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1. Mary: The Lord’s Servant

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2 1. Mary: The Lord’s Servant
Luke 1:26-56 p. 945

3 God speaks – People respond.
Much about Mary in Christian tradition – “Mariology” A Long history: engraving on a Sarcophagus – 4th century

4 God speaks – People respond . . .
Mariology: By her willing response became part of salvation story Second “EVE”: her “seed crushes serpent’s head” (Gen 3:15) Evangelicals’ concern – veneration looks like worship. Ignoring her – miss how God works with human partners.

5 1. A Willing Heart In normal custom she is only 12-13 years old.
No social prominence – she is of “humble estate” (v 48) Angel comes with a strange greeting & commission. Mary willingly enters into partnership with God “Highly favoured” = extra blessing ???

6 2. An Enduring Spirit Goes/sent to Zechariah and Elizabeth
Mary is in disgrace (Matt 1:19) She is in risk of her life (stoning) Mary’s willing obedience did not lead to blessing.

7 She is doing her part. God takes care of the rest.
2. An Enduring Spirit . . . She is doing her part. God takes care of the rest. Comfort & understanding from Zechariah and Elizabeth Joseph is brought on side. Doesn’t remove her disgrace; takes away the danger. How is she “highly favoured” and “blessed”? She is part of the Fulfillment of God’s great promise.

8 3. A Fulfilled Promise Mary will be the mother of the “Lord” (v 43)
[1] Nolland, J. (2002). Luke 1:1–9:20 (Vol. 35A, pp. 40–41). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. 3. A Fulfilled Promise Mary will be the mother of the “Lord” (v 43) The person of this “Lord” is the big issue: Zechariah – John Mary – Jesus A response to prayer Entirely God’s initiative Conception by a barren woman is miraculous but has OT precedents Conception by a virgin is unheard-of Zechariah is greeted by name Mary is greeted as “favored one”

9 3. A Fulfilled Promise . . . Zechariah – John Mary – Jesus
[1] Nolland, J. (2002). Luke 1:1–9:20 (Vol. 35A, pp. 40–41). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. 3. A Fulfilled Promise . . . Zechariah – John Mary – Jesus John will be great Jesus’ greatness is unlimited & eternal John will be preparer Jesus is Son and King forever John will be filled with the Holy Spirit after a natural conception Jesus’ conception is by the Holy Spirit Zechariah could not believe Mary embraces God’s purpose.

10 Mary considers herself blessed – God is using her
[1] Nolland, J. (2002). Luke 1:1–9:20 (Vol. 35A, pp. 40–41). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. 3. A Fulfilled Promise . . . Mary considers herself blessed – God is using her “All generation will call her blessed” (v 48) God is working “for” her (v 49) God promised this to Abraham. Mary sees the big picture of God’s purpose.

11 Living It Mary is the human partner in God’s work
Lived out “I am a servant of the Lord” (v 38) We have our own opportunity to be part of God’s work. Mary faces disgrace and risk to her life She has to trust God through the crisis. Had to endure the scandal Following God not easy, doesn’t always lead to “blessing” We have to see the big picture of God’s purpose

12 God involved others who also respond in faith.
Living It . . . God involved others who also respond in faith. Sends her to a couple to comfort her. They understand. Joseph also faces the village’s “conclusions” about Mary. The early days of “Christmas” had to be endured in humble faith


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