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Air, Water and Land Temperature

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1 Air, Water and Land Temperature
6th Grade FCAT 2.0 Review Air, Water and Land Temperature

2 How do air, water and land heat differently?


4 Explore Draw arrows to show direction of heat travel.

5 Explain: Which substance heated up the fastest? air
Which substance heated up the slowest? air water

6 Explain: "Specific Heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius." What could this difference tell you about the specific heat of sand, water and air? Specific heat of water is greater than the specific heat of sand.

7 Explain: How could these differences affect temperature of a coastal area compare to the temperature of an inland area? Temps in coastal areas are more moderate than inland areas. High specific heat of ocean water in coastal areas will keep the temp. cooler on a hot summer day and warmer on a cold winter day.

8 Elaborate The heating of Earth’s surface controls the temperature of the air above it. There is a large temperature difference between land and water which affects the air _________________ above. Temperature

9 Elaborate These temperature differences are due to how and what heat is ________________ to. transferred

10 Elaborate The sun’s energy is transferred to Earth through ____________, which is the transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves that does not require a ___________ to travel. A medium can be any solid, liquid or gas radiation medium

11 Elaborate This energy is transformed into ___________ energy as it heats the land and water through conduction and convection. thermal

12 Elaborate Conduction ________ is the transfer of thermal energy when particles are close enough to touch each other and ______________ is the transfer of thermal energy in a fluid (liquid or gas) in which warmer fluid rises and cooler fluid sinks. Convection

13 Elaborate Water takes more time to heat up and cool down due to its high specific heat. Land heats and cools more quickly because its specific heat is much lower.

14 Elaborate __________ is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature. Specific heat Empty cup vs cup with water

15 Elaborate ______ have a higher specific heat because they take more energy to heat up and _______ have a lower specific heat because they take less energy to heat up Insulators conductors

16 Elaborate This difference between how water and land transfer thermal energy affects the _______________. weather

17 Elaborate Air above land heats and cools more quickly than air above water. As air heats up the particles rise and move father apart causing an area of _____________ above the surface of the earth. Cooler air is denser and therefore has a ________. High Pressure Low Pressure Low pressure Higher pressure

18 Elaborate The differences in pressure result in ___________ from areas of higher air pressure to areas of lower air pressure. wind

19 Elaborate Global winds blow steadily across Earth in paths that are thousands of kilometers long. Some of these winds blow in the lower parts of Earth’s atmosphere, while others blow far above it. ___________ often steer weather in certain directions. Global winds

20 Evaluate: Answer the EQ
How do air, water and land heat differently? (Use evidence from reading and be sure to address specific heat of substances) Water heats up slower and cools down slower than land because it has a higher specific heat. Land heats up and cools down slower than air because land has a higher specific heat than air. Because water, air, and land heat up and cool down at different rates, they transfer thermal energy to the atmosphere at different rates.

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