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Japanese Level 1 Greetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese Level 1 Greetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese Level 1 Greetings

2 Japanese 1 Greetings! Aims
To be able to: Begin to develop an understanding of Japan Greet different people at different at different times of the day To understand the difference between formal and informal situations Begin to understand why, when and how to bow Say goodbye

3 1st Level Languages Benchmarks!

4 Welcome to Japan!


6 What do you know about Japan?

7 What do you know about Japan?

8 What do you know about Japan?

9 What do you know about Japan?

10 What do you know about Japan?

11 What do you know about Japan?

12 What do you know about Japan?

13 What do you know about Japan?

14 What do you know about Japan?

15 What do you know about Japan?

16 What do you know about Japan?

17 Click on the picture below and use the website, Time for Kids, to find out more about Japan!

18 Japanese Greetings! Now we will learn different Japanese greetings for different situations.

19 Ohayou Ohayou gozaimasu Konnichiwa Konbanwa Sayoonara Sugoi!

20 Ohayou! What is the weather like?

21 Ohayou gozaimasu What is the weather like?

22 Konichiwa! What is the weather like?

23 Konbanwa! What is the weather like?

24 Sayoonara What is the weather like?

25 Learning Activities

26 Activity 1 Choose the picture which matches the word.

27 Konbanwa

28 Konbanwa Sugoi!

29 Ohayou!

30 Ohayou! Sugoi!

31 Konnichiwa!

32 Konnichiwa! Sugoi!

33 Activity 2 Look at the photos and choose the correct greeting for the time of day and if it’s formal or informal.

34 1. Friends in the morning Friends in the morning

35 Ohayou! Friends in the morning

36 2. Teacher in the afternoon
Friends in the morning

37 Konnichiwa! Friends in the morning

38 3. Friends in the morning Friends in the morning

39 Konnichiwa! Friends in the morning

40 4. Meeting family for dinner in the evening
Friends in the morning

41 Konbanwa Friends in the morning

42 5. Business meeting in the morning

43 Ohayou gozaimasu

44 6. Meeting friends at night

45 Konbanwa!

46 Activity 3 Japan customs Bowing

47 Can you think of examples of when you might have seen people bowing?
Can you think of examples of the different ways you have seen people bow? What do you think is the reason for it?

48 In cultures across the world, bowing was traditionally a way of showing respect.

49 People still curtsey when they meet members of the British royal family. This is a form of bowing!

50 This is also still practiced in other countries as a mark of respect when greeting someone who is seen as being important.

51 Bowing is still an important part of Japanese and other Asian cultures.

52 People bow to each other to greet each other and as a sign of respect.

53 But also in other situations such as to apologise, during prayers and as a thank you!

54 In Japan there are many different kinds of bows for different situations.

55 Can you guess when you might use each type of bow?

56 We will learn the informal bow, eshaku, to use when greeting friends!

57 Watch the video to learn how to bow eshaku both standing and sitting!

58 There are even bowing deer in Japan!

59 正坐, literally "proper sitting") is the Japanese
Seiza (正座 or 正坐, literally "proper sitting") is the Japanese  term for one of the traditional formal ways of sitting in  Japan.

60 Activity 4 Look at the pictures and move around the class saying hello in Japanese and bowing to your classmates!

61 Ohayou! Friends in the morning

62 Konnichiwa! Friends in the afternoon

63 Activity 5 Recognising Japanese

64 おはようございます  Ohayo

65 Activity 6 Corners!

66 Place the 4 pictures in the 4 corners of the room to symbolise the 4 different greetings.
Play the sound files As pupils hear the sound files, they should move to the correct corner Ask pupils to say the greeting and bow to each other before playing the next sound file!

67 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.






73 Embedding the language
Classes can greet each other in Japanese at the start, middle and end of the day. like in Japanese at the start of everyday along. You can also try bowing at the start and end of classes!

74 さよなら

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