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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION in HUNGARY Capital: Budapest"— Presentation transcript:


Official language: Hungarian Area: 93,030 km2 Population: 9,830,485 Currency: Hungarian forint


4 Natural resources 75% of Hungary's landscape consists of flat plain
The most significant natural resource is land 20% of the country's area consists of foothills covered by forests Lack of energy and raw materials Hungary's underground water reserve is one of the largest in Europe The major rivers: the Danube and the Tisza.  Lake Balaton is a tourist spot and recreation area.

5 Agriculture Agriculture makes up about 13% of the GDP
About half of Hungary’s total land area is agricultural area under cultivation  The most important crops are wheat, corn, sunflower, potato, sugar beet and a wide variety of fruits (apple, peach, pear, grape, watermelon, plum)  Hungary has several wine regions producing among others the worldwide famous white dessert wine Tokaji and the red Bull’s Blood Another traditional world-famous alcoholic drink is the fruit brandy pálinka. Another symbol of Hungarian agriculture and cuisine is the paprika

6 Industry The main sectors of Hungarian industry are heavy industry (mining, metallurgy, machine and steel production), energy production, mechanical engineering, chemicals, food industry and automobile production. The leading industry is machinery and chemical industry (plastic production, pharmaceuticals) Mining, metallurgy and textile industry seemed to be losing importance in the past two decades.  Hungary is a favoured destination of foreign investors of automotive industry (General Motors, Suzuki, Mercedes-Benz and Audi factory) in Central Europe

7 Services and Tourism growing investments into transport and other services the country’s central position makes it suitable and rewarding to invest Top tourist destination is Lake Balaton the largest freshwater lake in Central Europe The most visited region is Budapest, the Hungarian capital Spa culture is world-famous, with thermal baths and over 50 spa hotels located in many towns

8 Education Education in Hungary is free and compulsory from the age of 5 to 16. The state provides free pre-primary schooling for all children, 8 years of general education and 4 years of upper secondary level general or vocational education.  Higher education system follows the three-cycle structure and the credit system of the bologna process Emphasis on digital literacy and foreign language studies All secondary level schools teach foreign languages and at least one language certificate is needed for the acquisition of a diploma

9 Labour market Population: 9 830 500 Employed : 4 342 700
Unemployed : Young unemployed : Hungary Our county Rate (%) 5,7 5,2 28 400 10,2 33 300 5 600 16,8 *Forrás: KSH II. negyedév – aktivitási adatok a éves korú népességen belül **Forrás: NFSZ október

10 Labour Market Situation
One fourth of job seekers are under the age 25. The most unemployed people are at the age of Half of the job seekers have only primary school education. 30% of job seekers are skilled workers.

11 Problems on labour market
Not enough workplaces Low salary High proportion of unemployed people Permanent unemployment High proportion of low educated people Lack of motivation

12 The main causes of being unemployed
Bad structure of educational system Bad choice of professions – lack of information Early school leaving No motivation Disadvantaged situation

13 How can Job Centres help?
Services Demand of employers Employment agencies Labour market services Aids National sources European Union Events Job Fairs

Source: Lecture by Pál Toldik

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