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Interactive Teacher Training

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Teacher Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Teacher Training
Presenter’s Guide (Slides 1-8) Professional Development Session Presentation (Slides 9-52)

2 How to Use This Guide Use this presentation to introduce Seesaw in a hands-on ~45 minute professional development (PD) session. This presentation is intended for audiences new to Seesaw and not yet participating in Seesaw for Schools. Before we go any further, Make your own copy of these slides. To make a Google Slides copy, click File > Make a copy To download (to view in Powerpoint, etc), click File > Download as For your session, you’ll create a new Seesaw class so that teachers can get hands-on experience with Seesaw prior to leaving your session. They will be joining your class as a student. As they enter the training session, you will hand them one of these cards, which will assign them a teacher number for adding content to the Seesaw class. Here’s the document you can use which lists teacher numbers for creating your class. The next slide shows you how to create your PD class.

3 Creating your Seesaw PD Class
Here’s a quick tutorial video showing you how to create the class.

4 1 Month Before Your Session….
Share this network requirements document with your IT Dept to unblock Seesaw on your network, if presenting at your school. For public events, begin promoting your session on social media. For school events, your teachers to invite them your session Use this to invite them: Subj: New Tool to Capture Learning - Seesaw - Mark Your Calendars! Come and learn more about Seesaw, a student driven digital portfolio tool. Seesaw lets students record their learning, keeps work is organized in one place, and sends parents automatic updates on what their kids are doing at school. More information about Seesaw will be shared at a meeting [PD Date and Time]. Please add this meeting to your calendar. Please also install the Seesaw app on your teacher device or bookmark the Seesaw website, and bring a device or computer to the session. Thank you for your commitment to our community of lifelong learners!

5 Preparing for Your Session
Create your Seesaw PD Class. Watch the video. Print 4 copies of your “Seesaw PD Session” class QR code sign in poster Print the Cards for Interactive Training on cardstock and cut out. Go to slide 10 in this presentation. Add your photo and quick intro Go to slide 46 in this presentation. Add your Promo Code to give your teacher friends an extra month of Seesaw Plus! Gather hands-on materials that teachers will use to create Seesaw entries. Ex: Books or writing samples, math problems or manipulatives, paper and pencils, items from any lesson that teachers can use to document a skill.

6 Timing for Your Session
This presentation was created for about a 45 minute session. Here it is sketched out, but please modify for your allotted time. If you have less time, make sure to share your full presentation so attendees can revisit. 2 minutes - Introductions and What is Seesaw? 3 minutes - Why should I use it? 7 minutes - Experience Seesaw as a student Hands-on project 1: Sign-in and add first item 8 minutes - Classroom ideas and examples 8 minutes - Create with tools Hands-on project 2 & 3: Drawing and video 8 minutes - Class Setup & Time Saving Tips 4 minutes - Digital Citizenship and my next steps 5 minutes - Questions, Help and Resources

7 Materials for Your Session
The presenter will need: A device with Seesaw downloaded or bookmarked Tape to hang up sign-in posters Seesaw PD Session Class QR sign-in posters Cards for Interactive Training printed and cut out A digital copy of this presentation to share with attendees and project on screen. Open a tab to your Seesaw PD class in a browser to jump in “live” Hands-on materials that teachers will use to create Seesaw entries. Ex: Books or writing samples, math problems or manipulatives, paper and pencils, items from any lesson that teachers can use to document a skill. The attendees will need: A device/computer with Seesaw app installed.

8 Tips for a Successful Session
Arrive early to set-up presentation, test audio, lay out materials and swag Sign-in to your Seesaw PD Session class in a browser so you can check in “live” as items are added Get excited! Participants will feed off your energy Share your personal classroom experiences with Seesaw Keep the session hands-on Show real classroom examples Allow time for questions Share your presentation with participants so they can refer back to it. Share ways for participants to contact you after the session Have fun!

9 Interactive Learning Session
Please download Seesaw: The Learning Journal or go to PD Presentation begins here.

10 You can find me at @Corral3Evelyn
Hello! Change the smiley face to your photo prior to your presentation. Introduce yourself by editing the text on this slide. I am Evelyn Corral I am here because I love to teach instructional technology to teachers. You can find me

11 Today’s Agenda and Goals
What is Seesaw? Why should I use it? Experience Seesaw as a Student Classroom Ideas and Examples Class Setup & Time Saving Tips Digital Citizenship Questions, Help and Resources

12 What is Seesaw? Watch the video to see how students describe Seesaw! A digital portfolio that collects students’ digital and physical work in one place. Everything is organized, making assessment and conferences easier! A space that each student can own. Built-in tools make it easy for students to capture their learning, reflect, and develop new skills. A parent communication tool that seamlessly shares what’s going on in your classroom and builds a strong school-home community.

13 60 teachers sharing one word that describes Seesaw!

14 Why Teachers Seesaw Develops students’ writing skills, reflection skills and critical thinking skills Empowers students to document their learning as it happens Develops 21st Century skills in safe, moderated environment

15 Why Teachers Seesaw Organizes and share digital creations and classroom activities Creates a strong community around learning by involving families Saves time on assessments, conferences, and newsletters

16 Experience as a Student Grab a device & get ready to create

17 Before we begin, let’s look at the first tool
rotate record voice draw on it add caption

18 Watch me model the steps, then go for it!
Project 1 Sign-in and Add a Photo Watch me model the steps, then go for it!

19 Various views depending on device iPad/Android/Kindle Chromebook/Web

20 Scan QR code, or put in class code
Chromebook/ Web Scan QR code, or put in class code iPad/Android/Kindle built-in QR reader pops up

21 Two options for signing-in Stand up and scan QR poster iPad/Android/Kindle Chromebook/Web Scan QR poster or Type class code Stand up and scan QR poster

22 Tap photo and take a selfie, or show us a picture of your view

23 Tap text tool

24 Type your name, grade level, and any additional info you want to share
Tap if you are “done with that part”

25 Preview your work & option to annotate in another way
Tap if you are “done with that part”

26 Find your student number & tap next to it.
Touch the to add it to your Seesaw journal.

27 Your item is added after teacher approval

28 Try it out! First entry T Take a selfie or photo of your view
Type your name and info you want to share Add it to the journal that matches your teacher number T

29 Let’s check in with our class
Here’s what it looks like right now from the teacher perspective as items are waiting for approval

30 Classroom Examples

31 Explain a math concept Science reflections writer’s workshop assessment checks

32 Defining parallel lines
Collaborative group predictions Reflect, document, & plan during... Project based learning Makerspace Genius Hour High school - info pics Padlet link saved

33 Historical characters project
Journal writing with peer feedback ELA: synonyms

34 Project 2 Use the Drawing Tool

35 Draw 3 ways you could use Seesaw Explain a math concept or problem
Try adding a photo, draw on it, and add your voice Get hands-on with the materials

36 Project 3 Use the Video Tool

37 Record a partner reading a book aloud, then swap.
Use the built-in annotation tools to add layers of content to your work. Type a text caption explaining the key message of the book.

38 Awesome job! Now you’ve seen first hand how students will add items to their Seesaw Journals!

39 Class Setup and Class Settings Help
If you need help setting up your Seesaw class or changing class settings, use these resources. Follow the Class Setup Checklist If you do not want teachers to change any class settings, remove this slide. Watch how to set up a Class Code Class video Watch how to set up an Class video

40 Time Saving Tip Send Newsletters with Seesaw
Idea 1: Use the Note tool to write up notes for the upcoming week. Just a 1, 2, 3 list is fine! Tag with “Everyone” to send home to all parents. Idea 2: Create a word cloud with topics from the week using or Word Clouds app. Upload using the Camera Roll/Upload File tool. Record a voice recording explaining what students did this week.

41 Time Saving Tip Use Folders to Organize Work
Watch the video to learn how to create and use folders!

42 Save digital creations from many apps into Seesaw.
Time Saving Tip Save digital creations from many apps into Seesaw. Photos, videos, links, PDFs—all go into Seesaw! See a list compatible apps here

43 Make your plan What are your next three steps with Seesaw?
Copy and edit the note I pushed to the feed and save to your journal

44 Seesaw Teacher Roll Out Calendar
Get the Plan!

45 Additional Resources for Seesaw Success
Use the Seesaw Student Challenge to introduce Seesaw to students. We have grade-leveled plans for K-12. Join us for PD in Your PJs tutorial webinar live or watch a recording! Watch the Seesaw tutorial videos to learn more about Seesaw features!

46 Tip: Digital Citizenship Resources
Print the Posters! Use these guidelines to encourage great posts and comments!

47 Scan to Get FREE Seesaw Plus!
Sign up for a Teacher Account then scan my code! You will get an extra month of Seesaw Plus (Seesaw’s premium service for teachers) added to your account. You can start your Plus trial anytime!

48 Connect with other teachers using Seesaw
on Twitter Check out the “Seesaw Teachers” group on Facebook Go to for resources Contact me as well! Thank You!

49 More Student Examples to Browse Later

50 Student Samples from Kindergarten - 2nd
ELA: Words that rhyme ELA: Flip instruction ELA: Retelling a story ELA: Letter recognition Math: Odd and even numbers Math: 3D shape hunt Math: Making numbers Science: Melting ice Science: Newton’s laws of motion Assessment: Sight words Assessment: Oral counting

51 Student Samples from 3rd - 5th Grade
ELA: Reading summary ELA: Spelling rules ELA: Synonyms Math: Equivalent fractions Math: Finding area of a polygon Science: Weather predictions Science: Groundhog predictions

52 Student Samples from Middle & High School
English: InfoPics English: Book Mosaics Emoji Vocab (right) Writing Portfolio (right) Speech: Visual Aids for Speeches/Presentations History: Character/Historical Figure ChatterVids

53 Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

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