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Welcome to Year 2 Elm Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Elm Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Elm Class

2 Year 2 Team Mr Gary Bryan Mrs Pettigrew

3 Aims Timetable Uniform Equipment Home Learning How you can help
Assessment Parents as Partners Key Events Rewards Questions

4 Daily Routine and Timetable
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY REGISTRATION Guided Reading ASSEMBLY Maths Maths/Literacy 10.20 Handwriting 10.35 MORNING BREAK 10.55 – 11.05 Phonics 11.05 – 12.00 Literacy P.E. 12.00 – 1.05 LUNCH BREAK Topic (Hist/Geo/Art/D&T) Music ICT Reading Buddies / Handwriting / French / Golden Time PSHE RE Science

5 Uniform Indoor shoes need to be black plimsolls or black shoes
Suitable outdoor shoes (no open toe sandals) Hair tied back A pair of small gold studs (if children have their ears pierced) No nail varnish Hair bands plain, not fashion accessories Shirts tucked in

6 Equipment P.E. kit – black shorts and white t-shirt labelled, trainers
Painting apron/art shirt Suitable coat - no hooded jumpers Children in KS1 do not need to bring a pencil case to school

7 Home Learning Learning Log – sent home on a Thursday and due in the following Tuesday Reading – daily and recorded in Reading Record Spellings – sent home on Monday and tested on Friday Times tables – sent home on Monday and tested on Friday (beginning in the Spring Term)

8 How can you help your child at home in KS1
Appendix A: Homework Tasks for each year group How can you help your child at home in KS1 Year Reading Learning Log Spellings Times tables Other 2 minutes daily Recorded in Reading Record with a comment written by a parent/carer. 30 minutes Given at the beginning of each term, children complete one task per week. minutes daily (if you can) Children practise using ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ (an example will be stuck into the front of their spelling books). minutes daily (if you can) Practise in the car/on the way to school/any opportunity. I can provide paper Numicon if needed. Handwriting Number bonds Time

9 Assessment Formal Y2 SATs May 2017 Ongoing Big Writing
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Writing Reading Maths Ongoing Big Writing Teacher Assessment Templewood Targets

10 Parents as Partners Communication is key Termly letter
Open door policy Monday parent surgery If you cannot attend a parent surgery, then we can arrange a meeting after school on another day

11 Key Events KS1 Christmas Carol Concert
Box Moor Trust – Science (habitats) Zoo trip – Literacy (zoo topic) History off the Page ‘Great Fire of London’ day – History and Literacy Great Fire of London re-enactment – D&T and Science (uses of materials)

12 Rewards House points Star of the Week – takes Boris and a camera home to write in his diary about their adventures together Gold Assembly Sharing Assembly Golden Time

13 Questions?

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