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This is My Life the Senior Project.

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Presentation on theme: "This is My Life the Senior Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is My Life the Senior Project

2 The Biggest “Show & Tell” of Your Life
What is it? A digital personal narrative A “reflection” of your life – up to this point Who am I? How did I become this person? What’s next for me?

3 The Pieces Preparation – 200 pts.
Media Assignment -- 50 Narration / Script Storyboard – 25 Works Cited and lyrics – 25 The DVD/narrative & the presentation of it – 200pts.

4 The Nitty-Gritty Length – 7-10 min. Less than 7 = 10-90% deduction
More than 10 = 10-90% deduction Goal? 8-9 min.

5 Creating Your Project Select a Theme Media Sources
Improves cohesiveness Engages the audience Media Sources Photos Video clips Music (MP3 or iTunes) Mementos and memorabilia Interviews with family/friends Original artwork and/or music

6 Personal performances (include in video)
Read an original poem Share your artwork Display props that are important to your life Demonstrate a skill Martial arts Dance Music

7 LIMIT the use of…. Pictures of…. Baby / childhood
Boyfriend / girlfriend Pets Prom Friends Think about the examples we watched – you want your audience to be ENGAGED, not BORED to death.

8 Presentation Day! Appearance
Professional and appropriate dress is required Personal Introduction -- This is NOT a part of your video Title Quotation - Memorized – Cited – explain the significance Software you used Your parents’ reaction to your video Reflection – best part of creating this project

9 Title Page This should be at the beginning of your DVD Full name
Date – 2016 Creative Title – related to theme

10 Conclusion This IS a part of the DVD Wrap it up Conclude by telling us
Be thoughtful Be insightful Conclude by telling us Future plans College & major / Military / Work / Mission Reflection about your life to this point in time

Minimum of 3 different songs Printed lyrics of each song No inappropriate language (no deleted words) NARRATION & Text tell your story Significant amount of narration (more than intro and/or conclusion) Font is easy to read Identifies individuals as necessary Chapter / category titles as appropriate No inappropriate language MEDIA Minimum of 1 video clip embedded into DVD Photos and clip art as appropriate Is it meaningful? Does it help to tell your story? No inappropriate language, settings or behavior

12 MORE Technology Must be in DVD format – this copy will not be returned
Make a 2nd copy for yourself and your family Suggested Software to use Windows Movie Maker (free download) Audacity (for voice over) (free download) iMovie (Mac owners)

13 COPYRIGHT Laws for Music
Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical composition may be reproduced, performed and displayed as part of a multimedia program produced by an educator or student for educational purposes. (Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia) Guidelines for other mediums (film clips/printed material/photographs/etc.) (3 of 5) [5/13/2001 1:03:54 PM]

14 Free Music Sources NOT copyrighted Sources

15 Publishing Your Project
We recommend that you DO NOT publish your video AT ALL on YouTube. However, if you choose to do this, you must wait until AFTER May 20. Be VERY careful Security Copyright laws Other reasons?

16 Workshops During April C100 Monday – Thursday 2:15-3:30 pm
Laptops & equipment will be available

April 3 - Tiic 100 STORYBOARD April 18 – In class 25 TURN IN DVD w/ Lyrics & Works Cited page May 5 PRESENTATION May 6-17 200

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