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Ethics and Values for Professionals

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Values for Professionals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Values for Professionals
Introduction Prepared by: Roger Nault

2 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Roger Nault BBA (Honours, 1987), CELTA 2004, MA (Development Studies, 2010) Mobile: Website – downloading materials and accessing additional content 2

3 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Description: Theories come alive as they are discovered through case studies and are re-encountered from the perspective of the organization to provide a practical philosophical course on Ethics and Values for Professionals. 3

4 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Philosophical Practical 4

5 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Description: It is philosophical in that it attempts to answer the following questions: What is Ethics? If not opinion, (tradition, customs, norms or law) what are the Ethical theories which guide towards right and away from wrong? What are values? 5

6 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Description: Who are the stakeholders? What is the process for making responsible ethical decisions? What are the ethical obligations of employees? How do organizations govern for ethical practice and social responsibility? What is the organization’s role and ethical responsibility in an increasingly globalized world? 6

7 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Description: It is practical because selected case studies are drawn, as much as possible, from the local context, and are relevant to the financial services sector. It is also practical because learning can be applied to personal, professional and public realms. 7

8 Ethics and Values for Professionals
Throughout the course: Identify and explain the ethical issues involved; Direct students to an examination of these issues from the points of view of various stakeholders; and 8

9 Ethics and Values for Professionals
Throughout the course: Lead students through some initial steps of a philosophical analysis of these issues. Emphasize student thinking, reasoning and decision making. 9

10 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Throughout the course: Rather than on providing answers or promoting a specific set of conclusions. 10

11 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Learning Outcomes: At the knowledge level, with successful completion of the course, students will: • Understand and be able to explain: o Major ethical theories; o Model Environmental and Social Sustainability Mission Statement for a financial institution; o Model Code of Conduct for a financial institution; and o Industry Code of Banking Practice. • Identify various stakeholders. 11

12 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Learning Outcomes: They will be able to: • Describe, examine, and evaluate ethical issues that arise within business settings. • Identify and explain the ethical issues involved in case studies; 12

13 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Learning Outcomes: They will be able to: • Apply the following to various case studies: o Major ethical theories; o Model Environmental and Social Sustainability Mission Statement for a financial institution; o Model Code of Conduct for a financial institution; o Industry Code of Banking Practice. • Examine ethical issues from the points of view of various stakeholders. 13

14 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Learning Outcomes: They will have a commitment to the following values: Transparency, objectivity, reliability, honesty and prudence which are the building blocks for the ultimate value – trustworthiness. Team spirit from on-going group collaboration and peer-checking. 14

15 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Plagiarism: Scholastic honesty is expected and required. It is a major part of university life, and contributes to the value of your university degree. All work submitted for this class must be your own. 15

16 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Plagiarism: Copying or representing the work of anyone else (in print, from the internet, or from another student) as your own is plagiarism and cheating. This is unacceptable in this class and at the AIB. Zero tolerance policy applies. All involved work will receive a zero score with no chance for re-submission. Sources used must be properly and fully cited. 16

17 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Assessment: Participation (10%) Ongoing (30%) Quiz (x 3) Reflection Paper Group Assignment (20%) Final (40%) 17

18 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Civility in the Classroom: Students are expected to participate in producing a classroom environment that is conducive to learning, and are expected to participate actively in class activities. Differences of opinion in classroom presentations are encouraged and are to be expected, but students must show respect for each other when discussing these views. 18

19 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Civility in the Classroom: Any form of distraction is prohibited. Inappropriate behaviour in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave the classroom. 19

20 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Outline: What is Ethics? (4 sessions) Ethical Philosophies Ethical Relativism (2 sessions) Utilitarian Ethics (4 sessions) Deontology (4 sessions) Virtue Ethics (2 sessions) 20

21 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Outline: Case Studies B. Madoff, Ponzi Scheme (Ch. 1) Tale of Two Dams (Ch. 3) Blood Sugar (Ch. 6) Subprime Mortgages (Ch. 8) 21

22 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Outline: Codes of Conduct: ACLEDA: Code of Conduct ACLEDA: Conflict of Interest Policy ACLEDA: Whistleblower’s Protection Policy ACLEDA: Environmental & Social Sustainability Report Code of Banking Practice (Assoc of Banks in Cambodia) 22

23 Ethics and Values for Professionals​
Course Outline: Business Issues Corporate Social Responsibility (4 sessions) Corporate Culture, Governance and Ethical Leadership (4 sessions) Employee Responsibilities (4 sessions) International Business and Globalization (2 sessions) 23

24 Group collaboration session with worksheet.
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity To determine the relationship between ethics cultural norms, religious norms and law. Group collaboration session with worksheet. 24

25 What is ethics? What questions do ethics try to answer?
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity Use examples to explain what you mean by the Khmer word selethor. How do you expect that to compare and contrast with your study of ethics is Phil104? What is ethics? What questions do ethics try to answer? What does Buddhism say about ethics? 25

26 permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity Are law and morality the same? Is ethics defined by law? Give an example where law: permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior requires unethical behavior 26

27 permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity Are religion and morality the same? Is ethics defined by religion? Give an example where religion: permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior requires unethical behavior 27

28 permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity Are cultural norms and morality the same? Is ethics defined by cultural norms? Give an example where cultural norms: permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior requires unethical behavior 28

29 permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior
Chapter 1: What is Ethics? Student Activity Are personal opinion and morality the same? Is ethics defined by personal opinion? Give an example where personal opinion: permits unethical behavior prohibits ethical behavior requires unethical behavior 29

30 Reflection Paper Guidelines PowerPoint Slides: Ch. 1 What is Ethics?
Things to do for Next Week: HOMEWORK Download & Print: Text Syllabus Tentative Schedule Reflection Paper Guidelines PowerPoint Slides: Ch. 1 What is Ethics? Watch – Two YouTube videos re: Ponzi Scheme (B. Madoff Case Study) Read pp. 1-3, , 4-24 30

31 សូមអរគុណ

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