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Arterial and Varicose Vein Surgery

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Presentation on theme: "Arterial and Varicose Vein Surgery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arterial and Varicose Vein Surgery
Mr Lasantha Wijesinghe Consultant Vascular and General Surgeon 4th December 2015

2 Vascular Update GP Refresher Day Friday 4th Dec
Mr( Mrs) Chairman, ladies and gentleman. I would like to begin by explaining that the submitted abstract was found to contain errors caused by inaccuracies in the hospital coding system and computaer database. This presentation contains corrected data on a smaller number of patients which however, yields tha same result as that in the abstract. Mr Lasantha Wijesinghe Consultant Vascular Surgeon

3 Varicose Veins

4 Symptoms Itching

5 Symptoms Itching Aching

6 Symptoms Itching Throbbing or heaviness Aching

7 Symptoms Phlebitis

8 Symptoms Phlebitis Skin changes

9 Symptoms Phlebitis Skin changes Leg ulcer

10 Varicose Veins Is it worth treating them?
Varicose veins lower quality of life; improved after surgery Journal of Vasc Surg 1999 Surgery improves quality of life JA Michaels 2006 Surgery and laser equally effective and safe K Rass 2012 (400 patients) Laser and radiofrequency equivalent at 3 years I Nordon 2012 (159 patients) Reduce chance of ulcer recurring

11 Varicose Veins Referrals
CCG v NICE CCG: phlebitis, severe skin changes, bleeding, ulcer NOT for pain or cellulitis

12 Varicose Veins What treatment?
Sclerotherapy (injection of foam) EVLT (laser) RF (radiofrequency) Surgery Others

13 EVLT endovenous laser Day case Local anaesthetic No groin wound
Quick return to activity Long term results awaited Probably as good as surgery

14 Surgery Day case General anaesthetic Small groin wound
Slower return to activity Long term results good Probably as good as EVLT

15 Results Before After

16 Vladek Sheybal


18 Aortic aneurysms National Screening
National Screening Programme Men >65 Ultrasound Automatic referral from the programme or recall (>3cm) or discharge (<3cm) Unscreened AAAs: 5.5cm diameter is threshold for treatment Information leaflets from NAAASP or Vascular Society

19 Aortic aneurysms Management
Control risk factors bp, smoking, wt loss No driving if over 65mm Don’t treat just because you can

20 Claudication Muscle pain/cramp Not at rest or in bed
Brought on by exercise Relieved by rest Reproducible Buttock Thigh Calf

21 Claudication Not dangerous Risk factors Naftidrofuryl 100mg tds
Smoking, diabetes, bp, obesity Naftidrofuryl 100mg tds Aspirin Statin Exercise classes

22 Claudication differential diagnosis
Spinal claudication Orthopaedic Myopathy Combination Pulses ABPI

23 ABPIs Easy? >0.8 = fine Incompressible, don’t worry

24 Foot ulcers Ischaemic refer Diabetic, pulseless refer (foot clinic)

25 Leg ulcers Arterial (no venous problem) refer Venous Oedema
ABPI > 0.8 compression Not healing despite compression refer ABPI <0.8 refer Oedema Arthritis (steroids/methotrexate) Heart failure Renal Failure

26 BMI Harbour Clinics Thursday afternoons 01202 702832

27 Case 1 42 yr old woman Primary varicose veins Itchy
No visible skin changes

28 Case 2 78 yr old man Comes to discuss ingrowing toenail AF warfarin
Poor cardiac function on echo Pitting oedema to knees You notice lipodermatosclerosis and mild varicose veins

29 Case 3 33 yr old ex IV drug user, cannabis and tobacco use
Old left leg DVT Pain in left foot at night and in calf when walks Good femoral and popliteal pulses No foot pulses on left ABPI 0.7 Normal ABPI and pulses on right

30 Case 4 65 yr old man Fit, plays 2 rounds of golf a week
Sudden onset of pain right calf and foot 3 days ago Some improvement but now only 9 holes Excellent pulses on left (prominent popliteal) Good right fem, no right pop pulse

31 Case 5 24 year old female nurse Fit and well
Swelling left calf 3 weeks No trauma Non tender, no erythema Normal pulses No varicose veins Pitting oedema

32 Case 6 45 year old woman MS, wheelchair
Blue discolouration in both feet Cool Pink when feet are elevated Good pulses


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