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Introduction and Methods of Research

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1 Introduction and Methods of Research
Chapter 1 Introduction and Methods of Research This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program. Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

2 How Do We Define Abnormal Psychology
* Criteria for Determining Abnormality Unusual behavior Violating social norms Personal distress Maladaptive behavior Dangerous behavior Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

3 Lifetime and Past-Year Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
* Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

4 How Do We Define Abnormal Psychology
* Cultural Bases of Abnormal Behavior Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

5 Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior
* The Demonological Model Trephining Origins of the Medical Model Humors Medieval Times Exorcism Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

6 Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior
* Witchcraft Malleus Maleficarum Asylums Bedlam The Reform Movement and Moral Therapy Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

7 Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior
* A Step Backward Warehoused The Community Mental Health Movement Deinstitutionalization Phenothiazines Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

8 Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior
* Contemporary Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior Biological perspective Dementia praecox General paresis Psychological perspective Hypnosis and Hysteria Psychodynamic model Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

9 Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior
* Contemporary Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior Sociocultural perspective Biopsychosocial perspective Interactionist model Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

10 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Description, Explanation, Prediction, and Control The Scientific Method Formulating a research question Forming a hypothesis Testing the hypothesis Drawing conclusions Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

11 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Ethics in Research Informed consent Debriefing Confidentiality Naturalistic-Observation Method Unobtrusive Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

12 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Correlation Variables Positive correlation Negative correlation Longitudinal study Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

13 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* The Experimental Method Causal relationship Independent variables Dependant variables Experimental and control subjects Controlling for subject expectancies Blind subjects Placebo Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

14 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* The Experimental Method Experimental validity Internal validity External validity Epidemiological Method Survey method Incidence Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

15 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Epidemiological Method Sample Population Population Sample Random sample Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

16 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Kinship Studies Genetics Genes Polygenic Chromosomes Genotype Phenotype Proband Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

17 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Kinship Studies Twin studies Monozygotic (MZ) twins Dizygotic (DZ) twins Concordance Adoptee Studies Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

18 Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002
Kinship Studies * Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

19 Research Methods In Abnormal Psychology
* Case-Study Method Types of case-studies Single-case experimental designs Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

20 A-B-A-B Reversal Design
* Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

21 Azrin and Peterson Study
* Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

22 Bornstein, Bellack, and Hersen
* Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

23 Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002
* A Closer Look Thinking Critically About Abnormal Psychology Maintain a skeptical attitude Consider definitions of terms Weigh assumptions and premises Correlation is not causation Consider kinds of evidence Do not oversimplify or overgeneralize Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002

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