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Assessment of hydropower system safety using a systems approach and dynamic resilience June 27, 2017 Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of hydropower system safety using a systems approach and dynamic resilience June 27, 2017 Civil and Environmental Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of hydropower system safety using a systems approach and dynamic resilience
June 27, 2017 Civil and Environmental Engineering

2 Introduction

3 Dam Systems

4 Dam Systems Operator Operating decisions Reservoir level sensors
Turbines Inflows Spillway Gates Outflows

5 Dam Systems Operator Operating decisions Reservoir level sensors
Turbines Inflows Spillway Gates Outflows

6 Dam Systems

7 Traditional Risk Assessment
Shortcomings: Linear event progression (eg. event tree) that ignores interactions and system feedbacks Subjective judgement for selection of events and their likelihoods Events assumed to be independent Emphasis placed on failures when control flaws or design errors can be just as dangerous Systems decomposed to make them more manageable Human failures and software flaws difficult to deal with Focus on edge of design envelope events (low probability)

8 A New Approach Viewing system safety as a control problem
Using simulation to assess outcomes of the full range of operating conditions, putting possibilities ahead of probabilities Using dynamic resilience to assess safety outcomes of simulation

9 Methodology Overview

10 Project Methodology Generic control system base structure (adapted from Leveson, 2011)

11 Project Methodology Generic control system base structure (adapted from Leveson, 2011 for a hydropower system) Input scenarios of starting reservoir elevations and system states Base structure converted into simulation model that includes the detailed system structure, feedbacks and interactions Simulation outputs used to assess resilience and develop improved mitigation and response strategies

12 Project Methodology

13 Project Methodology Use of Systems Theoretic Process Analysis and component functions Database to come up with scenarios

14 Project Methodology Deterministic system dynamics simulation engine to derive scenario outcomes

15 Simulation Model Sectors
Generic control system base structure (adapted from Leveson, 2011)

16 Simulation Model Sectors
Example: Hydraulic system state

17 Project Methodology Processing of simulation model outputs to extract useful information about safety, which can be used to refine and improve response and mitigation strategies

18 Resilience Replacement of static risk estimates
Focus on system performance before, during and after disturbance event Explicit consideration of system’s adaptive capacity Development of preventative strategies and emergency response plans

19 Resilience System performance used to calculate resilience with respect to safety (need to define safety performance measures) Transformation 4Rs – Redundancy, Robustness, Resourcefulness and Rapidity Damage and propagation / Evolution and Recovery With and without restoration

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