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43A Checkley Road R. D. 1 Raglan 3295 8255728 Jeanne Gilbert 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "43A Checkley Road R. D. 1 Raglan 3295 8255728 Jeanne Gilbert 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 43A Checkley Road R. D. 1 Raglan 3295 Jeanne Gilbert 2017

2 Jeanne Gilbert Jeanne Gilbert Consultancy In-service Teacher Educator The University of Waikato, Faculty of Education, Te Hononga Teaching Fellow: Pre-service Teacher Educator for Senior Secondary Languages and Masters of Teaching and Learning Ph x 8600 Jeanne Gilbert 2017

3 Whakatau Mihi... Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou kua tae mai i runga i te karanga mō te reo Māori me ōna tikanga i te rā nei. He honore kia haere mai ahau ki tēnei hui. Mā te mahitahi ka hua tātou. Nā reira, nau mai, piki mai, kake mai. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa. Nadine – mihi/pepeha and Jeanne pepeha – no new teachers, so don’t need to do this. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

4 Whakatauki / Karakia Allow one’s spirit to exercise its potential To guide us in our work as well as in our pursuit of our ancestral traditions Take hold and preserve it Ensure it is never lost Hold fast. Secure it. Draw together! Affirm! Jeanne Gilbert 2017

5 Whakatauki / Karakia Tukua taku wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata kia ārahi i aku mahi me taku whai i te reo Māori kia mau kia ita kia puritia kia kore ai e ngaro taku reo rangatira tūturu whakamaua kia tina…tina haumi e hui e tāiki e! Jeanne Gilbert 2017

6 Mā te wheturangi o Matariki, e tiaki mai,
 e manaaki mai i a koe, i a koutou rānei,  mō te tau e heke mai nei. May the gentle light of Matariki guide and inspire you all this year. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

7 Handed down through the
E hara i te mea No naianei te aroha No ngā tupuna Tuku iho tuku iho Love is not a new thing. It comes from the ancestors Handed down through the passages of time. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

8 Matariki Macarena Waitī Waitā Waipuna-ā-rangi Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi Uru-ā-rangi te pōtiki Ko te kāhui Matariki Jeanne Gilbert 2017

9 What have you achieved since the last workshop
What have you achieved since the last workshop? Page 1 of evaluation form... and sharing... We know everyone, but they won’t all know one another – so mihi, don’t need pepeha Jeanne Gilbert 2017

10 Day 1 - Creating a Quality Te Reo Māori Programme in an English Medium School. Big picture thinking around vision, strategic planning and the creation of resource banks. Big picture introduction to literacy links and decoding. Day 2 - team planning and making a start with classroom practice Day 3 – focus on PRACTICE in the classroom Jeanne Recap day 1 – will be offered again in term 2 and 3 – see LLWW registration page Jeanne Gilbert 2017

11 Day 3 - Expectations. We will workshop/discuss/revisit/practise:
What is PRACTICE? Methodologies to use formulaic language, to help with learning / self correction, to teach vocab and interaction Review and practise IRDPX and Oral Choral Learning activities: incorporating different modes in different contexts No fuss – no gear Gear - eLearning with digital technology tools with examples – ppts on wiki Integrating te Reo and Tikanga Māori through task based language learning (TBLL) Using the iPpiT template and lesson planning templates and modifying these to suit your own purposes Ideas for tracking students’ learning The dynamic use of school server/google docs Your own goals and next steps? Some of the activities to unpack the expectations are woven in to one another e.g. mode(s ) will be present in the learning activities. AFL and A of L 0 e.g. the nature of the docs themselves plus aspects e.g. Lis, SCs, wait time etc etc Jeanne Gilbert 2017

12 Day 3 – Expectations: Sharon Holt – will run a session on her singalong resources before lunch
Jeanne Gilbert 2017

13 What do you hope to get out of today? Individual learning priorities…
Rank and monitor. Transfer new goals to goal sheets throughout the day and share at the end of the day... Jeanne - Teachers use postits to write own questions – share at table –rank them according to own needs - monitor during day and feedback at end of day Jeanne Gilbert 2017

14 in iPpiT The BIG A3s for brainstorming – pens etc
What is iPpiT? what is the Big P - Practice? Practise? What needs to be incoporated? Everything but not all at once! Modes, learning styles, 5 senses, Gardiner’s multiple intelligences, Ellis, gear, no-gear Jeanne Gilbert 2017

15 What is ‘practice’ / ‘practising’?
Your practice – your PCK Practising - Learning activities (fun and games) with one or more of the following to enable the learning intentions: Modes Learning styles 5 senses Gardiner’s multiple intelligences Ellis’ principles / interculturality principles Gear, no-gear Kinaesthetic interactive games – see DVD Songs, chants, raps, competitions, card games Online / cloud / computer activities Get DVD and list of games/learning activities Teachers to take a copy of the DVD and send back Jeanne Gilbert 2017

16 Practise getting your tongue around those vowels!
Māori Alphabet Learning Languages Waikato Te Reo Maori Mat’s wisdom Examples of practice around alphabet and decoding NB – the two links go to exactly the same place! Two youtube videos on Learning Languages Waikato wiki – Matt’s pronunciation guide – Nadine’s learning activities. Take a ha ka ma na charts Nadine – Look at a ha ka ma chart - Use to sing, say and point, I often get kids to colour code the different whānau Brainstorm Māori words and look at vowels, open syllabic language, chunking up, vowels next to consonants Vowel compounds Do some vowel activities / games – race and circle, Māori whispers, piano finger vowels, bingo In groups Kaiako could rearrange place names that have been cut into chunks (moving from just vowels into chunks) Jeanne Gilbert 2017

17 A ha ka ma song – notice syllables and vowel endings
Learning activities: A ha ka ma song – notice syllables and vowel endings Fly swat / white board marker game Fill in the grid Hands down first Making words – teacher directed / student initiated Vowels with a pōtae/tōhu – piano playing Vowel compounds – make up stories / illustrate images e.g. Taupo (toe + paw), whānau (far + no) Māori whispers Kupu mikirapu / mixed up words Noughts and crosses Always have a decoding activity with new vocab / Q+A Jeanne Gilbert 2017

18 Let’s remind one another... What is a methodology?
Why have methodologies for second language acquisition? What methodologies can you remember from last time? What’s the difference between a methodology and a theory? Jeanne Gilbert 2017

19 Ellis’ principles 1 + (6,7) – formulaic language, input, output
Sandwich methodology: Target Language presentation (input) English (first language) and/or mime and/or visual for comprehensibility reinforcement Jeanne – theory into practice – recap and examples Jeanne Gilbert 2017

20 Echoing This is a methodology where you repeat / echo but correctly what a student may be struggling with i.e. you don’t correct per se, but echo the correct version. Theory into practice Jeanne Gilbert 2017

21 “ Now you see it, now you don’t” This is a methodology where sometimes you show the written form, but sometimes you take it away i.e. you scaffold students away from reading (out loud) into remembering / speaking. You can repeat this as often as you want to or you need to… Theory into practice - more useful for oral choral Jeanne Gilbert 2017

22 Ellis’ principle 6 – input An input methodology: IRDPX
recognition D discrimination (choice making) P production X extension Theory into practice - Use flash cards for nama Insert explicit reading / decoding at some point – best place is probably before “production”. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

23 Pingponging Looping Jeanne Gilbert 2017

24 tahi toru rua kore ono rima whā whitu iwa tekau waru
Jeanne – get flash cards etc waru iwa tekau Jeanne Gilbert 2017

25 IRDPX Context ‘numbers’ IRDP – Jeanne modelling With reading (the mode) inserted... YOU – in groups - practise the methodology (IRDP), one step each and TEACH us X=P Extension can be a Practice activity – Nadine – ideas for practice (X=P) activities 21 i.e. 5s or multiples of 5 - LS Dot to dot e.g. flower , house, boat LS Shaping (R) Battleships with words – L, S Shaping Pass the parcel LSR Jumbled words LSP Noughts and crosses SR Doughnuts LS Turu (chair game) noughts and crosses with chairs (TPR) Musical chairs / fruit salad Clapping chant L S (TPR) Jeanne: ppt Jeanne Gilbert 2017

26 Karakia mō te kai. Tēnei te whakamoemiti We give thanks
Mō ngā ringawera to the hands i whakaritea i ēnei kai who prepared this food - mai i te rangi - from the sky - mai i te whenua - from the land - mai i te taiao - from the environment Mauri ora! Good health! Example of karakia for kai – non religious Jeanne Gilbert 2017

27 Learning activities for numbers
Fun and games with purpose... Cover sheets... Middle session activity – Nadine – needs scribe... Find your buddy Ping it - tiddily winks- Hands down (karuta / snatch) Race and circle/fly swat Whispers (?) Memory Amalgamate slides Peke (kind of doughnut practice activity) – (energiser) with q + a, circle, on chairs , one in middle Fruit salad Card games e.g. Go fish, e hia? # Nadine - Queenie = this one is good for practising form – phrases (energiser) Jeanne Gilbert 2017

28 + What is...? He aha...? He aha ai? Why do we want this?
First steps in interactive communication. He aha ai? Why do we want this? To facilitate having a conversation... Ellis P 2, TBLL, and 8, Interaction. Brainstorming – Jeanne Gilbert 2017

29 An input methodology: oral choral
Ellis’ principles 6, 7 ,8 – input, output, interaction An input methodology: oral choral Pattern of interaction teaching Q + A: Teacher class Class teacher ½ class ½ class Pair class sharing Pingponging to teacher Looping - personalised context Jeanne Gilbert 2017

30 Oral choral Song Context ‘feelings’ Oral choral – Jeanne modelling Reading inserted... YOU – (in groups) - practise the methodology, one step each and TEACH us X=P Extension can be a Practice activity – words Jeanne: - get cards and LIs and SC on ppt Jeanne Gilbert 2017

31 Sharon Holt – singalong resources
Jeanne Gilbert 2017

32 Karakia mō te kai. Tēnei te whakamoemiti We give thanks
Mō ngā ringawera to the hands i whakaritea i ēnei kai who prepared this food - mai i te rangi - from the sky - mai i te whenua - from the land - mai i te taiao - from the environment Mauri ora! Good health! Example of karakia for kai – non religious Jeanne Gilbert 2017

33 What can learning activities look like
What can learning activities look like? Using digital technology tools e.g. kahoot Capturing learning (videoing?) – measuring learning... Google docs Dee Reid and Nadine pinterest and learning languages board Google folder tki Jeanne Gilbert 2017

34 Fun and games with purpose...
Learning activities Fun and games with purpose... If not finished before lunch Feelings resources e.g. Cards – mix n match, karuta Plus any other activites... Jeanne Gilbert 2017

35 Review and collaborative workshopping Arotakenga me te mahitahi
Jeanne Gilbert 2017

36 Ellis’ principles 6,7, 8 = iPpiT
input (Ellis P 6) P PRACTICE (Ellis p 7) p production (Ellis P 7) Interaction (Ellis P 8) TBLL (Ellis P 2) Task based language learning + backward mapping Jeanne – Jeanne Gilbert 2017

37 What is TBLL? Ellis (2003) defines TBLL as an activity that:
Requires the learners to focus primarily on meaning ie the task is realistic / authentic (as a classroom allows) Has some kind of gap that the learners can close by communicating Requires learners to construct own productive language rather than manipulate language that the teacher provides. (This may be a challenge for teachers beginning a L2) Has a clearly defined outcome, other than producing ‘correct language’. You could/should also incorporate cultural/intercultural principles. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

38 Sense making - Mahi i te mārama
iPpiT blank iPpiT and TBLL - unit plan (team term plan) - Kai at the Kura Weekly lesson plan - Tamahere Weekly lesson plan - Pets’ Gallery iPpiT - Numbers – setting up a sports activity iPpiT – Feelings – Puppet Show Choose, adapt or design your own Unit plan Lesson plan Check title Jeanne Gilbert 2017

39 Learning activity – running dictation
Fun and games with purpose... Music for “I’m yours” Running dictation Jeanne Gilbert 2017

40 Setting up Reflections / Whaiwhakaaro
Reflections around the three workshops. How have they helped you with curriculum mapping for te Reo Māori in your school? Aspects to consider... Jeanne -teacher reflection – just flick on this slide and move on Jeanne Gilbert 2017

41 The cyclic nature of your Quality te Reo Māori programme
classroom team thinking Jeanne - teacher reflection – remind about the need to cycle as in inquiry mode Jeanne Gilbert 2017

42 Jeanne Gilbert 2017 Big picture thinking Team collaboration
Classroom practice Team review Big thinking review Jeanne Gilbert 2017

43 Our Burning Questions? Reri? Working Towards Sustainability?
School docs? School server? Teacher knowledge and capabilities? New learning? Tracking learning? Measuring learning? Review? Sustainability? Whole school? Community? Rome wasn’t built in a day – ongoing review and goal setting – everyone on board Jeanne Gilbert 2017

44 Sharing Your Reflections / Whaiwhakaaro
Reflections around the three workshops. How have they helped you with curriculum mapping for te Reo Māori in your school? teacher reflection Jeanne Gilbert 2017

45 Reflections / Whaiwhakaaro
Burning questions? Sharing your goals... Next steps? Jeanne -teacher reflection Jeanne Gilbert 2017

46 Next Steps for your school. Cluster
Next Steps for your school? Cluster? Workshops 1 , 2 and 3 - offered again in 2018, term 2 * Other? * in-depth, in-school PLD? * twilight courses? * with specific content… e.g. * methodologies * share TBLL created resources * iCLT - intercultural communicative language teaching and learning * CRP – Culturally Responsive Practice linking to Ka Hikitia/Me Kōrero and Tātaiako – facilitator of CoL PLD Possible next steps for subsequent workshops / in-school PLD Jeanne Gilbert 2017

47 2017+ support for te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga in English Medium Schools
MOE funded support for the teaching of Māori in English medium schools – restricted eligibility 3, 4a,4b on Māori language scale. Merimeri Anania Te Kete Ipuranga (TKI) Jeanne Gilbert Consultancy: 2017+ – facilitator of CoL PLD Jeanne -support , requests for support, scoping, in-depth, in-school. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

48 Poroaki Jeanne Gilbert 2017

49 Review / Arotakenga Evaluation of the day’s learning – page 2
Jeanne -teacher evaluation - … Make a note of any further support you might like Do after poroaki, so that those who want to get away can. Set up Waiata Jeanne Gilbert 2017

E te Papatūānuku, Kua mutu tātou i te mahi tahi o te rā. Kia tau tou rangimarie kei mātou. Amene Acknowledging the forces of nature (Mother Earth), We have come to the end of our collaborative work for the day. May peace be with us all. Amen. Jeanne Gilbert 2017

51 He kākano āhau I ruia mai i Rangiātea1  And I can never be lost I am a seed, born of greatness  Descended from a line of chiefs,  He kākano āhau I am a seed Scattered from Rangiātea  And I can never be lost I am a seed, born of greatness  Descended from a line of chiefs,  I am a seed. Symmetry – can view or get on with evaluation Jeanne Gilbert 2017

52 43A Checkley Road R. D. 1 Raglan 3295 Jeanne Gilbert 2017

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