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Synergies with relevant European innitiatives- West RDA

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1 Synergies with relevant European innitiatives- West RDA
Cristian Gotia West RDA - Ro-Boost SMEs Consortium EEN national Meeting - June 2017 Introduction: explain that what we do – in a nutshell – is to help ambitious SMEs innovate and grow internationally.

2 West Regional Development Agency policy development
2007 – 2017 Strategic planning & regional studies Intermediate Body for the ROP Intermediate Body for SMEs Foreign investment support Internationalization activities supported by EU programmes 7 Interreg Projects and 3 FP6/FP7 participation to projects with a total budget amount of 14,7 million Euro 80 project partners Cluster management (ICT, Automotive) Innovation support services (Tehimpuls) Consortium Coordinator – Enterprise Europe Network Leader of RO-Hungary and RO-Serbia cross-border offices 1998 – 2006 Planning Implementation organism for National and Pre-Adherence Funds Foreign investment attraction International Projects Innovation (first RIS)

3 WEST REGION RIS3 – first Romanian region that created Smart Specialisation Strategy paralel with the same project at national level External expertize from the World Bank Automotive și machine building ICT Textile Agro-food - Food processing and preservation, functional health products, nutritional products, farming processes innovations, winery, bio-products, etc. Tourism Sustainable construction and energy efficiency Smart Specialisation Strategy has been a driver for: Interreg projects participation Cluster support activities Future project ideas Generating impact in the region Enterprise Europe Network activities

4 WEST REGION – Strategic sectors (within RIS3)
Evident competitive advantage PRIORITY SECTORS Automotive Textiles IT&C Construc-tions Agro-food Tourism Latent competitive advantage Indicators 2011 2015 Total number of companies 2.314 Total fiscal value – mil. EUR 543,2 764,9 Total number of companies with foreign contribution to the capital 706 Export – mil. Euro 257,9 219,9 Unclear competitive advantage

5 NICHE - Building Innovative Food Value Chains in Regions
NICHE partnership aims, by 2019 and through the improvement of existing policies, achieve an average 15 % increase in the adoption of research and innovation solutions by food sector companies in their regions to give response to the demand of this sector identified as high-potential sector for their smart growth. Digital marketing and distribution channels New business models and services for the companies in the agro food sector More efficient production models based on technology New perspectives for consumers Budget: Euro West RDA (lead partner) – 252,210 euro (cofinancing 2% - 5,044 euro) Project duration: 48 months

6 NICHE - Building Innovative Food Value Chains in Regions
Specializations of the food sector in partner regions West Region, Romania agrifood Border region, Ireland sustainable Food Production & Processing and Food  for health Northern Ireland, Great Britain agri-food technology South Ostrobothnia, Finland food technology and agricultural innovations Tartu, Estonia biotechnologies in food production and other areas Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Polonia food safety and personalized food ­ processing, fertilizers, packages  Crete, Greece agricultural-food: production, packaging, food processing, Mediterranean diet 

7 NICHE so far… Identification and transfer of practices in the food sector between NICHE regions Analysis of the food sector in the participant regions including: policy review and innovation in food companies Networking and business cooperation facilitation between organisations from the partner regions Creating synergies with other initiatives in NICHE regions

8 West RDA – good practices
Association for the Support of Small-Scale Farming ZAX Farm Software Research Platform - Organic Sustainable Agriculture and Food Safety

9 Niche Synergies with EEN – promote business impact not just policy learning
We promote project study visits to create opportunities for companies to learn and meet new partners Region of Crete - February 18-20, 2017 related to Cretan Wine Fair Festival Derry - March 2017, - related to LegenDerry Tartu Region - April 19-21, Related to Food Fair Tartu South Ostrobothnia - June 6-8, Related to Food Business Summit Kujawsko Pomorskie - August Related to Festival of Flavor in Gruczno We facilitate project activities to focus on business impact: local event for honey bee producers on how to export and how to meet the international standards. We disseminate information to our agrofood companies regarding new market opportunities

10 iEER - Boosting innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Regions for young entrepreneurs
iEER aims to optimize the structural funds (ESIFs) in the regions to support young entrepreneurship for growth and jobs through testing, transferring and upscaling the EER best practices to enable HEIs and the other Quadruple Helix actors to be a part of thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem Development opportunities for the West Region: Support for academic entrepreneurship and start-ups Financing models through multiple funding Assesment tools that can lead to increased number of jobs Helsinki-Uusimaa (LP), Brandenburg, Southern Denmark, Nord-Pas de Calais, Kerry County, Northern Ireland, Valencia, Marche, Westpomenrania, West Region Romania

11 Risk road Future innitiatives – CoachPower (Danube Interreg Programme)
Development objective Start-ups urge to grow Scale-ups urge to scale INNOVATION Risk road How? With whom? How much growth? How expensive? Accessing talent Transformational leadership STRATEGIC ASSETS Finance Markets Infrastructure Survival Bag-pack transformational

12 Coaching scheme packages
CoachPower - services Support service innovation Competence building External competences Coaching scheme packages Survival Bag-pack Transformational leadership Soft skills Market opportunities Finance Fundraising Markets Transformational leadership skills Right finance formula Market success 1. Innovation management assessment 2. Cross country coaching staff exchange (partner to partner, partner to business, business to business) 1. Investment readiness evaluation 2. Meet the investor/pitching training 1. Business intelligence in the Danube Region 2. Internationalisation in Danube Region (B2B matchmaking)

13 CoachPower – delivery mechanism
Company needs assessment t Coaching scheme implementation formula Follow up impact Sources Project lenght Project output Internal partners expertise & external relevant expertise 3 years project 3 Smart Specialisation Sectors addressed: ICT, Agro-food, Creative industry 6 companies coached per project partner 1 maximum 2 Smart Specialization sector addressed per project partner 1 up to 3 months implementation of coaching service formula to companies 1 month follow up Pilot schemes Implementation report Best practice case studies Standardized toolbox for coaching with quality standards Cross countries coaching Staff exchange Expertise network partnership in Danube Region Policy improvement on Smart Specialization Strategy either national ore regional

14 Thank you! Follow us at Consorțiul Ro-Boost SMEs
Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Vest Str. Proclamația de la Timișoara nr. 5 Timișoara, , România, Tel: , Fax: Follow us at

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