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Face IT ! fight IT! & finish IT!

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1 Face IT ! fight IT! & finish IT!


3 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 1. Improvements of Equipment condition
We have completed Manager Model Machine in each department as pilot project of Machine inprovement. We have to focus on other equipment to convert it, as best & perfect. Mentor & owner will jointly identify the Fugai (i.e. defects ) in Fugai Register & communicate to maintenance team. They will take a target date for completion. They will follow-up & finish. Owner will maintain its “Best & Perfect condition by daily “CLIT”. Which equipment will be priorities? Equipment will be priorities as per its Equipment Ranking and its importance.

4 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 2. Zero Spillage from Conveyers
Our pilot projects have been successfully implemented and efficiently performing in two areas. RMHS Conveyer 1.1 discharge & Sinter – MND1 Discharge area. Steps for implementing it in every conveyers :- Mechanical team of every department will form a Taskforce . Action of the Taskforce will be in focused way. They will focus on, one conveyer, after make it zero spillage, they will rectify other defects, to make it best & perfect system. They will handover that conveyer to the owner of that conveyer, to sustain the best and perfect condition. Taskforce then focus on next conveyer. Mechanical maintenance team leader of the department will make a list for taskforce as :- Scan copy / Photograph of the above departmental signed sheet, to be ed by Mech. Main. team leader, to TPM cell on 1st and 15th day of every month, copy to concerned HOD. TPM cell will monitor & compile the progress report of every department, and submit the report to Respected ED-Steel Sir. Autonomous Maintenance pillar head will monitor that, “Owner of the conveyer is maintaining the Best & Perfect condition of the system, handed over to him”. Priority .No. Conveyer Name Action Start Date Action Completion Date Signature of Owner of the Conveyer during handover. Signature of Mech. Main. In-Charge after zero spillage condition. Signature of Section In-Charge of Operation after best & perfect condition. 1 Conveyer 1.1 2 3

5 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 3. Maintenance Strategies for Zero Breakdown
In Planned Maintenance Pillar of TPM, Maintenance department practices following five types of maintenance to achieve Zero Breakdown Goal :- Preventive Maintenance ( As per Routine in Running, and in Planned Shutdown as per maintenance calendar ) Time Base Maintenance ( Changing self-life parts, like Sealed bearing, lubricant, bush, oil seals, gland packings, wear & tear items etc. after its specified life span, in planned shutdown as per maintenance calendar ). Proactive Maintenance ( Vibration analysis, Condition monitoring of lubricant, Thermography , periodic checking of shaft alignment, balancing etc. as per maintenance calendar ) Predictive Maintenance ( Condition Based & Statistics Based ). Corrective & Improvement Maintenance (Modification & up gradation) Mentor should crosscheck the calendar equipment wise and confirm that every check points are covered for achieving zero breakdown goal. Maintenance Section In-charge will recheck and update the calendar periodically to confirm zero breakdown. Feedback of condition based predictive maintenance, mainly comes from Equipment owner. Even suggestions for corrective & improvement maintenance for modification and up gradations, comes from Equipment owner. It works effectively when owner is educated on equipment.

6 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 4. Education of Owner on equipment by OPL.
Preparation of Equipment wise OPL ( One Point Lesson) file. It should contain :- Check list points for maintaining best & perfect condition of equipment, and achieving zero breakdown. Procedures of CLIT, identifying defects, maintaining basic condition of equipment. Lessons for avoiding previous & predicted breakdown. Lesson for rectifying small defects by owner himself. Arresting source of dust, dart & contaminations. Visual control of Equipment, Process parameters & settings. Simple Internal working principle & construction of equipment. Practical observation of servicing / overhauling. Mentor should discuss each OPL between with Owners and guide him for effective CLIT and generate Predictive Maintenance feedback.

7 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 5. Arresting the source of Dust, Dart & contamination.
Principle for maintaining “3rd S i.e. Shine” is : Stop the leakages, Stop the spillages, Stop the source of Dust & Dart. After arresting the source of dust, we should define the cleaning schedule, to ensure cleanness of each equipment and area. Owner will do CLIT accordingly. We should not misuse compressed air are for floor and structure cleaning, since it is very costly.

8 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 6. Convert our TEAM as Thinking People Team.
TPM implemented organization, acts as “Thinking People Organization”. Improvement ideas comes, when anyone search for betterment, and think for improvement. Our aim is to convert every JNIL family member as Thinking Person. We have effective training program for transforming people in thinking mode, which will be arranged in every department, time will be 2:30 PM, duration 2 hours, minimum nomination required per training 25 – 30 TPM Practitioners , facility required - sitting arrangement with projector. Please plan that training, and call us for the effective change for improvement. When “discovering” will become our habit, our beloved organization will become “THE NECO” ( In Gurmukhi Language NECO means “ Ati Uttam” the best in the world).

9 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 7. Involve of Total People
“T” of TPM stands for Total, means Everyone, Everything & Everywhere in the organization. Implementation of TPM is a cultural change, and it comes from Top to bottom, in any organization as well as in any department. Active participation of everybody is the basic requirement for successful implementation of TPM.

10 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 8. Extended Equipment & Structure life by proper painting.
We have observed repetitive painting of equipment to maintain shining of equipment. TPM is not the cosmetic Show. “3rd S” of “5S”is Scrub & Shine. We have to clean the dust & dart to regain the original paint of the equipment or structure, and we have to maintain it. If the paint is damaged, then only we will apply proper paint, after proper surface preparation & correct selection of paint specification, for any type of confusion, we may discuss with the paint manufacturer for perfect selection. Once paint is applied, we should get the life of that paint for at least 3 years. If the paint fails to give the expected life, we should correct the root cause of failure ( May be surface preparation problem, application problem, wrong selection of paint specification with respect to working environment, may be inferior quality of Paint, etc.).

11 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 9. Our Previous Backlogs.
Updating all our previous backlogs & sustain it , i.e. discussion with all team members and complete utilization of Master list of Spare, Practice the maintenance calendar confirming Time Based Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance & Proactive Maintenance. Confirmation of planned job and highlighting the slippage. Identify & solving soft foot problems, Maintaining SS Shim for quick alignment, Maintaining Cleanness of lubricant and Visual management, Handover and discuss checklist with owner, Monitoring Overall Plant Effectiveness for plant, and monitoring MTBF & MTTR for critical equipments .

12 WE HAVE TO FOCUS ON 10. Compliances of Health Audit.
We are doing the Department wise Equipment Health Audit, along with the condition monitoring for every equipment once in a month. Please send the compliances against abnormalities mentioned in the audit sheet within 15 days. We will recheck, after getting the confirmtion from section in charge.

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