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P. K. Srivastava and LVPD Team* (Abstract ID:013)

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Presentation on theme: "P. K. Srivastava and LVPD Team* (Abstract ID:013)"— Presentation transcript:

1 P. K. Srivastava and LVPD Team* (Abstract ID:013)
Process Automation System for Integration and Operation of Large Volume Plasma Device P. K. Srivastava and LVPD Team* (Abstract ID:013) *LVPD Team: Ritesh Sugandhi, A.K.Sanyasi, Prabhakar Srivastava, L. M. Awasthi, R. Jha, S. K. Mattoo and P. K. Kaw 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 1 1

2 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system
Plan of Talk Motivation Large volume plasma device Introduction Operation cycle Scope for automation Automation process Process artefacts – Operational logic preparation, Instrumentation models development Interface : Hardware and software LabVIEW as SCADA Results Conclusion 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 2

3 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system
Motivation Process automation: Critical for Plasma Physics Experiments Complex systems with multiple inter subsystem dependencies System distributed over large area Process & Time criticality Fault identification and trouble shooting Sequential as well parallel operations Complex interlocks Enforcing operational limits Real time feedback & control System and Human Safety Data Management Few working examples are as follows: Linear Machines VINETA LAPD CLM Tokamaks JET Tore Supra Aditya & SST -1 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 3

4 Large Volume Plasma Device
EEF LVPD DAQ Ch. Disp. Experimental Chamber Auxiliary Power systems Data acquisition SS 316 Double walled Cylinder Magnet Power Supply 16 Channel VXI / 40 PXI Length - 3m Timer Card Filament Power Supply Diameter – 2m 5 Delay trigger Cards Discharge Power Supply Diagnostics Ports – 94 Nos Probe drive controls Filter Power Supply Experimental Regime Plasma Operation Control Exciters/ Pulsing Supply Ultimate vacuum ~ 2 x 10-6mbar Neutral Gas feed system Uninterrupted Power Supply Working vacuum ~ 4 x 10-4mbar Probe positioning system Environment 99.99% Argon gas Vacuum and Other Auxiliary system Confinement (DC and Pulsed) Multi filamentary, W, Cathode Plasma density ~1011 /cc Cathode Heating (Electrical) Hydraulics & Pneumatics duty cycle (Pulsed) Plasma Discharge control Cryogenics 1 Hz repetition rate EEF magnetic field control Water cooling Axial magnetic field up to 150 G Safety interlocks like temperature, Vacuum, cooling, Flow e.t.c EEF magnetic field up to 250 G Air conditioning 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 4

5 Large Volume Plasma Device
Physics studies Up gradation is underway Electron Temperature Gradient (ETG) driven Turbulence Automation towards Single window operation of the LVPD experiment. Vacuum operation Plasma Transport: Relevance to fusion Devices Power supplies operation Understanding Electro - Magnetic Filter Physics Linear Probe drives with Stepper motors based operation, etc Exploring Active ETG experiments in LVPD Up gradation to new PXIe based DAQ with 40 channels Understanding role of energetic electrons in the physical processes involved in Magnetospheric plasma, Solar flares etc. Enhancement of Plasma discharge period from 10ms - 50 ms Enhancement of EEF pulse width from 15ms to 55 ms. Role of magnetic filter in production of – ve (H-) ions in a plasma. Up gradation to high density (1012/cm3) uniform plasma source. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 5

6 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system
LVPD Operation Cycle: Data flow diagram Describing the simulated end to end data flow model of operation of the machine Describing the simulated end to end data flow model of operation of LVPD. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 6

7 Scope of automation (1/2)
Approach: Automate the new technical subsystems starting from its development Up-gradation of the manual controls and interlock to computerized control Apply standardized protocols & conventions and A Graphical User Interface (GUI) Scope Proof of concept: Automation of new Filament Power Supply (20V/10kA) and Linear Probe Drive System (12 No's) Use of standard Process Modelling Techniques and Instrumentation Models 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 7

8 Scope of automation (2/2)
Interlock Subsystem level interlocks e.g. Operating limits and conditions for probe drive movement System level interlock e.g. Filament PS and vacuum system interlock Emergency stop Safety User level safety Machine level safety by hardwired interlocks 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 8

9 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system
Logic Development (Vacuum System) Static Modeling : Unified modelling language (ISO UML v1.4) is used for representation of state, activity and sequence Dynamic Modeling describing system behaviour are simulated using Scicos toolkit of Scilab 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 9

10 Simulation and Verification
Describes the vacuum pumping system model and plot of simulation as well as experimentally measured pressure profile. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system

11 Instrumentation Diagrams
Instrumentation models (P&ID, PFD and Electrical diagram, one line diagram) inline with standard guidelines and symbols as per ISA (2009) and ISO Standards. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 11

12 Programmable Controller Interface
Selection of multi-drop serial RS485 interface Semi autonomous operation Each subsystem has a embedded controller (or PLC) program to locally control the unit and respond to a centralized master controller. Modbus communication protocol: Open source, standardized and portable software interface , request-reply mode of operation, 1 master and up to 247 addressable slaves 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 12

13 Software Communication Interface
Packet Data Format MODBUS RTU binary command format is used as a communication packet and Standard register mapping schema is finalized. Commands Read Holding register command is used for reading of status data and Write Holding register command is used for setting controls. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 13

14 LabVIEW for Automation
LabVIEW is used as a development platform for machine automation and control. Reasons for selections are: Graphical programming environment Data flow programming User and Logic integration under same toolkit Data Analysis and field bus interface In-house campus license and support available 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 14

15 Modbus Library Functions
Implementation function block for modbus master and slave functionality Used for development of test applications and interface simulators. Open source and easy portability across LabVIEW 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 15

16 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system
Results LabVIEW based Filament Power Supply Graphical User Interface 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 16

17 Graphical Programming
Implemented event driven program in LabVIEW Describes initialize -> read/write -> data processing -> logging blocks 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 17

18 Linear Probe Drive Comm. Test Application
21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 18

19 Status and Work in Progress
As a proof of concept, following systems are automated: Linear Probe Drive (~ 1m travel length) control for 12 drives 20V/ 10kA Filament Power Supply System Market survey done and procurement will be started for automation of other systems and subsystems. The current test applications functionalities will be enhanced in terms of data processing and full phased SCADA system will be implemented using data logging and supervisory module of LabVIEW. 21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 19

20 Thank you for your kind attention !!!
21/04/15 10th IAEA conference on data acquisition and control system 20

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