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Information for Prospective Members

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1 Information for Prospective Members
Committee Organization Design Guide Subcommittee Design Process Subcommittee Design Education Subcommittee Computer Aided Enterprise System Subcommittee Why Join DETC? Understand and influence design engineering within government, industry, academia, and the military Network with members from industry, government, academia and the military Gain insight on how others are solving today’s engineering challenges Mentor the next generation of design engineers DETC Meetings AIAA SciTech Forum – January AIAA Aviation Forum – June Monthly Virtual Meetings DETC Design Engineering Technical Committee Contact Information DETC Chair Dr. Charles Hall North Carolina State University DETC Vice-Chair Garfield Creary NASA Langley Research Center DETC Website: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Information for Prospective Members

2 How can you join? Go to and select “Committees” under the “Membership & Communities” link Design Guide Subcommittee Charter: Promote the development and dissemination of aerospace design technologies in the form of design guides and information to assist the Aerospace Engineer in creating and defining practical aerospace products. Mission: Develop, maintain, update and promote the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineering Guide (ADEG) and design information to assist the Design Engineer in creating and defining practical aerospace products. Review, correct, modify, update and recommend changes for new ADEG editions. Develop and follow verification process to ensure data in the ADEG is correct. Promote ADEG marketing by maintaining communication and coordination with AIAA headquarters publishing and marketing staff. Develop and contribute design engineering information through other media (I.e., Aerospace America articles, design briefings, panel discussions, etc.) 5th Edition 4th Edition 6th Edition Design Process Subcommittee Charter: To promote the improvement of the entire design engineering process. This includes the education of new design engineering students, their incorporation into industry, and continuous improvements in the processes used by industry. Mission: Pursue design integration as a systems oriented approach to improving the design engineering process. Develop cost modeling information suitable for use in projects and in teaching design engineering in the classroom. Address the concern that increased computer use and reliance on analytical tools results in a loss of physical judgment in design outcomes. Coordinate and host panel and paper sessions promoting integrated design practices and presenting case studies and success stories. Annually publish Aerospace America articles that promote noteworthy design engineering activities. Coordinate, contribute to, and chair technical sessions at the AIAA conferences and symposia supported by the DETC.

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