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Bell Work Week of September 6, 2016.

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1 Bell Work Week of September 6, 2016

2 September 6, 2016 A proper adjective is a proper noun used as an adjective or an adjective formed from a proper noun The following three sentences make use of proper adjectives. Identify them and the words they modify My uncle just recorded a Beethoven symphony. The Russian ballet will appear in Los Angeles soon Did you see the last Super Bowl special?

3 Updates Ms. Forbes is on the Remind App! Coming soon…Classroom Website
To join my feed, to 81010 I will be providing regular updates on classroom assignments through this app Coming soon…Classroom Website The website will include classroom updates, links to my notes and PowerPoints, as well as homework assignments and directions I will update you further about the launch of my website FAIR Testing, September 8th-9th Come prepared to test on these dates You will need a pair of headphones for this test. Please bring your own.

4 September 7, 2016 Compound adjectives are adjective made up of more than one word Identify the compound adjectives within the three sentences. Tell me what word it modifies We invited a professional football player to visit us The museum erected a life-size statue of Winston Churchill My talented aunt is designing a crisscross pattern.

5 September 8, 2016 Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They answer the questions When?, In What Manner?, and To What Extent? Identify the adverbs in the following sentences. Then determine which of the three questions it is answering. The bus traveled rapidly into the night. Does he fully understand what is expected? She immediately described the accident to a police officer.

6 FAIR Testing Protocols
Go to Enter the test key written on the board Login using your FLDOE login information Begin the test. You should be working silently on your test. If you finish the test before class is over, you should work on Achieve 3000, complete any other unfinished tests, or work on silent reading GOOD LUCK!!!

7 September 9, 2016 You have been given a list of adverbs. Use each one in a sentence. Then write down which verb it is modifying. Patiently Completely Closer

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