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Simplified Representation of Vector Fields

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Presentation on theme: "Simplified Representation of Vector Fields"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplified Representation of Vector Fields
Alexandru C. Telea Jarke J. van Wijk Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands

2 Overview Why simple vector field representation?
Vector field visualization Simplification Setting the parameters Applications Ongoing research

3 Problems: how to visualize large 2D/3D fields ? how to convey information to non experts ? how to easily produce visualizations ?

4 Goal: We desire to obtain an image that: is effective is compact (simple) offers local and global insight is produced automatically

5 Show a vector field with a few arrows
Solution Show a vector field with a few arrows Method But how? dataset visualization

6 1 Existing Methods Icon-Based Methods
(hedgehogs, glyphs, flow icons) visual clutter for large datasets undersampling may cause aliasing arrows are easily interpreted by large public

7 2 Existing Methods Texture-Based Methods (spot noise, LIC)
lack directional information may produce noisy images for complex flows give good global insight easy to generate automatically

8 3 Existing Methods Advection-Based Methods
(stream/streak lines, flow tubes, particles) require strong user input for advection seed point placement results highly dependent on seed point choice give good local insight

9 4 Existing Methods Feature Extraction / Tracking Methods
(vortex detection, selection expressions) highly dependent on seed point choice require user input on which feature to select /track (often in the form of many parameters) too abstract for some users reduces dataset to a compact representation

10 5 Existing Methods Topological Analysis
(vortex / critical point analysis and detection) critical points may be too abstract for some users unstable for fields with many singularities reduces dataset to a compact representation

11 6 Existing Methods Multiresolution Techniques
(Fourier / wavelet analysis) if uniform sampling is used, can not convey both global and local insight mostly used for scalar fields reduced dataset can be easily visualized by other methods

12 Generate vector field visualizations:
Our Goal Generate vector field visualizations: automatically combine local and global insight show directional information convey a simple and intuitive perception of the vector field

13 A curved arrow is easily understood
perception process User sees curved arrow User perceives vector field An arrow carries a clear representation of the direction and curvature of the vector field it suggests

14 Solution Simplify vector field in zones which are
representable by (curved) arrows cluster dataset simplification arrow icon

15 Algorithm: Initial dataset Cluster = Final root cluster Bottom-up
(16 cells, 16 clusters) Cluster = contiguous set of cells Final root cluster Bottom-up clustering

16 Create clusters of level 0 for all dataset cells
Algorithm: Create clusters of level 0 for all dataset cells 1 Seek the two neighboring clusters that are most similar Merge them into new cluster 2 Repeat step 2 until one cluster results. 3

17 Most Similar: error computation
Key operations Most Similar: error computation Merging of clusters A B C Should A be merged with B or with C ? A B AB ? How to compute AB’s vector ?

18 Similarity computation
Clusters are compared by: the direction and length of their vectors the origins of their vectors Cluster shapes are not used

19 Similarity computation
Direction and length comparison (s) elliptic similarity isocontours Origin comparison (t) 2 2 ((x-l) 2)(2-2) + 2 (x-l)2 + (x-l) s = (2-2) xo2 yo2 t = d2 e2 similarity = As + (1-A)t

20 How are clusters merged ?
Cluster areas are added Cluster vectors are averaged A B A+B AB

21 How do we use clusters for visualization ?
Use cluster tree to visualize the desired simplification level: select all clusters for desired level visualize selected clusters e.g. by an icon

22 Visualization Options
plain arrows curved arrows (obtained by streamline tracing through cluster centers) arrows on a spot noise textured background

23 More 2D examples...

24 … and 3D examples

25 Clustering Parameters
Two user-controlled parameters: A: favor clustering along similar directions vs similar origins B: favor clustering along or across the vector field’s direction

26 Clustering Parameters
clusters across streamlines clusters along streamlines uniform sampling

27 Clustering Parameters
Effect of the elliptic similarity function shape Uniform field clustering across (B=0) clusteting along (B=1)

28 Examples original dataset default settings favor direction
favor origin

29 Examples original dataset hedgehog Toroidal field (vector icons)

30 Examples favor direction favor origin Toroidal field (curved arrows)

31 Air convection (kitchen.vtk)
Examples Air convection (kitchen.vtk)

32 Examples Air convection (kitchen.vtk) straight and curved arrows
transparent clusters grid shrunk clusters

33 Implementation The simplification toolkit is implemented
in VTK and integrated in the interactive dataflow system VISSION

34 Possible Extensions ? Convenience Conceptual
heuristics for controlling the clustering parameters accelerate cluster pair search introduce perceptual criteria for simplification

35 The End

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