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Calculating GPA Using Excel

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1 Calculating GPA Using Excel
Dr. Janette Ralston Director of Field and Clinical Experiences Lindenwood University

2 Why use Excel for Calculating GPAs?
GPA calculations using Excel can be saved as a file for future reference. GPA calculations can be saved as separate files in Excel showing only the courses used in the calculations at that period in time. GPAs can be calculated with hypothetical grades and credit hours. Sometimes students would like to know what grades they must earn in specific courses to either reach or maintain a minimum GPA. Typically GPAs in University/College data management systems do not include transfer courses or all transcripts for graduate students. The Excel GPA calculator can do this for you and you can save it for future calculations.

3 Setting Up the Spreadsheet
Use the top row for column headers. Identify and label the portion of the spreadsheet you want to use for Content GPA, Education GPA, Transfer credits, Cumulative GPA, etc.

4 Setting Parameters On Sheet 2 of the spreadsheet, identify all the values for credit hours you want to limit the spreadsheet to accept. Also on Sheet 2, identify all the letter grades you want to accept.

5 Adding Formulas Beginning with Row 4, add the course number in Column A, Credit hours in Column B, and leave Column C blank until the course is taken and credit is earned. Continue, doing the same for Education courses, and transfer coursework in the respective columns.

6 Adding Formulas In Column D you must add a formula that multiplies the credit hours times the quality points allotted to each letter grade and have Excel calculate the quality points earned for each course. The formula looks like this: =IF(C4="a",B4*4,IF(C4="a-”,B4*3.67,IF(C4="b+",B4*3.33,IF(C4="b",B4*3, IF(C4="b-",B4*2.67,IF(C4="c+",B4*2.33,IF(C4="c",B4*2,IF(C4="c- ”,B4*1.67,IF(C4="d+",B4*1.33,IF(C4="d",B4*1,IF(C4="d- ",B4*0.67,IF(C4="f",B4*0)))))))))))) Write the same formula string (using “H” instead of “B” and using “I” instead of “C”) for Column J. Write the same formula string (using “N” instead of “B” and using “O” instead of “C”) for Column P.

7 Adding Formulas Pull the formula down for the entire column through D56. Next, add totals to the bottom of each section (e.g. Content, Education, Transfer.) I have chosen Row 57 as the total row. Add a label in Column A identifying A57 as Totals. Add this formula to B57 =SUMIF(C4:C56,"<>",B4:B56) This formula tells Excel to only add the credit hours to the total if there is a grade present in Column C. Add a summation formula to D57 for Quality Points =sum(D4:D57). Repeat for each section, adjusting columns as appropriate.

8 Adding Formulas Create a formula for E4 that calculates the Content GPA automatically. =D57/B57 Repeat for appropriate cells for each area.

9 Cumulative GPA In calculating Cumulative GPA, all transcripts for all college credit must be included. In R4, add all credits earned (from all transcripts) Be sure to include all “Fs.” The failing grade must be accounted for in the GPA. All grades of “P” should be excluded. In T4, add all Quality Points from all transcripts. In S4, enter this formula =R4-N57 This accounts for all transfer credits for undergraduates. Then check the calculation to make sure the number in S4 is equal to the number of credits from your institution.

10 Cumulative GPA In U4, enter this formula =N57 This accounts for all transfer credits. In V4, enter this formula =P57 This accounts for the quality points for all transfer credits. In W57, enter this formula =(T4+V4)/(S4+U4) This takes all quality points earned divided by all credits earned to calculate the true Cumulative GPA.

11 Limiting Types of Entries
To limit the type of entry in cells such as number of credit hours, highlight the chosen cells (I chose credit hours, Column C, Column G, and Column M), then click on the Data tab and Data Validation.

12 Limiting Types of Entries
Choose List from the Allow option Click on Source, then click on “Sheet 2” to find the number of credit hours list you made earlier.

13 Limiting Types of Entries
Highlight the cells in which the values are entered and then press OK. These cells are limited to only the values in the list. Repeat for the Grades columns and cells.

14 Protecting the Spreadsheet
Highlight the cells you DO NOT want to protect. Then right click and choose “format cells.” Click on the protection tab and uncheck “Locked,” then click “OK.”

15 Protecting the Spreadsheet
To protect the entire document, click on the “Review” tab. Then click on “Protect Worksheet,” then enter a password. You must enter password again. Then save the document.

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