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ABIC 2014 – Red Deer, AB February 19-21

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1 ABIC 2014 – Red Deer, AB February 19-21

2 Located in Saskatoon, SK
Founded in 2003 Located in Saskatoon, SK Focused on linking DNA technologies with animal traits of economic importance Feedlot, Cow/calf, and Purebred applications Largest private cattle genomics lab 20 employees 80,000 data points a week Improve Efficiency, Create Wealth

3 Sister Companies Quantum Biosciences Inc GenServe Laboratories™
GMO seed testing DNA crop disease detection GenServe Laboratories™ Breed association parentage testing Acquired January 2014

4 Services of quantum Performance Traits q•sort q•link
Leptin, PMCH, IGF2, CRH q•sort Advanced cattle sorting system q•link Commercial cow/calf parentage test Genetic Defect Testing AM, NH, MA, OS, CA

5 Technology Performance trait SNPs SNP – Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
Slight difference in DNA Heritable Affect gene expression and performance Not genetic defects

6 Performance Trait SNPs
Genes that influence economically important traits Leptin Growth and fat deposition Other Genes PMCH: appetite, marbling, tenderness IGF2: growth and muscle deposition CRH: ability to respond to stress

7 Economic Benefits of Leptin
Average productive life of dams by leptin genotype TT CT CC Average Years 6.1 5.6 4.1 Mitchell et al. 2009 Average weaning weight difference by dam leptin genotype CT-CC TT-CC TT-CT Weaning Wt, lbs 19.4* 27.4** 8.0 *P≤0.05. **P≤0.01. DeVuyst et al. 2008

8 Economic Benefits of Leptin
Difference in profitability per head between TT and CC fed cattle DeVuyst et al. 2007

9 Feedlot Trials Live and carcass traits measured over serial harvest dates LEP-TT compared to LEP-CC pens Differences observed in economically important traits utilizes differences to generate optimal animal outcomes

10 Leptin Kononoff et al in preparation

11 Leptin Kononoff et al in preparation

12 Leptin Difference of 7 kg at 4 weeks
Kononoff et al in preparation

13 Leptin Kononoff et al in preparation

14 Leptin Kononoff et al in preparation

15 Leptin Difference of 4.5 kg at 4 weeks
Kononoff et al in preparation

16 Quantum Leptin SNP publications
7 trials, published and/or in preparation/submission 150,482 head of cattle tested Publications: Buchanan et al. 2001 “Association of a missense mutation in the bovine leptin gene with carcass fat content and leptin mRNA levels” Kononoff et al. 2005 “The effect of a leptin SNP on quality grade, yield grade, and carcass weight of beef cattle” Woronuk et al. 2012 “Association of leptin genotypes with beef cattle characteristics” Kononoff et al. 2013 “Impact of a leptin SNP and zilpaterol hydrochloride on growth and carcass characteristics in finishing steers” Kononoff et al.2014 “Employment of a leptin SNP and use of β-adrenergic agonists in sorting criteria for feeding and management of finishing steers in the High Plains of Texas”(in submission) Kononoff et al. 2014 “Impact of a leptin SNP and ractopamine hydrochloride (RH) on growth and carcass characteristics in finishing steers” (in submission) “Impact of a leptin SNP and days on feed on live growth and carcass characteristics in finishing steers” (in preparation)

17 PMCH A gene in the appetite pathway Impacts: Backfat Marbling
Tenderness Three trials published or in preparation 12,449 head of cattle Publications: Helgeson and Schmutz 2008 “Genetic variation in PMCH gene affects carcass traits in Bos taurus cattle” Walter et al. 2013 “Association of PMCH with beef carcass quality and yield” Kononoff et al. 2014 “The effect of Leptin and PMCH on carcass traits” (in preparation)

18 PMCH Data provided by Cactus Research. Trial sponsored by quantum genetix and Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health

19 PMCH P=0.0639, Walter et al. 2013

20 Increase carcass value Optimize days on feed
Precisely apply beta agonist Returns $22 more per head Kononoff et al submitted

21 Genomics in Feedlot Production
Integration of information into production system Translation of information into a physical action i.e. sorting Physical sort Genomic information

22 work flow Tissue sample collected upon arrival (ear tagger)
Sample sent to lab and genotyped Integrate genomic info into feedlot sorting criteria Sort during re-implant processing or days prior to end of feeding Result: finishing groups that are more alike genetically and physically Optional: harvest date projections

23 Link offspring to sires Rank sires by performance
Libido / breeding capacity Weaning weight Carcass value

24 q-link case study Quantum Genetix 2014

25 q-link case study (Quantum Genetix 2014)


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