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Anti-Immigration and the Scopes Trial

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1 Anti-Immigration and the Scopes Trial
Ch 11 S 3

2 Traditionalism vs. Modernism
More open to change Greater focus on consumer goods Emphasis on science Secular values Education: Key to success Tradition Religion (fundamentalism) Valued hard work, not stuff Education: Only the basics Now urban vs. rural Fundamentalism Protestant Bible=truth Anti-Evolution Anti-Communism Retreats Speakers Billy Sunday Rural Urban

3 The Scopes Trial Clash of modernism and fundamentalism
Issue: Teaching Darwin’s theory of Evolution in schools 1925 TN outlawed it American Civil Liberties Union convinced John Scopes to teach it anyway Scopes arrested “Monkey Trial” Defense Attorney: Clarence Darrow Prosecuting Attorney: William Jennings Bryan Science/logic vs. literal interpretation of the Bible Scopes found guilty and fined $100 Debate still today

4 Critical Thinking Activity
Read the arguments provided by the Prosecution and Defense of the Scopes Trial, 1925 and the Teaching of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution p. 337 Answer the following questions How does Bryan’s view of science differ from that of Malone? What does each man feel should happen when science clashes with religion? What do you think? Should we teach evolution? Give 3 reasons to support your argument.

5 Nativism and Anti-Immigration
Immigration boom Nativists: white Americans WASP culture Wanted to keep the US “pure” Anti-Chinese, Southern & Eastern Europe, Mexican, and African American Literacy Tests for immigration Fueled by the Red Scare Pushed immigration quotas

6 Quota Laws Emergency Quota Act of 1921 National Origins Act of 1924
Established a quota system National Origins Act of 1924 Based on nationality and 1890 Census Could not exceed the 1890 Census by more than 2% Greatly limiting those not-liked by Nativists Didn’t apply to Mexico Open immigration Farming jobs But discrimination remained

7 The New KKK Stone Mt., GA, 1915 Revival
Targets: Jews, Catholics, immigrants, and blacks Part of the Nativist Movement Secret society 4-5 million members Still mostly in the South Headquarters: IN, David Stephenson Controlled many politicians Terror tactics Burning homes and crosses, lynching, boycotting businesses Hate group Corrupt against its own members Meet with some opposition

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