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Starter activity In pairs: using your knowledge of the period and your previous learning on Russia create 3 questions that you now feel need to be asked.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter activity In pairs: using your knowledge of the period and your previous learning on Russia create 3 questions that you now feel need to be asked."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter activity In pairs: using your knowledge of the period and your previous learning on Russia create 3 questions that you now feel need to be asked

2 Lenin in Power LO: To understand how Bolsheviks established and maintained control What questions did you create?

3 In pairs number yourselves 1 or 2 Watch the 20 minute film.
DVD – Life in Bolshevik Russia To what extent did life changes under Bolshevik rule? In pairs number yourselves 1 or 2 Watch the 20 minute film. Number 1- look for and note down any changes you observe. Number 2- look for and note down things that you think have stayed the same as under tsarist rule.

4 Ben Walsh p317-318 or p83 orange book
What was the Sovnarkom? How did Lenin deal with disappointing Constituent Assembly election results? Extension- how did Lenin Justify this action?

5 Look at the decrees on p 317 of Walsh
group Happy with Bolshevik measures Unhappy with Bolshevik measures: peasants workers Industrialist/ factory owner Socialist Revolutionary Middle-class Liberal Soldier To understand how Bolsheviks established and maintained control

6 Bread Peace and Land Who was in charge of negotiations and why did they try to prolong the talks? Stretch your thinking……. Why do you think Britain and France would also be keen for Russia not to sign a peace treaty?

7 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- March 1918
Lost 1 mill sq km of land 50 million people or 34% of pop 27% farming land Lost Ukraine, where Russia got most of it’s grain from 54% of industry 74% iron ore and coal deposits Had to pay 3 billion roubles Discuss potential impact of this once students have noted key points Why do you think Lenin agreed to these harsh terms?

8 plenary Look back at your original questions
Can you answer any of them Which ones are you still unsure of? Has your learning today created any new questions?

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