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Innotas Customer Webinar: Project Permission Migration

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Presentation on theme: "Innotas Customer Webinar: Project Permission Migration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innotas Customer Webinar: Project Permission Migration
Leena Jobanputra, PMP, Innotas Engagement Manager Jennifer Rose, Product Manager For questions or suggestions about this template, contact Barron Fujimoto or Maja Sever

2 Housekeeping Items 35 minutes of presentation Remainder Q&A
All lines are on mute Enter questions into the chat box If you can’t see the chat box, click Show Panel at the top left of your screen Webinar is being recorded Recording will be shared post- webinar Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium and “B”. (Just using B may or may not show during slideshow)

3 Agenda Reminders Benefits of Enterprise Project Permissions
Migration Due Date Monthly Release Schedule Benefits of Enterprise Project Permissions What to Do Before Migration The Migration Process New Unit Hierarchy Associations Overview Uses for the Unit Hierarchy Understanding Project/Portfolio Unit Hierarchy Associations Division / Department Structure  What now? Q&A Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

4 Monthly Release Schedule
Migration Date – Oct Release First Friday Release notes published Second Friday Release deployed to sandbox environments Third Friday Release deployed to production environments Beta functionality is usually enabled in sandboxes by default Sandbox refreshes cannot be performed between the Sandbox and Production release weeks (usually the second and third Fridays of the month) Contact your Account Manager to set up a sandbox (additional fee) September Release – Sandbox pushed to the Third Friday and Production pushed to the Fourth Friday

5 Benefits of Enterprise Permissions for Projects
Grant permissions globally or at the entity level to Units, which are groups of users based on your organization hierarchy Ad-hoc groups Individual users Permissions can be granted at a much more granular level Some parts of a project can be editable, some read only Grant global read or edit access rights to users (individuals, groups, or org units) without adding them to the very powerful Organization Admin Group Eliminates the need for a “Team” user

6 What to Do Before Migration
Understand how Permission Profiles work in general What are the different rules types and which ones to use in what scenario Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

7 What to Do Before Migration – cont’d
Familiarize yourself with the autogenerated profiles All Owner Permissions - existing profile that now includes view/edit permissions for projects Project Auditor - maps to users who have no edit access but can view financial information (View Rollups) Project Contributor - maps to users who can create/edit tasks and create/edit issues Project Full Edit - maps to users who have all project permissions-given to members of the Standard Org Group Project Manager - maps to users who can edit the project (Edit Item permission), can create/edit tasks and issues Project Member - maps to users who are Active members of the project team but don't have any other permissions (allows view access to reports and dashboards) Project Viewer - maps to Full Users (based off Full User Licenses) who get implicit permission to view all projects Project PMO - maps to the Project PMO profile with a group rule for edit permissions on PMO locked fields and to the Project Full Edit profile with a group rule for view, edit, and delete permissions on all projects View All Resource Availability - global rule for Cap Dem group, to view availability Decide what permissions users in your organization should have for projects Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

8 Current to Future State

9 The Migration Process Go to Admin  Permission Profiles and start the migration by clicking ..."automatically migrate..." link in the Note Click Migrate in the modal window to confirm the migration The new permission profiles will be visible but NOT active Depending on the number of projects in your environment and the number of team members on those projects, the migration might take a few minutes or a few hours. We recommend that you avoid initiating the migration within 24 hours of the Innotas maintenance window, which is Fridays, 10PM PT Review each profile and adjust as needed Add/remove permissions Rename the profile Adjust the descriptions etc. Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

10 The Migration Process – cont’d
See the screenshot below to compare the old with the new Edgar Elioto is simply an active team member. He gets the Project Member profile. Tim Meambre is active and has create issues and create/edit tasks. He gets the Project Contributor profile. Frank True has all project permissions. He gets the Project Full Edit profile. Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

11 The Migration Process – cont’d
Spot check some projects by using the Permissions Explorer to view all the users who have permissions and what permissions that have on that project Communicate to your Project Managers about the new profiles and the rights each profile will get Once you are satisfied with the generated profiles, and are ready for them govern project permissions, activate them Go to Admin  Permission Profiles and click Activate in the note “… activate the project permissions …” Once they have been activated, the old “Team” link will be removed from the project side navigation bar and the note in Admin will show include a ‘revert’ link. Emphasize text using Avenir LT Standard Medium. Use color if needed, but be consistent!

12 Uses of Unit Hierarchy / Associations
Used to set up true organization hierarchy without the constraints of Division/Departments Put resources in units and can associate units to projects Project Unit associations are used to give permissions

13 Unit – Project/Portfolio Associations
These are the four association types: Benefits Unit Funded by Unit Owned by Unit Provided by Unit Can associate a project or portfolio to multiple units Can create project/portfolio-based permission profiles that give certain units specific permissions to individual projects, portfolios and/or templates Reporting on Project Unit Associations: Units associated to projects are considered a child entity to the project Not to be used for project rollup-type reports – Departments, Divisions & Portfolios should be used for rollup data Can link projects to portfolios, and create a one to many relationship

14 Division/Department Uses
Department can now be made non-required for project creation. It is possible (and recommended if not in use) to remove the field from the project creation view to avoid confusion Division/Department both will eventually be non-required fields at the resource and project levels The Division/Department fields will not disappear, but should be used when there is a use case for a true program functionality Can still be used for reporting purposes (viewing project rollups at the Department or Division level) To associate a project to a department, you must be added to the team of each department, with the following box checked: Can Create Parent Relationship with Projects

15 Helpful Links FAQs Migration document Additional Services
Migration document ntation/030_Permissions/060_Project_Permissions/030_Migration_Guide Additional Services

16 Q&A

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