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2 The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966.
HARYANA AT A GLANCE The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966. Geographical Area (GA) 4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) Cultivable Area (CA) m ha (85.0% of GA) Cultivated Area m ha (96.9% of CA) _____________________________________________________ Gross Cropped Area m ha Cropping Intensity 185% Irrigated Area m ha (84 %) Canal Irrigation m Ha (42.8%) Groundwater Irrigation m Ha (57.2%) Under-ground Water % brackish Farming Families lac (2011 Census) Marginal Farmers lac (48.1%) (own 3.61 lac ha – 9.9%) Small Farmers lac (19.5%) (own 4.63 lac ha – 12.8%) Others lac (32.4%) (own lac ha – 77.3%) ___________________________________________________ 2

3 ACHIEVEMENTS Krishi Karman Award two times in a row for performance under Wheat during and 2nd largest contributor of food grains to central pool. 1st in Basmati rice export. 17.95 Soil health cards distributed to the farmers. Village level fertility maps prepared. Productivity of both Coarse and Basmati Paddy during kharif 2012 was 4,003 kg per hect. and 2,587 kg per hect. respectively. This is the highest ever in the State since its inception. Productivity of Kharif food grains during kharif 2012 was at 2819 kg per hect. Which was the highest in the State since its inception. Haryana achieved record production of lakh MTs of Rice during Kharif It was the highest production ever achieved in the State. Productivity and production of Cotton was 681 kg per hect. (lint) and lakh bales during Kharif-2012. Protected cultivation of Vegetables being promoted in a big way. 3

4 CHALLENGES 1. Depletion of Ground-water Resources
54% Ground-water brackish. Annual Depletion is 33 cm in Fresh Water Zone. 68 out of 124 (55%) Blocks are over-exploited. 2. Sustainability of Soil Saline & Water-logged Soil (50,000 Ha Critically water logged). Alkaline Soil (1.83 lac Ha). Deficiency of Micro-nutrients & Secondary Nutrients. Poor Organic Carbon. Stubble Burning of Wheat Paddy. 4

5 Land Holdings are not viable. 4. Increasing Cost of Cultivation
3. Small Land Holdings 9.98 lac Small & Marginal Farming Families which account for 65.31% of total farming families. Land Holdings are not viable. 4. Increasing Cost of Cultivation Increase in cost of inputs. Increase in labour charges. Shortage of labour 5. Inadequate Post Harvest Management 6. Climatic Change 5

6 RAIN-FALL in mm Total 340.0 532.1 -36.1 388.1 502.5 -22.8 Month 2012
2013 Actual Normal %Dep. April 8.6 7.2 19.4 1.8 -75.0 May 1.1 13.9 -92.0 1.7 -87.8 June 1.6 51.0 -96.9 77.0 July 72.0 180.4 -60.1 110.3 -38.9 August 184.6 190.9 -3.3 189.9 -0.5 September (Up to 30th ) 72.1 88.7 18.7 7.4 (Till 20th Sept) 59.1 -87.5 Total 340.0 532.1 -36.1 388.1 502.5 -22.8 6

7 District wise average of Actual, average of Normal and % Departure from 1st June, 2013 to 20th September, 2013 Fig in mms. DISTRICT 2013 Tentative Actual Normal %age Dep Ambala 842.7 857.4 -1.7 Bhiwani 188.1 329.8 -43.0 Faridabad 518.7 559.6 -7.3 Palwal 278.1 418.0 -33.5 Fatehabad 238.4 265.8 -10.3 Gurgaon 342.0 445.6 -23.2 Mewat 464.8 468.7 -0.8 Hisar 200.5 306.0 -34.5 Jhajjar 286.1 393.2 -27.2 Jind 361.1 387.1 -6.7 Kaithal 297.7 359.5 -17.2 Karnal 453.7 545.5 -16.8 Kurukshetra 573.5 532.6 7.7 Mohindergarh 249.3 377.7 -34.0 Panchkula 464.0 893.3 -48.1 Panipat 194.7 492.9 -60.5 Rewari 416.7 412.8 1.0 Rohtak 123.1 485.1 -74.6 Sirsa 161.9 229.6 -29.5 Sonepat 407.5 506.1 -19.5 Yamunanagar 1051.4 843.9 24.6 Average 384.6 481.4 -20.1 7

8 KHARIF CROPS 2012 & 2013 Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hects. Production in 000 tonnes/bales 170 kgs of each. S. No Crops 2012 2013 (Target) 2013 (Anticipated) Area Av. Yield Prod. Av. Yield 1. Rice 1215 3272 3976 1150 3350 3852 1154 3866 2. Jowar 56 500 28 80 525 42 85 45 3. Maize 9 2556 23 50 2800 140 26 73 4. Bajra 411 1925 785 610 1950 1190 418 815 5. Kh. Pulses 25 1000 60 1050 63 21 22 Total Kharif Food-grains 1716 2819 4837 2711 5287 1704 2829 4821 6. Sugarcane 101 73634 7437 110 73000 8030 130 9490 7. Cotton 595 681 2384 600 760 2682 557 2490 8. Kh. Oilseeds 6 783 5 10 900 15 14 9. Guar 352 1200 422 300 1300 390 426 554 8

9 RABI CROPS 2012-13 & 2013-14 S. No Crops 2012-13 2013-14 (Target) Area
Area in 000 ha. Av. Yield in kgs/ha. Prod. in 000 tonnes S. No Crops (Target) Area Av. Yield Prod. 1. Wheat 2497 4452 11117 2500 4952 12381 2. Gram 47 1128 53 62 1145 71 3. Barley 48 3479 167 50 3900 195 4. Rabi Pulses 5 1000 10 1100 11 5. Summer Moong 73 625 46 100 700 70 Total Rabi F/Grains 2670 4265 11388 2722 4675 12728 Rabi Oilseeds 559 1721 962 600 1800 1080 6. Sunflower 15 1700 26 1600 24 7. Sugarcane 101 73634 7437 110 73000 8030 9

10 INITIATIVES DSR in rice being promoted. Summer Moong being promoted.
Dhaincha seed promoted for green manuring. Kisan Melas at each district HQ. Farmers Training Camps and exposure visits at each block. Farmers Field Schools (FFSs). Krishi Samvad magazine Free of Cost in all the villages. 10

Focus on Timely Sowing - 80% sowing by 30th November. Seed Replacement Rate to be increased to 55 %. > lakh qtl. certified seed of Wheat available. Promotion of Area specific varieties WH-542, PBW-550, DBW-17, DBW , HD-2967, HD-2733 and HD-2932 in North- eastern part. WH-711, WH-147, UP-2338, Raj-3765 in South-western part. HD-2851, PBW-590, WH-1021, PBW-509 in late sown conditions. Seed Treatment Seed Treatment campaign from 15th Oct. to 30th Nov., 2012. 100 % treatment of Certified Seed. 50 % subsidy on fungicide for the treatment of farm saved seed. Other Steps Promotion of Zero Tillage Technology. Monitoring & management of yellow rust disease. Frequent & Light Irrigation to cope-up with the rise in temperature during grain-formation stage. Reducing row spacing from 23 CM to 20 CM in timely sowing and 18 CM for late sown varieties. 11

Productivity was lower than the state average during Rohtak qtl./hect. (Area ha.) Jhajjar qtl./hect. (Area ha.) Panchkula qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Bhiwani qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Mewat qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Hisar qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Ambala qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Yamuna Nagar qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) Jind qtl./hect. ( Area ha.) State Average qtl./hect. (Area ha.) Factors responsible for Low Productivity have been identified in consultation with KVK experts which are being addressed on priority basis. 12

Awareness Campaign from 15th Oct., to 30th Nov., 2012. Organization of Farmers’ Camps in clusters of 4-5 villages. Seed Replacement Rate to be increased to 55 %. Adequate stocking of certified seed will be ensured. DBW-17, WH-711, PBW-550, WH-147, WH-1025 to be promoted. Zero till cum seed drill provided on priority. 13

Promotion of DBW-17, WH-542, HD-2967, DBW & PBW-550 varieties in Susceptible Areas. Regular and joint Surveillance of the disease in coordination with DWR. Awareness Campaign to educate the farmers about Symptoms & Control measures. Supply of Propiconazole 25 % EC on 50 % Subsidy in case of symptom of yellow rust disease noticed. 14

Cluster demonstration on wheat & Gram (NFSM) ha. Rs.5000 per ha. will be provided. Demonstrations on other crops Mustard ha. Sunflower ha. Summer Moong ha. Gram under A3P ha. Spring Maize ha Rs per ha. on Mustard & Sunflower, Rs.3000 per ha. on Summer Moong & Rs per ha. on Gram. 50000 no. of minikits of Mustard (RH-9304, RGN-73, Pusa Mustard-21, Pusa Mustard- 22, NRCDR & CS-56) 15

16 SEEDS There will be no shortage of seeds. Crop Req. 2013-14
Qty. in qtls. Crop Req. Availability HSDC Kribhco IFFCO NSC SFCI HAFED Pvt. Total Wheat 265640 958 30178 51888 10568 81456 889571 Barley 24830 8153 520 2120 2390 34693 Gram 8000 2009 192 175 9000 11376 Lentil 500 10 960 970 Mustard 19300 2725 607 4445 16146 23923 Toria 600 48 964 1012 278585 53207 17308 919031 There will be no shortage of seeds. 16

CROP (Target) Wheat 25.90 34.00 37.00 33.80 51.00 55.00 Barley 62.00 90.00 90.02 82.54 86.60 Gram 12.80 18.75 12.20 15.00 15.50 16.00 Oilseeds 75.76 93.53 95.00 93.00 94.27 17

18 FERTILIZERS Rabi 2012-13 Rabi 2013-14 UREA 11.25 13.48 11.74 11.50 DAP
Requirement Availability Consumption UREA 11.25 13.48 11.74 11.50 DAP 4.00 5.88 3.26 MOP 0.40 0.03 0.10 NPK 0.50 0.12 0.08 0.20 SSP 0.43 0.42 1.00 Pre-positioning of DAP & Urea Fertilizer will be ensured. Hafed will stock 1.50 lakh MT DAP and 4.50 lakh MT urea for ensuing Rabi Monitoring of fertilizers stocking, availability and sale on day-to-day basis. 18

Adequate arrangement of micronutrients fertilizers- Zinc Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate & Magnesium Sulphate. Micronutrients on 75 % subsidy. Area to be covered 1,16,000 ha. Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose. GYPSUM Adequate arrangement of Gypsum made. Gypsum to be supplied on 60 % subsidy. NFSM (Wheat) ha NFSM (Pulses) – ha ISOPOM - Provision of Total amount for Gypsum application for land reclamation under RKVY, NFSM, ISOPOM is Rs crore. 19

16,000 nos. manually operated spray pumps (knap Sack sprayers) will be provided. 50 % of the cost or Rs.600 per spray pump. 1300 nos. power operated spray pumps to be provided. Rs.2000 per power operated spray pump. 1500 nos. tractor mounted sprayers on 50% cost or maximum limit upto Rs.10,000 per sprayer. 20

S. No. Name of the Implement Target Subsidy 1 Zero till seed drill 2020 Rs or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 2 Happy Seeder 100 Rs or 50 % of cost whichever is less 3 Seed drill 1800 Rs or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 4 Rotavator 2210 Rs or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 5 Lazer levelers 700 Rs or 50 % of cost whichever is less 6 Sub soiler 500 Rs.5000 or 50 % of cost whichever is less 7 Multi crop planter 8 Mulcher 20 9 Straw Baler 10 Tractor Mounted Sprayer 3000 Rs or 50 % of cost whichever is less 21

Soil Health Cards More than lakh Soil Health Cards distributed so far. Micro Nutrient Subsidy Supply of Micro-nutrients on 75% subsidy. Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratories All 33 laboratories will be upgraded within 2 years. 20 Soil Testing Laboratories equipped for micro-nutrients testing 3 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories are functioning. 1.50 lakh Soil Samples analyzed annually for Micro-nutrients. Application of Gypsum Gypsum on 60% subsidy to mitigate Sulphur Deficiency. Green Manuring to be promoted Supply of Dhaincha Seed on 50 % subsidy. An area of 4.25 lakh hect. brought under Green Manuring since 50,000 hect. area targeted for the ensuing season. Use of Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Bio-fertilizers to be conducted. Bio-fertilizers on 50% subsidy. 22

23 WATER MANAGEMENT Promotion of Underground Pipelines (UGPL)
50 % of the cost or Rs.60,000 per beneficiary for UGPL. Plan to bring ha. area under the system. Provision of Rs crore made for UGPL. Promotion of Sprinkler Irrigation 50 % of the cost or Rs.7,500 per hectares on Sprinklers. An area of ha. targeted under Sprinkler Irrigation during Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose. Promotion of Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation in 1000 ha. of sugarcane & cotton proposed to be covered. 23

Cluster demonstrations on 4000 ha with an assistance of Rs crores is proposed. This includes gram and lentil demonstration. Under INM component 2000 ha with Rs.1 crore assistance and gypsum application in ha with Rs.1.95 crores. Under IPM component , IPM package of 18,000 ha with Rs.1.35 crore assistance and weedicide distribution in 674 ha with Rs.3.37 lakhs assistance is proposed. This also includes NPV distribution in 400 ha with Rs.1.00 lakh assistance and chemical distribution for 1,000 ha with Rs.50 lakhs assistance. Under Resource Conserving Technologies/Tools Component, 4,000 knapsack sprayers, 1,000 zero-till seed drills, 1000 seed drills, 830 rotavators and 100 laser land levelers are proposed under NFSM- Pulses for the year 24

Four State Pesticides Testing Laboratories located at Karnal, Rohtak, Sirsa & Panchkula with annual analysis capacity of 1100 each samples annually . However, State Pesticides Testing Laboratory, Panchkula is yet to becomefuly functional. Three Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratories located at Karnal , Rohtak & Hisar with annual analysis capacity of 5,100 samples. Two notified State Seed Testing Laboratory situated at Karnal & Sirsa. Each has annual analysis capacity of 10,000 samples. Action are taken against defaulters as per provisions of relevant Act, Order and Rules. Distribution of fertilizers is effected in State through 2276 institutional and 6864 private, insecticides through 956 institutional and 8421 private and seed through 8,393 outlets. 25

Green Manuring with Dhaincha Crop promoted Supply of Dhaincha Seed on highly subsidized rate. An area of 4.25 lakh hect. brought under Green Manuring since Soil Health Cards 17.95 lakh Soil Health Cards distributed. Plan to cover all the farmers by the end of October, 2013. Micro Nutrient Subsidy Micro-nutrients specially Zinc Sulphate supplied on 75 % subsidy. Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratories 18 Soil Testing Laboratories equipped for micro-nutrients testing All 32 laboratories will be upgraded before the end of 11th Plan. 4 New Soil Testing Laboratories and 3 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories to be established during 1 mobile Soil Testing laboratory established under PPS at Kurukshetra. 1 lakh Soil Samples analyzed annually for Micro-nutrients. Application of Gypsum Gypsum on 60% subsidy to mitigate Sulphur Deficiency. Use of Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Bio-fertilizers to be conducted. Bio-fertilizers on 50% subsidy. 26

27 UTILIZATION OF FUNDS NFSM 2012-13 & 2013-14
(Rs. In Lakh) Component Allocation Allocation Unspent balance Release Total Exp. Wheat 9624 2322 (97.09%) Pulses 737.24 42.34 696.18 738.52 737 (96.26%) A3P 964.00 99.00 624.00 723 666 (92.16%) Additional - 320.00 (29%) 4890.5 4045 (83%) 27

28 Funds made available (Unspent + Fresh release)
ISOPOM Rs. in lac Component Allocation 722.94 512.05 Funds made available (Unspent + Fresh release) 798.88 - Funds utilized (86.23%) Unspent 110.42 Funds for are awaited from GOI 28

RKVY Rs. in lac Year Allocation Actual released by GOI Utilization Submission of UCs % Utilization of Funds & 100 99.79 94.61 66.30 - 29

30 Funds Released Till Date
PROGRESS UNDER RKVY Department Project Approved by SLSC Funds Released Till Date Stream-I Agriculture Horticulture 319.00 Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department LLRUVAS, Hisar 400.00 200.00 Board & Corporation 818.25 CCSHAU, Hisar 247.85 124.43 Total Stream-II 800.00 Total (Stream-I & II) Administrative Expenses 172.34 50.00 Sub-Schemes Accelerated Fodder Development Program (AFDP). 250.00 Project for Vegetable Initiatives for Urban Clusters under RKVY Scheme during the year 600.00 National Mission for Protein Supplements (NMPS) 500.00 Total (Sub-Schemes) Committed Liability Grand Total 30

Agriculture Promotion of Underground Pipe Line (UGPL). Farm Mechanization. Seed Treatment. Reclamation of Saline & Alkaline Soils. Animal Husbandry & Dairying Reproductive Health Management. Out sourcing of A.I. services to J.K. Trust Mobile Veterinary diagnostic and Emergency services. Technology interventions for value addition of milk at grass root level. Horticulture Promotion of Hybrid Vegetables & Mushroom cultivation. Integrated Post Harvest Management. Promotion of Bio-pesticides/Pheromone Traps. Establishment of Technology Demonstration centre for Papaya and Banana. 31

Fodder crops are being promoted under Accelerated Fodder Development Programme. Rs crore was utilized during the Projects amounting Rs crore sanctioned by SLSC, Rs. 5 crore allocated by GOI, Rs crore unspent ( ). Provision of Rs crore is kept for the year Kits contains inputs like seed, fungicide, micro-nutrients and PP chemicals. Fodder production kits of Barseem, Oat, Maize (dual purpose) & Sorghum will be distributed to the farmers in an area of 41,000 acres, 1900 acres, 10,000 acres & 37,000 acres respectively with an financial assistance of Rs per hectare. 32

33 POWER CANAL WATER Month 2012-13 Actual consumption 2013-14 supplied
Lac units per day Month Actual consumption supplied % increased/ decreased over 2011 April 303 315 3.96 May 407 484 18.92 June 542 599 10.52 July 629 673 6.99 August 590 632 7.12 CANAL WATER Month Bhakhra WJC Total April 1545 1373 2918 1560 1321 2881 May 1588 1314 2902 1535 1306 2841 June 1631 1341 2972 1546 1292 2838 July 1666 1382 3048 1603 1334 2937 August 1679 1390 3069 1650 1378 3028 33 Power & Canal water supply will be ensured during Rabi season

34 CREDIT Year-wise flow of ground level credit for agriculture and allied activities for the year to in respect of Haryana State Rs. in crore Agency Coop. Banks RRBs Commercial Banks Other agencies 951.42 350.46 388.02 417.15 328.56 Total 34

35 Horticulture Major Achievements : 2012-13
Financial achievements: NHM : Utilised Rs crore out of Rs. 107 crore (92.79%). Micro Irrigation (NMMI): Utilised Rs crore out of Rs. 67 crore (90.90%). All plan schemes: Utilised Rs crore out of Rs. 72 crore (98.19%). Physical achievements: Additional area covered: 1723 ha under Kinnow, Guava and Mango. 2705 ha under chillies, ginger, turmeric and garlic. 1275 ha under flowers. Community tanks/farm ponds constructed: 317 no. at farmers field (Total up to 2013: 2817 No.). Farmers training and exposure visits: Training to 3212 no. of farmers at Horticulture Training Institute, Karnal. Exposure visit to 3379 no. of farmers to CEV & CEF and outside State. Contd... 35

36 Horticulture Mechanization : Mushroom:
Pollination support : 6473 nos. of bee-hives with bee colonies were supplied to farmers Horticulture Mechanization : 2055 nos. of tools, power operated machines were supplied to farmers Mushroom: Subsidy on 69,047 no. on spawn bags for mushroom production was given to farmers. 3 large mushroom production units and 3 pasteurized compost units were established at farmers field through efforts of the department. Post harvest management: Subsidy was given on 7 no. cold storages of matric tones 45 pack houses for temporary storage of fruits and vegetables 10 no. low cost onion storage structures of 25 MT capacity each 1.68 lakh plastic crates for transportation of fruits and vegetables 92,500 no. of corrugated boxes for packing and transportation of fruits 72 AC vending carts for display and sale of horticulture produce through vendors 4 National level shows (mango, mushroom, vegetables, citrus) and 7 state level seminars were conducted. cont…. 36

37 Protected/Green house Cultivation
Micro Irrigation: Area covered: Drip irrigation: 1800 ha in fruits. Mini sprinkler: 3848 ha in vegetables. Protected/Green house Cultivation An expenditure of Rs. Rs crore was incurred on protected cultivation, out of which Govt. has spent Rs. 57 crore as 65% subsidy. Total Area covered under protected cultivation is 548 ha out of which under Poly-house is 136 ha and under Mulching & Plastic Low Tunnels is 412 ha. 14 front line demonstration centres were established and technologies were transferred at farmers field through field demonstrations and trainings. 37

38 Major Achievements: 2012-13 cont….
Indo-Israel Projects Phase-II: Three (3) new projects approved and work started:- Mango, Persimmon at Ladwa (Kurukshetra): Rs crore; Bee Keeping at Ram Nagar (Kurukshetra): Rs. 10 crore; Flower project at CEV, Gharaunda: Rs. 15 crore. Centre of Excellence for Fruits, Mangiana, Sirsa: Centre was inaugurated on 22nd May, 2013. New crops like Olives & Pomegranates and new varieties of Citrus are being demonstrated. 38

39 Major Achievements: 2012-13 cont….
Other projects: Banana & Papaya Centre at Sewakheri, Panipat under establishment. Guava Centre at Bhuna, Fatehabad under establishment. Two (2) Fruit & Vegetable Pesticide Residue Labs under establishment for an amount of Rs crore one at Gharaunda, Karnal and second at Sirsa. Two (2) Hi-tech hybrid vegetable seedlings production units established one at Samargopalpur, Rohtak and another at Govt. farm, Gurgaon. IT initiatives: MI-Net portal launched and operated for online application and dispersal of subsidy. Nursery and Seed License Portal. Centre of Excellence for Vegetables, Gharaunda, Karnal: A potential productivity of 302 MT per Ha in Tomato, 211 MT in Capsicum and 151 MT in Cucumber was achieved. 75 varieties of tomatoes, 14 hybrids of capsicum and 5 hybrids of cucumber were tested and advised to the farmers. More than 25 lacs vegetable hybrid seedlings were sold to the farmers at 50% assistance. Centre of Excellence for Vegetables, Gharaunda, is now Global Gap Certified by accredited agency of Govt. of India. 39

40 Action Plan NHM Action Plan outlay increased from Rs. 107 crore to 120 crore. MI Action Plan increased from Rs. 72 crore to 90 crore. State Plan outlay increased from Rs. 54 crore to 95 crore. To cover additional area under: Orchards: 2500 ha Vegetables: 4000 ha Mushroom: 200 new units To increase area under protected cultivation: Additional area: 1150 ha. Micro Irrigation: Additional Area: 7000 ha (Rs. 90 crore budget). Community tanks/Farm Ponds: 250 no. Focus shall be on completion of 3 new projects under Indo-Israel Work Plan phase-II (Mango Project Rs crore, Flower Project Rs. 15 crore, Bee-Keeping Rs. 10 Crore); Guava Demonstration Centre at Bhuna, Fatehabad and Technology Demonstration Centre for Papaya and Banana at Sewakheri, Panipat. 40 cont….

41 Centers new activities
Expansion of Centre of Excellence for Vegetables at Gharaunda, Karnal with a budgetary support of Rs crore to demonstrate organic farming in poly house and open field conditions. Centers new activities 5 new crops to be demonstrated at CEV, Gharaunda ( ): Hot-pepper, Egg Plant, Basil, Sweet Melon & Swiss Fennel. 2 new crops to be introduced at CEF, Mangiana: Date-palm & Guava. Formation of 13 Farmers Producers Organizations exclusively for vegetables (260 Farmer Interest Groups involving 5,000 farmers have already been formed). Formation of 5 Farmers Producers Organizations for Fruits Post harvest management: Pack houses: 150 nos., Cold storage: 40,000 MT capacity, AC vending carts: 300 nos., Plastic crates: 2 lakhs nos. 41

42 BEST PRACTICES 1. Under Ground Pipe Line
ISI Marked HDPE/PVC Pipes are laid at one meter depth. 50% or maximum Rs. 60,000 per beneficiary. 42

43 IMPACT OF UGPL Saves about 15% to 20% water and improves crop productivity. Saves energy, reduces operational cost. Water carried directly to fields. Upto 2% additional area under open field channels brought under cultivation. Prevents seepage and evaporation losses. 43

44 2. LASER LAND LEVELER (Introduced in 2007-08)
Water Saving 15-20%. Leads to uniform irrigation. Reduces consumption of fertilizer and pesticides 18-20%. Saving in Electricity and Diesel. Desired slope can be maintained to drain out the excess water in heavy rainfall areas. Increase in irrigated area/command area. 44

45 3. PROMOTION OF DSR Water Saving in DSR (CIMMYT Report)
Basmati Varieties 21 to 31 % Non-Basmati 22 % Hybrids 20 to 25 % 45

46 Contd. 46

47 47

500 Laser Land Levelers targeted to be distributed on subsidy in Subsidy @Rs.50,000/- per machine. Happy Seeder - sowing of Wheat crop after harvesting of Paddy crop in standing stubbles. Cost around Rs /- Rotavators help in better decomposition of crop residue & saves fuel and labour.. 50% of the cost or Rs.30,000/- per machine. 5,00 Straw Reapers will be distributed on subsidy. Subsidy @Rs.40,000/- per machine. 48

Development of Yellow Rust Resistant and Terminal Heat Tolerant varieties for wheat. Frost resistant varieties of Mustard . All districts should be included under NFSM (Wheat). Procurement of Summer Moong on MSP by Govt. agencies should be ensured. Infrastructure for R&D on climate change in SAUs needs to be strengthened. 49

50 Thank You website:


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