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Programming With JavaScript

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1 Programming With JavaScript

2 Objectives Define JavaScript
Differentiate between client-side and server-side scripting Define object-based language Define object, property, method, and event Explain the Object Hierarchy Use event handlers and functions Create XHTML documents using JavaScript Create and link to an external JavaScript file

3 JavaScript Scripting language It is interpreted line-by-line.
Has keywords and syntax. An object-base language. Developed by Netscape as LiveScript. ECMAScript became international standard Will be using ECMAScript 3rd Edition

4 Two Scripting Models Client-Side Processed by the browser
Server-Side Processed by the server

5 Client-Server Architecture
Three Tier Client Processing Data Storage Two or More Computers Data Storage is conceptual Can be on same computer as processing Two Tier Client (Front End) Server (Back End) Two Computers

6 Client-Side Scripts Client-side scripts Characteristics XHTML document
Interpreted by the browser Can perform many functions such as data validation and providing interactive feedback to the user Client-side Scripting Advantages Client has to make fewer trips to the server for information Users are allowed to interact with the Web page Scripts are able to respond to user events Client-side Scripting Disadvantages The browser must support the scripting language Some browsers not support VBScript Scripts may have different results in different browsers

7 Server-Side Scripts Server-side Script Characteristics
Not embedded into an XHTML Stored and run on a Web server Server-side Advantages Ability to interact with a relational database Perform file manipulations on the server Generate responses based on users’ requests No problems with browser support Only the XHTML is sent to the client Script execution is hidden from the user Can’t see password or charge card number Server-side Disadvantages More burden is placed on the Web server Increased network traffic Possible decrease in execution speed

8 Background Definitions
Literal Fixed value price = Variable Symbol or name that represents a value cost = 5.00 discount = 1.00 price = cost - discount Function Named group of programming statements function greetings( ) { document.write(“Hello”); document.write(“Good Bye”); }

9 Object Object Set of related Methods and Properties
that can be compartmentalized Methods Properties Object Examples of Objects: Window, Document, Form

10 Methods One or more programming statements
Function that is called from an object Naming Convention: uses a verb to denote action Examples document.write history.go

11 Property Variable whose value can change
Considered data of the objects Can be assigned values for each object Naming Convention: uses a noun to denote attribute Examples document.bgColor window.status

12 Events Actions that can trigger other functions
Event handlers react to specific events Examples onclick onmouseover onfocus onload

13 Object (Review) Object Set of related Methods and Properties
that can be compartmentalized Object Method Properties Objects can also have related Events

14 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

15 Window Object This object is at the top of the browser object hierarchy and refers to the current browser window. Properties defaultStatus document frames[] history location name opener parent self status top window Methods alert() blur() clearTimeout() close() confirm() focus() open() prompt() setTimeout() Events onBlur onError onFocus onLoad onResize onUnload Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

16 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

17 Used to obtain information about the current Web Browser
Navigator Object Used to obtain information about the current Web Browser Properties appCodeName appName appVersion language platform userAgent Methods javaEnabled() Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

18 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

19 Location Object Contains information about the current document such as URL, path, and domain name. Allows the user to change to a new web page from within JavaScript code. Properties hash host hostname href pathname port protocol search Methods reload() replace() Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

20 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

21 Document Object The body of the current XHTML document, which is displayed within the browser window. Methods close open write writeln Properties alinkColor anchors[] applets[] bgColor cookie domain embeds[] fgcolor vlinkColor Event Handlers onClick onDblClick onKeyDown onKeyPress onMouseDown onMouseUp forms images lastModified linkColor links[] referrer title URL Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

22 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

23 History Object Maintains the record of all the documents that have been opened during the current Web browser session. Properties length Methods back forward go Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

24 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

25 Frame Object Contains information about the current document such as URL, path, and domain name.
Properties action method enctype target name elements[] length Methods reset() submit() Events onReset onSubmit Navigator Location Document History Frame Window (Click for Properties, Methods, and/or Events, Click on Back when done) Back

26 JavaScript Object Model
Window Navigator Location Document History Frame All objects except Window are contained in a parent object Some objects will also contain children objects Click on an object to see its definition. Next Slide

27 Form Object (Notice we have moved down a level in the hierarchy)
Properties action method enctype target name elements[] length Methods reset() submit() Events onAbort onBlur onClick onDragDrop onError OnFocus onKeydown onKeyPress onKeyUp onLoad onMouseDown onMouseMove onMouseOut onMouseOver onMouseUp onReset onResize onSelect onSubmit onUnload Navigator Location Document History Frame Window Form Image

28 Objects in a Form (Typical Items…Will Vary by Object)
Properties align value defaultvalue form maxLength name size SRC type Methods blur focus select Events click onClick onLoad onBlur onFocus Navigator Location Document History Frame Window Form Image Input Select Button

29 Image Object Properties Methods Events border complete height hspace
lowsrc name src vspace width Methods reset() submit() Events onAbort onLoad onError Navigator Location Document History Frame Window Form Image

30 Document Object Model Document, Form, and Select have child objects
Some objects contain multiple child objects within a parent Multiple objects can be reference by index number or name Method and properties are not included in this chart

31 window.document.FormName.FieldName
So, why do I care? It will be on the test! You can impress friends and colleagues with your knowledge! It will give you a better understanding of the overall process. In code, may need to reference a particular object window.alert window.document.FormName.FieldName Note: If the code is on the same form as the object, window and document are not needed.

32 JavaScript is case sensitive, the wrong case will cause errors.
JavaScript Syntax Property document.bgColor = “red” Method document.write (“JavaScript Jive”) Event Handler <input type="button" value="Say Hi" name="btnAlert" id="btnAlert" onmousedown=“window.alert(‘Hi’)” /> JavaScript is case sensitive, the wrong case will cause errors. If quotes are inside of quotes, they must be alternated between single and double quotes. “window.alert(‘Hi’)”

33 Properties (Review) Object Property Property Description
window status sets the message displayed in the status bar. length contains the number of frames in the window. document bgColor specifies the background color of the current document. fgColor specifies the color of the text on the document. lastModified specifies the date when the document was last modified. title specifies the title of the document. linkColor specifies the color of the links on the document. history length contains the number entries in the history list. current specifies the URL of the current history entry. next specifies the URL of the next entry in the history list. previous specifies the URL of the previous entry in the history list. location hostname will specify the hostname of the server. form name specifies the name of the form. method specifies how the input information sent to the server. action specifies the destination for the data submitted from form

34 Methods (Review) Object Method Description
window alert Displays an alert dialog box. open Opens a new browser window. document write Write text and XHTML elements to the current document. writeln Write text and XHTML elements to the current document. It also adds a line. history go Loads a URL from history. back Returns to the previous URL in the history list forward This method will load the next URL in the history list

35 Events (Review) Event Description
onclick Some action will be performed when any mouse button is clicked. onload Some action is performed when the document is loaded. onmouseover Some action is performed when the mouse is moved over something. onresize Some action is performed when a page or element is resized. onfocus Some action is performed when a particular element gets focus. onkeydown Some action is performed when a key is depressed. onkeypress Some action is performed when a key is depressed and the associated code is available. onkeyup Some action is performed when a key goes up. onblur Some action is performed when a particular element loses focus.

36 JavaScript Implementation
Using an event handler Embedding the script using a <script> </script> tags Using a link to an external file (source file - .js) that contains a script

37 Event Handler <head> <title>Event Handler</title>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso "?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " <html xmlns=" <head> <title>Event Handler</title> </head> <body> <form method="get" action="formhandler.asp" name="frmAlert" id="frmAlert"> <input type="button" value="Say Hi" name="btnAlert" id="btnAlert" onmousedown=‘window.alert(“Hi”)’/> </form> </body> </html>

38 Embed in Script Tags <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 strict//EN" " <html xmlns=" <head> <title>Embedded JavaScript</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" language=“JavaScript"> <!-- window.alert ('This is embedded code'); // --> </script> </body> </html>

39 Validation Treats as CDATA – Character Data
HTML Containing Scripts Treats as CDATA – Character Data Portion of the document that is not interpreted as markup HTML will validate XHTML Containing Scripts Treats as PCDATA – Parsed Character Data XHTML will not validate Alternatives Move code to a source file (.js) Create a CDATA section <script type="text/javascript“ language=“JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ window.alert ('This is embedded code'); //]]> </script>

40 Multiple JavaScripts - Priority
Browser executes the <script> elements 1st <head> section 2nd <body> section If within the <body> section, there are multiple <script> </script> tags Executed in the order they appear.

41 Order of Execution <script language="JavaScript" >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso "?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " <html xmlns=" <head><title>Order of Script Execution</title> <!-- Script Number 1 --> <script language="JavaScript" > document.write("Executes First"); </script> </head><body> <!-- Script Number 2 --> document.write("Executes Second"); <!-- Script Number 3 --> document.write("Executes Third"); </body></html>

42 Link to a Script File sample.js today.htm
datDay = new Date(); document.write(datDay); sample.js <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso "?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " <html xmlns=" <head> <title>Event Handler</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src="sample.js"> </script> </head> <body> <h1>Linked .js File</h1> </body> </html> today.htm

43 // This comment is on a single line
JavaScript Comments Comments can help developer and maintainer understand what is the purpose of the code. // This comment is on a single line /* This comment is on multiple lines I can write as much as needed as long as it is terminated properly. */

44 JavaScript Functions A set of instructions used to perform a task.
A function contains: Function keyword Function name Parameters (optional) Set of code statements It must be invoked/called before its code can be executed. function FunctionName(Parameters){ JavaScript Statements }

45 Notice the use of ; at the end of each action statement
Use of a Function <input type = "button" name = "btnName“ id=“btnName” value = "Click Here for Help" onClick = “GetName( )"; /> <script type=“text/javascript” language=“JavaScript” > function GetName( ) { strName=window.prompt(“Enter your name"); document.write(strName); } </script> Notice the use of ; at the end of each action statement

46 Function: Passing Parameters
<form id=“frmName” name=“frmName”> <input type = “text" name = “txtName“ id=“txtName” /> <input type = "button" name = "btnName“ id=“btnName” value = “Display Message" onClick = “DisplayName(frmName.txtName.value )"; /> <script type=“text/javascript” language=“JavaScript” > function DisplayName(strName) { window.alert(strName); } </script> The value property will reflect the contents of the textbox, listbox, textareas, or checkboxes. To reference an element on a form the syntax is FormName.ElementName.value frmName.txtName.value Other values (i.e. variables, literals) may also be passed as parameters

47 Concatenation Appending values to make one value
JavaScript used + as the concatenation operator <script type=“text/javascript” language=“JavaScript” > function DisplayName(strName) { window.alert(“Hello, “ + strName); } </script> Note: JavaScript Guru was entered in the textbox and passed as a parameter to the DisplayName function

48 The End

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