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Presentation on theme: "C LANGUAGE MULITPLE CHOICE QUESTION SET-2"— Presentation transcript:


2 Combination of SQL with programming language
1. PL/SQL is a Database language Programming language Combination of SQL with programming language Scripting language

3 2. PL/SQL is developed by -------.

4 3. PL/SQL is developed in -----.
Early 90’s Late 80’s 2000 2008

5 4. PL/SQL is one of three key programming language/s embedded in the --------.
Oracle data base SQL JAVA All three of these

6 Non-procedural language
5. PL/SQL is a Markup language Scripting language Procedural language Non-procedural language

7 6. Identify the false statement about PL/SQL.
It can directly call from the command line It is a high performance transaction processing language it is portable All the statements are true

8 7. PL/SQL syntax is based on ------.
ADA Pascal Both A and B SQL

9 8. Beside from oracle, PL/SQL is also available in -------.
TimesTen in-memory database  IBM DB2 Both A and B None of these

10 9. PL/SQL is tightly integrated with -------.

11 10. Which of the following is correct about PL/SQL.
If offer extensive error checking It offers numerous data types It offers a variety of programming structures All are true

12 11. PL/SQL supports--------.
Structured programming Object oriented programming Web applications All of these

13 is an interactive tool that allows you to type SQL and PL/SQL statements at the command prompt. SQL* Plus SQL* SQL plus None of these

14 13. To run PL/SQL program we must have ---------.
SQL database MYSQL database ORACLE database All of these

15 14. Most recent version of RDBMS is ------.
9g 10g 11g 12g

16 Can be used both 32 or 64 bits depending on OS
bits version of ORACLE RDBMS is installed in system to run PL/SQL applications. 32 64 Can be used both 32 or 64 bits depending on OS 128

17 16. Which of the following file/s should we have to download. Both A and B files

18 17. We can type PL/SQL code in ------.
Notepad Notepad++ EditPlus Any of them

19 18. PL/SQL files are saved with -------extensions.

20 19. Type ------ at the SQL*Plus command prompt to execute your program.
File name @file_name File_name None of these

21 20. PL/SQl programs --------.
Run as a whole Run line by line written as block of code None of these

22 21. Each logical block of code consist of -------.
Declarations Executable Commands Exception Handling All of the mentioned

23 22. Every PL/SQL statement ends with a -------.
Semicolon (;) Colon (;) Comma ( , ) Full stop (.)

24 23. We can insert a block of code in another block of code using ------.

25 24. The end; line signals the end of the ------.
PL/SQL program PL/SQL block of code PL/SQL function Pl/SQL class

26 25. The PL/SQL identifiers should not exceed ------characters.
30 40 50 60

27 26. PL/SQL identifiers are -------.
Constants Variables Exceptions All of these

28 27. PL/SQL identifiers are --------.
Case sensitive Not case sensitive Partially case sensitive None of these

29 28. A delimiter is a --------.
A special character A PL/SQL command Symbol with a special meaning Built-in class

30 29. In PL/SQL comma (,) denotes the ---------.
Parameter separator Item separator Class separator None of these

31 30. In PL/SQL ( = ) is a ------.
Assignment operator Association operator Relational operator Concatenation operator

32 31. The PL/SQL supports -------comments.
Line line Multi line Both single line and multi line PL/SQL does not support comments

33 32. Single line comma start and end with --------.
/* // **

34 33. Which of the following data types belongs to scalar category of PL/SQL.

35 34. PLS-INTEGER is a -------- integer.
Signed integer Unsigned integer Signed and unsigned integer None of these

36 35. The range of BINARY_INTEGER is -----.
to to 55656 -1 to 1 None of these

37 36. DEC(prec, scale) data has maximum precision of ------ decimal digits.
30 34 38 40

38 37. DECIMAL(prec, scale) is ------.
ANSII specific IBM specific ORACLE specific None of these

39 38. REAL data type has max. precision of ------- binary digits.
53 63 73 83

40 39. Which of the Following are the predefined PL/SQL LOB data type.
BFILE BLOB CLOB All of these

41 40. A subtype is a ------. Subset of another data type Is a base base
Is same same as its super type None of these

42 41. PL/SQL NULL represent -------.
A garbage value Missing data Unknown data Missing or unknown data

43 variable_name [CONSTANT] [NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT initial_value]
42. Which one of the following is valid declaration of Pl/SQL variable. [CONSTANT] datatype [NOT NULL] variable_name [:= | DEFAULT initial_value] variable_name [CONSTANT] [NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT initial_value] variable_name [CONSTANT] datatype [NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT initial_value] None of these

44 43. For every declared variable PL/SQL assign a value of -----
1 NULL none

45 44. To assign a different value to a variable we can use ----- keyword/s.
DEFAULT Assignment NEW Both A and B

46 45. In PL/SQL variable has -------scope.
Local Global Super global Only A and B

47 46. In PL/SQL a constant is declared with --------keyword.
CONSTT None of these

48 47. Which of the following is a literal.
TRUE 786 ProlearningHub All are literals

49 48. PL/SQL supports------- types of literals.
2 3 4 5

50 49. Which of the following is not PL/SQL literal.
Numeric literal String literal BOOLEAN literal INTEGER literal

51 50. PL/SQL supports ----- type of operators.
3 4 5 6


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