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Created for the writing centre By professor david cuthill

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1 Created for the writing centre By professor david cuthill
Idioms 3 Created for the writing centre By professor david cuthill

2 Definition An idiom is a group of words whose meaning must be known as a whole because it cannot be learned from the meaning of the same words used separately. There is a problem when you cannot look up individual words in a dictionary and find the meaning. That’s what you usually do with unfamiliar words. With idioms, you must learn the whole group of words.

3 Why Learn Idioms for Recognition?
It is really valuable to recognize idioms when you hear them or read them. Knowledge of idioms is essential for understanding spoken English. People use them all the time instead of more formal ways of expressing themselves. You will hear them often in movies, on TV, in songs, and through people’s everyday language use.

4 Why Use Them Yourself Idioms add life and vitality to language. Without idioms, language can be correct, but it may be very dull. When you are able to use idioms comfortably in your own speech and writing, then you have achieved a higher level of mastery and fluency in the language.

5 This Presentation Here is a sample of 30 commonly-used idioms in 10 groups. The dialogues show what kind of situation an idiom may be used in. After each dialogue, an equivalent of each missing idiom is provided to help you. There’s a short test handout at the end (with answers).

6 Time every other day once and for all better late than never
My car is very unreliable. It breaks down ____________. (every second day, very often) The concert started 10 minutes after it was supposed to. Oh well, ___________________________. (it’s preferable to start late than not take place at all) Tell that telephone sales person _______________, I don’t want to buy anything. (one final time) every other day once and for all better late than never

7 Time (the answers) every other day once and for all
Tell that telephone sales person ONCE AND FOR ALL, I don’t want to buy anything. My car is very unreliable. It breaks down EVERY OTHER DAY. The concert started 10 minutes after it was supposed to. Oh well, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. every other day once and for all better late than never

8 Being Realistic means business
Maybe the economy will crash on the day we graduate, but _______________________. (let’s deal with that problem when it comes) You can tell by the look on that wrestler’s face, he _________. (is serious) My apartment is really horrible, but it’s cheap. _____________________. (when you’re desperate, you take what you can get) means business we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it beggars can’t be choosers

9 Being Realistic (the answers)
Maybe the economy will crash on the day we graduate, but WE’LL CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE COME TO IT. You can tell by the look on that wrestler’s face, he MEANS BUSINESS. My apartment is really horrible, but it’s cheap. BEGGARS CAN’T BE CHOOSERS. means business we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it beggars can’t be choosers

10 Being Critical few and far between fly-by-night
It’s a real ______________ company. They’ll take your money, but do a poor job. (disreputable and unreliable ) He said he would come to our party, but ___________________ to forget. (I wouldn’t be surprised at his mistakes) The days when my mother doesn’t call me are ____________________.(rare) few and far between fly-by-night I wouldn’t put it past him

11 Being Critical (the answers)
It’s a real FLY-BY-NIGHT company. They’ll take your money but do a poor job. He said he would come to our party, but I WOULDN’T PUT IT PAST HIM to forget. The days when my mother doesn’t call me are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. few and far between fly-by-night I wouldn’t put it past him

12 Encouraging or Praising
You are so determined, I knew you would succeed. After all, __________________________.(if you really want to do something, you can) I hope your mother gets better __________________________. (I will hope for good luck). It’s OK to invest even though you’re not 100% sure you can profit. __________________. (if you don’t take a chance, you won’t get anything) I’ll keep my fingers crossed nothing ventured, nothing gained where there’s a will, there’s a way

13 Encouraging or Praising (the answers)
You are so determined, I knew you would succeed. After all, WHERE THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY. I hope your mother gets better. I’LL KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED. It’s OK to invest even though you’re not 100% sure you can profit. NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED. I’ll keep my fingers crossed nothing ventured, nothing gained where there’s a will, there’s a way

14 Money Matters lost his shirt on a shoestring it was a steal
I leased this beautiful apartment for only $500 a month. ______________. (a super bargain, very cheap) Wei took all his savings to Casino Niagara, but _____________________. (lost everything) We have almost no money, but we’re used to living ______________. (with very limited cash) lost his shirt on a shoestring it was a steal

15 Money Matters (the answers)
I leased this beautiful apartment for only $500 a month. IT WAS A STEAL. Wei took all his savings to Casino Niagara but LOST HIS SHIRT. We have almost no money but we’re used to living ON A SHOESTRING. lost his shirt on a shoestring it was a steal

16 Anger or Frustration up in arms told them where to get off
When I see my landlords, I’ll _____________________about the big increase in the rent. (tell them I’m angry) All the tenants are ________ about increased costs with no improvements. (protesting) I was so angry I went to see these cheats last week and really _______________________ (let them know how angry I am) up in arms told them where to get off give them a piece of my mind

17 Anger or Frustration (the answers)
When I see my landlords, I’ll GIVE THEM A PIECE OF MY MIND about the big increase in the rent. All the tenants are UP IN ARMS about increased costs with no improvements. I was so angry I went to see these cheats last week and really TOLD THEM WHERE TO GET OFF. up in arms told them where to get off give them a piece of my mind

18 Surprise well, what do you know took the wind out of their sails
I was___________________ when that nice woman shouted at me. (shocked, surprised)) You just won $1 million? __________________(expression of disbelief) I told them the test would be really difficult, and that _____________ ___________ (deflated them, ended their positive feelings) well, what do you know took the wind out of their sails taken aback

19 Surprise (the answers)
I was TAKEN ABACK when that nice woman shouted at me. You just won $1 million? Well, WHAT DO YOU KNOW! I told them the test would be really difficult, and that TOOK THE WIND OUT OF THEIR SAILS. what do you know took the wind out of their sails taken aback

20 Triplets right, left, and centre cool, calm, and collected
She invited ________________. to her party. (everybody and anybody) Although everyone else was scared, she stayed __________________________. (composed, self-possessed) Broken glass was __________________________ when the window was smashed. (everywhere, all over the place) right, left, and centre cool, calm, and collected every Tom, Dick, and Harry

21 Triplets (the answers)
She invited EVERY TOM, DICK, AND HARRY to her party. Although everyone else was scared, she stayed COOL, CALM, AND COLLECTED. Broken glass was RIGHT, LEFT AND CENTRE when the window was smashed. right, left, and centre cool, calm, and collected every Tom, Dick, and Harry

22 Social Life remember me to gate crasher sends her regards
My mom ______________to you. She says you have been very nice to our family. (asked me to give you her best wishes) When you go back to your family, ____________ your mom. She’s a good friend. (say hello to her for me) I’ve never met that guy who got drunk at the class party. I think he was a ___________ (someone who wasn’t invited) remember me to gate crasher sends her regards

23 Social Life (the answers)
My mom SENDS HER REGARDS to you. She says you have been very nice to our family. When you go back to your family, REMEMBER ME TO your mom. She’s a good friend. I’ve never met that guy who got drunk at the class party. I think he was a GATE CRASHER. remember me to gate crasher sends her regards

24 Sports throw in the towel threw a curve kick some ideas around
The class wanted to meet with the teachers and _______________________ on how to improve courses. (have an open discussion to bring out new ideas) The teachers’ refusal to discuss the problems ___________at the students. (caused an unexpected problem) Some students wanted to _________________ and quit immediately. (give up, abandon their efforts) throw in the towel threw a curve kick some ideas around

25 Sports (the answers) throw in the towel threw a curve
The class wanted to meet with the teachers and KICK SOME IDEAS AROUND on how to improve courses. The teachers’ refusal to discuss the problems THREW A CURVE at the students. Some students wanted to THROW IN THE TOWEL and quit immediately. throw in the towel threw a curve kick some ideas around


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