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Thriving in Babylon: Against the Threat of Pornography

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1 Thriving in Babylon: Against the Threat of Pornography
Jennifer Ellison A report from the National Center of Sexual Exploitation Summit in Houston, October 2016

2 Questions What is the average age someone views porn for the first time? How old were you when you remember seeing porn? What was the medium?

3 What is porn in 2017? Real or simulated sexual acts or images deliberately displayed to third parties for the purpose of eliciting sexual arousal or illicit profit irrespective of the format or medium. The electronic age has introduced the possibility of new and ever expanding sexualized media with an ease and accessibility that is truly mind-boggling.  Softcore pornography is so mainstream it does not even exist anymore. It’s the poster in the store front at the mall. It’s the advertisement plastered on the side of a city bus. It’s scenes in television shows.

4 Resources National Center on Sexual Exploitation Fight the New Drug
NCOSE Dirty Dozen list: Fight the New Drug Internet Safety 101 Youth Conference with Sean McDowell Video Introduction to the problem:

5 Why do we have to talk about it?
It’s prevalent, free, easily accessed. Internet, social media, video games Stats from Josh McDowell Web pages: million; billion 30% of all internet use is pornography 47% of Christian homes have a pornography problem 2/3 of divorces are related to pornography use Porn increases infidelity by 300% 1 in 3 porn users are women 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn

6 David Horsey Los Angeles Times
“You do not have to be a prude to worry about porn. Thanks to the internet, Americans have been pushed, unwittingly, into a vast social experiment testing whether unfettered access to the most freakish and foul pornography will warp sexual relations for generations to come.” 12/15/2014

7 Why do we have to talk about it?
There are predators. My childhood: Outside, Inside, Magazines My children: +Online: internet searches; pop ups and banners; free flash games; virtual reality There is peer pressure. Young men testified about their struggles from age 8 into their 20’s. It’s damaging.

8 Fight the New Drug FTND explains that porn harms in 3 ways:
Porn affects the brain Addictive – chemical changes Requires increasing stimulus for same response Increasingly deviant sex & violence Porn affects relationships Porn kills love leaves you lonely hurts partners & marriages Leads to sexual dysfunction – health crisis much like smoking Porn affects society Families: Divorce Objectification of humans Violence, prostitution, drugs and human trafficking Houston – trafficking, prostitution, Super Bowl happier/

9 Thriving in Babylon Deal with your own issues.
Educate yourself & family. Be your child’s primary source of sex ed. Install filters. Learn & teach how to be safe on Social Sites Establish family culture of technological health. Their devices are not safe. Set tech curfews. Discourage use in isolation. Plan activities that do not center around screens.

10 Raises more questions:
Role of the church? Other societal effects? Shame & Embarrassment keep us from talking about it. Other thoughts?

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