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Extra-light gamma-ray imager for safeguards and homeland security

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1 Extra-light gamma-ray imager for safeguards and homeland security
Oleg P Ivanov, and Ilya A. Semin, Victor N. Potapov, Vyacheslav E. Stepanov Kurchatov Institute, Moscow

2 Contents Gamma-ray imaging principles Scheme of imager
Types of used coded masks Scheme of remote measurements Measurements and using of imager Future developments

3 Gamma-ray imaging. Coded masks principles
Pin-hole photoreadout m =m/f -sources Schilding Position sensitive detector d=m(L+f)/L h=dL/f =m(2R+1)/f =m/f Image intensifier L f d m Coded mask

4 Gamma-ray imaging. Coded masks principles
The scheme of gamma-imaging using coded aperture [object ] [ shadow-gram on detector] [ image restored ] [ aperture (mask )] [ decoding software ]

5 The scheme of imager and used coded masks
FoV, video FoV, gamma , gamma 10 Figure 2. The selected configuration of a lightweight camera to search for the strong gamma-ray sources in emergency situations Fig. 3. Photos of masks of two types - hex mask of 17 rank , and a square mask MURA 31 below.

6 Detector of imager and its weight characteristics
Produced system has the following weighting parameters (grams): Tablet PC 960 Detector Medipix2 assembly 110 Cables 80 The detector enclosure and the mask 740 Overall system frame 720 Total 2610 Fig. 4 Detector Medipix2/Timepix with communication module FITPix before installing into the detector housing with block of coded mask.

7 Scheme of remote measurements with imager
Fig. 5 Scheme of remote measurements and photo the gamma camera which is autonomously set during measurements RW Measurements & Certification

8 Using of imager for RW measurements
Dose rate ~ 400Sv/h From source ~ 100Sv/h T exp min D exp Sv Fig. 6. Gamma- image of canisters with radwaste made by portable camera. Main isotope Cs-137. Dose exposure 10Sv

9 Using of imager for RW measurements
Fig. 7 Gamma image of Cs-137 source obtained when operator holding the camera in his hands (Screenshot of control software) Fig. 9 Gamma-ray imaging of packages with HLRW. Main gamma emitter is Co-60. Fig. 8 Laboratory image of very weak Am-241 source – part of old fire alarm system

10 Imaging sensitivity Gamma spectra measurements with imager
FoV of video ~ 490. FoV of gamma ~ 300 . Sensitivity in dose units for masks of 2 mm thickness (source Cs-137, Еg = 662keV ) ~ 0.3 Sv (30 R) (source Co-60, Еg = 1.25MeV ) ~ 3 Sv (300 R) Fig. 10 Spectrum of Cs-137 source obtained via special processing of signal of gamma-ray detector Medipix2 of developed gamma-camera.

11 Future developments for imager
Fig. 11 A square mask of 11 rank 4 mm thickness to improve a sensitivity of imager. To make more light system there is possibility to implement measurement modules with compact embedded single board computer which will be controlled via Wi-Fi from operator’s computer. The structure of such design is presented in the Fig. 12. Fig. 12. Schematic representation of the structure of the system for gamma imaging with the use by a portable gamma camera.

12 Thank You for Attention
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