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How-To Build Transformational Organization-Wide Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "How-To Build Transformational Organization-Wide Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 How-To Build Transformational Organization-Wide Marketing
Bernie Borges

2 About Bernie borges CEO of Find and Convert Host Social Business Engine Podcast Speaker/Author / Blogger Dell Social Influencer IBM / Futurist AMA Tampa Bay / V.P. Comms

3 Topics Three-Layer Framework for Organization-Wide Marketing
Cross Functional Marketing in Action Success Factors

4 THREE lenses

5 1. Corporate experience. 2. Agency experience. 3. Podcast interviewer.

6 Marketing Transformation

7 The Deck is Stacked Against the Traditional Marketing Department.

8 Demands from the C-Suite to demonstrate ROI are at an all time high

9 Marketing is not the sole responsibility of a traditional marketing department.

10 Cross-functional marketing is not an option

11 Three-Layer framework for organization-wide marketing

12 Ice Cream Sandwich FRAMEWORK

13 Storytelling Three characteristics to effective storytelling:
Authentic Relevant Actionable

14 Authentic Avery Dennison is involving employees in the "Get Social" initiative to bridge the gap of the rule. 90% of all postings are from 1% of users and the remaining 10% of postings are from 9% of users. "Get Social" is a centralized employee resource and ambassador program to mobilize employees as advocates.

15 Relevant 3M is telling stories relevant to "Science. Applied to Life." in an educational manner to humanize their brand. Identifying advocates among their 89,000 employee workforce. Teams are evolving and the importance of collaboration throughout.

16 Actionable The Network is Cisco's newsroom style content hub which publishes thought leadership content as well as technology focused content. The Network often features stories from their 70,000 employees on tech topics from mobility, to security to IoT.

17 Ice Cream Sandwich FRAMEWORK

18 Employees Rule!

19 Edelman Trust Barometer
Year after year, regular employees – and particularly those with technical expertise – continue to be highly trusted sources of information.

20 Ice Cream Sandwich FRAMEWORK

21 Marketing can harness employees’ storytelling potential.

22 Skills needed: Part Quant

23 Skills needed: Part Crayola

24 It’s the role of marketing to be part networker.

25 It’s the role of marketing to be part detective.

26 It’s the role of marketing to be part journalist.

27 Cross functional Marketing In Action

28 Cross Functional Marketing in Action
Dell encourages employee advocacy and optimal digital social use among their 110,000 employees with training through Social Media and Community University (SMaC U). Dell analyzes their employees’ social influence and direct business impact. Driving social culture by holding special events for SMaC team members. Working to further improve employee retention and enhance career advancement for those that complete their SMaC U training.

29 Cross Functional Marketing in Action
Approximately 90% of their 50,000 employee population has adopted Buzz as a form of internal connection, collaboration and story telling that has improved business operations. Buzz is also used a lot for ideation to increase efficiencies. Humana, CEO, Bruce Broussard is an active Buzz user and has supported the ESN from the start.

30 Cross Functional Marketing in Action
Indium Corporation taps into the expertise of its engineers to write blog content on technical topics pertaining to its industrial solder materials sold to electronics manufacturers, serving to humanize their brand and gain their customer's trust.

31 Cross Functional Marketing in Action
NASA has embraced transformative digital communication across its employee base to make space exploration interesting and relevant to all of humanity. Contributions come from NASA employees across many functions, including astronauts.

32 SUCCess factors

33 training

34 actionable stories

35 “Marketing is Not One Department”

36 Ice Cream Sandwich FRAMEWORK

37 Take Aways Framework for cross functional marketing.
Skills needed: Quant & Crayola. Storytelling: Authentic, Relevant, Actionable. Employees have the best stories. Success factors: Training, Actionable, Mindset

38 with Bernie Borges


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