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Investment for Community Foundations

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Presentation on theme: "Investment for Community Foundations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investment for Community Foundations
Chris Morcom CFP®, CPA(FPS), B.Bus Dip FP Director/Private Client Adviser

2 The information contained in this presentation is general in nature and is not intended as personal advice. Please obtain advice from your Financial Adviser before acting upon this information

3 Agenda The reason for a Investment Policy
Components of an Investment Policy Where does advice fit in? How should investments be monitored Calculation of grant amounts Questions

4 The Investment Policy Legislative requirement Good practice
Link your investment policy to your objectives

5 Components of the Investment Policy
Clear objectives related to your foundation

6 Objectives - example GENERAL SHORT TERM (12 MONTHS)
To invest the corpus of the foundation in a way that protects the corpus from loss and achieves the objectives of the foundation SHORT TERM (12 MONTHS) Provide access to 4% of capital within 30 days Provide access to 10% of capital within 90 days

7 Objectives - example MEDIUM TERM (1-5) YEARS
Generate sufficient income to cover expenses and grants LONG TERM (BEYOND 5 YEARS) Grow the corpus to maintain the value in Real Terms.

8 Objectives - example LONG TERM (BEYOND 5 YEARS)
Grow the corpus to reach a long term target of $1 million, inclusive of fundraising activities and donations.

9 Components of the Investment Policy
Clear objectives related to your foundation Measurable targets for income and growth

10 Investment benchmarks - example
INCOME To achieve a before costs income rate of return of at least 90 days bank bill rate on a rolling 3 year basis. GROWTH To achieve growth in the net value of the foundation corpus above the CPI index, as measured by the Global all Groups Index over a rolling 5 year period.

11 Investment benchmarks - example
INVESTMENT POLICY BENCHMARKS INCOME To achieve a before costs income rate of return of at least 90 day bank bill rate plus 1% on a rolling 3 year basis. GROWTH To achieve growth in the net value of the foundation corpus of 2% above the CPI index, as measured by the Global all Groups Index over a rolling 5 year period.

12 Investment Policy – example reporting - Performance Benchmarks

13 Components of the Investment Policy
Clear objectives related to your foundation Measurable targets for income and growth Desired asset allocation

14 Asset Allocation Examples
Asset Allocation Strategy Asset Class Target Benchmark Benchmark Range Min Max Cash at call 4% 0% 100% Interest Bearing Investments 46% 20% 70% Equity – Australian 35% 10% 60% Equity – International 5% 30% Property Asset Allocation Strategy Asset Class Target Benchmark Cash at call 10% Interest Bearing Investments 40% Equity – Australian 30% Equity – International Property

15 Components of the Investment Policy
Clear objectives related to your foundation Measurable targets for income and growth Desired asset allocation Details about types of investments preferred & excluded

16 Investment details - example
PROPERTY Listed property trust exposure via Exchange Traded Fund Managed & Private Syndications Direct Property Investment if appropriate Unlisted Direct Property Fund Gearing <50% Quality Tenants High Occupancy EQUITIES – AUSTRALIAN Investment limited to: Listed investment companies Australian companies restricted to the S&P/A SX Exceptions must be specifically approved by Board resolution. Stock Selection: Reliable dividend yield, preferably fully franked dividend yield of 3% or greater Widely held shareholding Exclude companies that derive most of their revenue from Provisions of gambling services or the manufacture of gambling machines Sale or manufacture of armaments Sale of manufacture of alcohol or tobacco

17 Advice – what to expect and how to access
Focus on core organisation goals & skills Be clear on what you want Administration and reporting Certified Financial Planner

18 Managing your investments
Actively manage your asset allocation Rebalancing the portfolio

19 Rebalance

20 Calculating Grants Legislated minimums Cash flow vs asset growth

21 Recap Investment policy in writing Objectives focussed
Measurable targets for returns and liquidity Asset allocation Predictable cash flow Advice can help

22 Questions

23 Phone: Address: Level 8/417 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004

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