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Continuing Care Assessment and Planning Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Care Assessment and Planning Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Care Assessment and Planning Workshop
December 10, 2015 and January 27, 2016

2 Agenda Emergency Management Structure Types of Emergency Plans
Planning Process Hazard Assessment Develop and Utilize Emergency Operations Planning Document Development Implementing the Plan

3 Introductions Name Agency Experience using or writing emergency plans
Interesting fact

4 Outcomes Current Needs Existing Questions Known Concerns
Desired Resources

5 Current Process Plans Assessment Process Plan Development Validation

6 Emergency Management Cycle


8 Emergency Management Overview



11 Where do ICS responders operate?
Staging Area Base Event Scene Incident Command Post

12 Additional Support Event Scene EOC Staging Area Base
Incident Command Post

13 County EOC SEOC FEMA Neighboring County West Neighboring County East
Neighboring State West Neighboring State East SEOC FEMA

14 ESF-8 Health and Medical
Hospital 1 H2 H3 General Hospital Hospital System A Hospital System B Community Clinic Public Health ESF-1 Transportation Specialty Hospital ESF-8 Health and Medical EMS ESF-3 Public Works County EOC Coroner ESF-13 Law Enforcement ESF-4 Firefighting ESF-6 Mass Care

15 Plans

16 Types of Plans Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) a.k.a. Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

17 Interoperability Emergency Management and Emergency Response personnel interact and work well together.

18 Planning Process Hazard Assessment Plan Development
Education and Review Revision Education Exercise

19 Hazard Assessment

20 Overview of HVA Definitions and terminology Common utilization HVA
THIRA Gap Analysis Common utilization Healthcare requirements Hazard mitigation plans Development of emergency plans Budget justification

21 Utilization of HVA Assess Plan Equip Train and exercise Request assets
Support response

22 HVA Components

23 Components Event or Risk Probability Impact Duration Preparedness

24 Event/Risk Identify and prioritize hazards Review agency hazards
Historical and current data from multiple sources Define scope and magnitude of risk Differentiate risks that create different impacts Examine factors that influence probability of events with no history

25 Impact Personnel and clients Facilities and resources
Building and supplies Mission critical elements Communications, expertise, utilities Internal and external Facility and community impact Human, business, property, infrastructure

26 Duration Agreed upon scope of impact Warning
Event time vs response time

27 Preparedness Internal External Plans Training Equipment
Capability vs Capacity

28 Assessment Tool Probability, risk, and mitigation assigned a value
Chance of occurrence and magnitude of impact Mitigation activity scores are reversed Scores derived from assessment of: Personal knowledge Experience and historical data Subject matter experts Group consensus

29 Placeholder for HVA tool
SEVERITY = (MAGNITUDE - MITIGATION) EVENT PROBABILITY HUMAN IMPACT PROPERTY IMPACT BUSINESS IMPACT PREPARED-NESS INTERNAL RESPONSE EXTERNAL RESPONSE RISK Likelihood this will occur Possibility of death or injury Physical losses and damages Interruption of services Preplanning Time, effectiveness, resources Community/ Mutual Aid staff and supplies Relative threat* SCORE 0 = N/A = Low = Moderate = High 0 = N/A = Low = Moderate = High 0 = N/A = Low = Moderate = High 0 = N/A = Low = Moderate = High 0 = N/A = High = Moderate = Low or none 0 = N/A = High = Moderate = Low or none 0 = N/A = High = Moderate = Low or none % Tornado 0% Severe Snow Storm Structure Fire Wild Fire Violence in the facility Violence in the community Hurricane Pandemic Influenza Snow Storm/Blizzard AVERAGE 0.00 *Threat increases with percentage Table adapted from Kaiser Permanente. RISK = PROBABILITY * SEVERITY Placeholder for HVA tool

30 Likelihood this will occur Possibility of death or injury
INCIDENT PROBABILITY INCIDENT EFFECT PREPAREDNESS RISK HUMAN PROPERTY FACILITY WARNING DURATION PLANNING TRAINING IMPACT TIME EQUIPMENT Likelihood this will occur Possibility of death or injury Amount of property severely damaged Complete interruption / shutdown of facility or services Incident anticipation time Time incident may continue Emergency Management / Operations Plan Staff trained and equipped Relative Threat 4 = Highly Likely (probable within this year) 4 = Multiple deaths 4 = >50% 4 = >30 days 4 = <6 hours 4 = >1 week 4 = No EMP or EOP 4 = staff not trained on EOP = Very High 3 = Likely (probable within 3 years) 3 = Injuries result in permanent disability 3 = 25-50% 3 = >2 weeks 3 = 6-12 hours 3 = <1 week 3 = EMP/EOP partially complete 3 = some staff trained, no equipment = High 2 = Possible (probable within 5 years) 2 = Injuries do not result in permanent disability 2 = 10-25% 2 = >1 week 2 = hours 2 = <1 day 2 = EMP/EOP complete 2 = most staff trained, some equipment = Moderate 1 - Unlikely (probable within 10 years) 1 = Injuries treatable with first aid 1 = <10% 1 = 24 hours or less 1 = 24+ hours 1 = <6 hours 1 = EMP/EOP exercised and/or evaluated 1 = Anticipated staff trained and properly equipped = Low Bomb Threat 0.00 Workplace Violence Tornado Severe Thunderstorm Winter Storm (Ice, Snow, Low temperatures) Flood Fire Power Outage Info Systems Failure HVAC Failure Water Service Failure Phone Service Failure Medical Gas Failure Medical Vacuum Failure Disease Outbreak Mass Casualty Incident Hazmat Exposure Supply Shortage VIP Situation Infant Abduction Average Score #DIV/0!

SEVERITY = (MAGNITUDE - MITIGATION) EVENT PROBABILITY HUMAN IMPACT PROPERTY IMPACT BUSINESS IMPACT CRITICAL FACILITIES AGENCY PREPARED-NESS REGIONAL PREPARED-NESS RISK Likelihood this will occur Possibility of death or injury Physical losses and damages Interruption of Business Activity Disruption of critical services or businesses Resources and Effectiveness Community aid and support Relative threat* 0-3" Snow 0% 3-12" Snow >12" Snow Ice Storm Flash Flooding Extended Rain Flooding Tornado EF0-EF2 Tornado EF3-EF5

32 Utilization Improvement planning Mitigation strategies
Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) Event analysis

33 Corrective Action Description
Improvement Plan Capability/ Critical Area Recommendation Corrective Action Description Primary Responsible Completion Date Retest Date Resource Mobilization There is a need to ensure that all new hires are trained in emergency preparedness plans All new hires complete all training within 30 days of hire HR Manager 9/15 12/15 Plan for shelter-in-place needs to be reviewed. Identify hazards that would not permit shelter-in-place Safety Officer; Emergency Management Director Teachers need to be made aware that their lounge may not be available for several hours. Place signage in Teacher’s Lounge to indicate the potential for its use as a SAFE ZONE for the facility Safety Officer Telephone lines in Teacher’s Lounge are limited to two lines. Staff to bring personal cell phones with them to SAFETY ZONE and agree to allow them to be used for facility business purposes

34 Practical hva development

35 Tactics Worksheet Divide and conquer Small portions
Root cause or justification Gather information Scenario based discussion Questionnaire

36 Tactics Committee Legitimize through use After events Competition
New faces Recognition Legitimize through use After events

37 Emergency Planning

38 Big Picture Objective Leadership support Champion Concept Time
Resources to implement Champion Lead and coordinate

39 Big Picture Wheels are wheels – sort of Small portions
Regular meetings Test periodically

40 Plan Contents Introduction and Authorities
Basic information about the facility Key contacts and emergency management structure Plan introduction Legal and business authority for the plan Lines of authority

41 Plan Contents Hazard Analysis/Identification
Specific hazard descriptions Site information such as staffing, beds, and patient type Geographic hazards (flood plain, railroad, fixed facility hazmat)

42 Plan Contents Concept of Operations Incident Management (ICS and CC)
Notification and activation Recording information Communications Plan Security and safety Medical records management Specific action (i.e. shelter-in-place, surge, evacuation, fatality management) Patient management

43 Plan Contents Recovery Insurance Repopulating facility Licensing

44 Plan Contents Appendix Annexes Contacts Maps
Support agreements (supply, alternate site) Utilities Annexes Hazard Specific

45 Validation Educate Test Revise

46 Resources

47 Scenario based discussion
Apply the concepts Scenario based discussion

48 Scenario

49 Scenario Analysis It is Tuesday morning, the facility has a full schedule all week, all resident rooms are full, and some staff are out for vacation. A storm producing severe lightning, strong winds, and what appears to have been a microburst impacted the community and your facility.

50 Scenario Analysis Power to the facility is out.
There is building damage including a leak in the roof and some electrical systems not working due to what appears to have been a lightning strike to the building. The children of two employees have called to report that their houses were damaged.

51 Scenario Analysis The local news is reporting intermittent power outages across the area. Some traffic signals are not functioning, many roads have debris in them, and there is localized flooding blocking roads. Three family members of residents have called to inquire about their family member.

52 Application Utilization of Planning Mitigation Preparedness Response

53 Discussion Concerns Actions Communications What When How Where

54 Improvement Planning Training Exercise
Specific plans internal and external integration into plans Training Types of training Participants Exercise Type of exercise Objectives

55 Next Team and Champion Assessment Plan Development or Refinement

56 All Clear Emergency Management Group, LLC
Contact All Clear Emergency Management Group, LLC Will Moorhead

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