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(What an excellent question!)

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1 (What an excellent question!)
1.1 Why Study Psychology? (What an excellent question!)

2 What is psychology? The scientific study (it’s based on research) of human behavior (observable or measureable action) and mental processes (cognitive activities) For Cognitive Activities, psychologists need to use psychological constructs Concepts that enable one to discuss something that cannot be seen, touched, or measured directly

3 Identify the following as either a behavior or cognitive activity:
Talking Thinking Blood pressure Dreaming

4 Identify the following as either a behavior or cognitive activity:
Talking Thinking Blood pressure Dreaming  Behavior  Cognitive activity

5 Is psychology a false science?
Read page 2-3 in your book and answer questions 1-2 on your worksheet

6 Is psychology a false science?
Psychology is based on EVIDENCE, even in the case of psychological constructs, there is some type of evidence False Sciences – not based on evidence

7 So then, how is behavior measured?
Simple observation Watching people!!! Laboratory instruments EEG – measure brain waves

8 What about Cognitive Activities like dreams or thoughts?
Two types of measurement Only the person dreaming knows what it is about, however psychologists can use the information they are told by these individuals We know that they are dreaming, thinking, remembering, imagining, etc. based on measurements of brain activity.

9 What are the Goals of Psychology?
Observe Describe Explain Predict Control behavior and mental processes

10 How are the goals applied?
A-Rod Great player (at one time) but not very good in the clutch Psychologists would observe and describe his behavior in the postseason (choking, stress level, brain activity, etc.) They would explain that his stress and anxiety levels become unmanageable and manifest in decreased performance They would recommend that he use positive visualization to predict a better outcome and to be prepared to manage his anxiety. Misconception of “controlling” behavior Allow patients to control their own behavior, not psycho-mind-control

11 Psychology as a Science
Social Science Natural Science Deal with the structure of human society and people within society Includes history, anthropology, economics, political science, sociology, and PSYCHOLOGY. Deal with the nature of the physical world Includes biology, chemistry, and physics. A large part of modern psychology focuses on how brain biology impact human behavior

12 So why do some study rats and monkeys?
Many psychologists believe that studying animals is a very useful method to understand human behaviors

13 Why do psychologists organize studies into theories?
GOOD theories allow psychologists to predict behavior

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