as you bring a note from home within 48 hours of the missed assignment. *Students will be expected to use Google Classroom to receive and access their homework assignments. All students will be provided with detailed instructions on how to sign-up to this educational on-line resource.

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