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Presentation on theme: "ELIMINATING UNIT PRODUCTIONS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition. A unit production is a production that we wish to eliminate whose right-hand side consists of a single symbol We’ll abbreviate it as a “unit prod”

3 Example B_EXPR → B_EXPR OR B_FACT I B_FACT B_FACT → B_FACT AND B_SEC | B_SEC B_SEC → NOT B_PRIM I B_PRIM B_PRIM → ARITH_EXPR = ARITH_EXPR In the above grammar the three productions whose lhs’s are shown in red are unit prods

4 Unit productions such as those on the previous slide play no role in code generation.
Eliminating them both reduces the size of the parser obtained and increases its speed

5 A tree of unit productions is a graphical representation of those that occur. For instance, if the unit prods. in a grammar are A → B B → C C → D E → B F → D F → G then the tree involved would be: A E B C F D G

6 In the (upside down) tree on the previous slide, the leaves are F and G. These are the symbols that occur as rhs’s of unit prods but do not occur as the lfs’s of any unit prod.

7 Algorithm for Eliminating Unit Productions from a Parsing Machine
1. For each state S of the machine in turn (including the the new states added to the machine in step 2), do step 2 for each leaf x, if any, such that the x-successor of S has a unit reduction. When all these iterations of step 2 are complete, go on to steps 3, 4, 5. 2. Let x1,..,xn be the symbols (which will include x) for which actions are defined at S such that we can derive x from xi entirely via unit productions, and for 1<= i <= n, let the xi - successor of S be Ti. If any state R is, or at a previous stage of the algorithm has been, a combination of states T1,...,Tn, make R the new x-successor of S; otherwise setup a new state T as the x-successor of S, where T is a combination of states T1,...,Tn. 3. Delete all connections to states that represent transitions with respect to left-hand sides of unit productions. 4. Delete all state which at this stage are not reachable from State 0. 5. Replace every reduce action y → ..., where y is the left-hand side of a unit production by x → ..., where x is an arbitrarily selected leaf such that x is derivable from y entirely via unit productions.

8 Example Consider the grammar E -> E + T | T T -> T * a | a
The unit productions here are: E T a and the sole leaf is a


10 Consider the grammar E → E + T | T T → T * a | a The unit productions here are E → T and T → a. a is a leaf, as it occurs as the rhs of T → a but does not occur as the lhs of a unit prod

11 The parsing machine for this grammar was given in set 2, and is reproduced on the next slide


13 There are unit productions at states 3 and 4.
These states are successors of states 0 and 2 Step 1 of the algorithm, accordingly, asks us to perform step 2 as applied to

14 Applying step 2 to state 0, we note that this state has an a, T, and E successor.
These are all symbols from which one can derive “a” entirely through unit productions. For instance we can derive a from T via T → a and we can derive a from E via E → T, T → a

15 So we combine the E, T and a successors of state 0 (states 4, 3 and 1), to form the new a-successor of state 0. This new state has all the actions (other than unit prods.) defined at it that states 4, 3, and 1 have. For simplicity of exposition, we do not show state 3, the t-successor of state 0, which would still be present at this stage, and only deleted in step 4.

16 a + ACCEPT if -| a 1,3,4

17 Applying step 2 to state 2, we make the new a-successor of state 2 one which combines the actions (other than unit prods) of states 4 and 6. At this stage state 6 is still present, and only gets deleted in step 4. But for simplicity we have omitted it from the diagram.

18 a + a ACCEPT if -| a 1,3,4 4,6

19 Applying step 3, then produces

20 a + a ACCEPT if -| a 1,3,4 4,6

21 States 1 and 4 (as well as states 3 and 6 which were omitted from the previous diagrams) are at this stage not reachable from state 0. So, in applying step 4, they are deleted. The result then is:

22 a + a ACCEPT if -| a 1,3,4 4,6

23 Finally, in step 5, we change the productions which at present have E or T as their rhs’s, by replacing this rhs by a. So the reduction T → T * a becomes a → T * a and E → E + T becomes a → E + T This produces:

24 a + a ACCEPT if -| a 1,3,4 4,6 a → a →

25 In using this parsing machine, whatever code was associated with the reduction
T → T * a now becomes associated with a → T * a, and whatever code was associated with E → E + T a → E + t

26 Class Exercise Employing the stacks Symbol List and State No. List, provide a parse of a + a * a using the parsing machine on the previous slide



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