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GSM Based Wireless Notice Board
Guided by: Punith Kumar M B Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE CARRIED BY: DEEPAK R BW08EC022 KUMARASWAMY N 4BW08EC029 NAVEEN PATEL T BW08EC039 PAVAN K R BW08EC041
CONTENTS Introduction Abstract Components Used Working Principle
Block Diagram Applications Conclusion Future Enhancement References
INTRODUCTION The proposed project is based on PIC16F877A µcontroller .
For doing this project we use some of the software like Embedded C for programming the application software to the microcontroller. Protel schematic software is used for designing the circuit diagram for this project. Express PCB software is used for designing the PCB for this project.
ABSTRACT Now a days every advertisement is going to be digital.
But in these displays if they wants to change the message or style they have to go there and connect the display to PC or laptop. Suppose the same message if the person wants to display in main centers of the cities means he have to go there with laptop and change the message by connecting into PC. So keeping in this mind we are designing a new display system which can access remotely, we are using the GSM technology to access the display’s is one of the new technology in the embedded field to make the communication between microcontroller and mobile.
COMPONENTS USED Power Supply 5v DC ----------------------7805
Microcontroller PIC16F877A GSM modem SIM300 Memory Atmel 64k EEPROM MAX 232 IC For Serial Communication Regulator LM7805 Graphic LCD Embedded C
WORKING PRINCIPLE This is a very good project for college, police etc. This project has a static message display, which can be used as the digital notice board, and also a GSM modem. Project will work like when the user wants to display or update the notice board, he have to sent the message in his mobile defining the messages and then the password of the system to the number of the sim which is inserted in the display system MODEM. The MODEM connected to the display system will receive the SMS, the microcontroller inside the system is programmed in such a way that when the modem receives any message the microcontroller will read the message form serial port and verify for the password, if the pass word is correct then it will start displaying the messages in the display system.
The microcontroller and other devices get power supply from AC to Dc adapter through 7805, 5 volts regulator. Vital role of power supply The 7805/7812 voltage regulators are used to convert 12 V to 5V/12V DC. 2.Micro controller-PIC16F877A Peripheral Features: Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit pre scaler. Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with pre scaler. Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, pre scaler and post scaler. Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI) with 9-bit address detection.
PIN configuration of PIC16F877A
Vital role of micro controller The modem receives any message the micro controller will read the message form serial port. Verify the password .
3.RS 232 CONVERTER (MAX 232) This is the device, which is used to convert TTL to RS232 vice versa. RS-232Protocol To interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communications Equipment (DCE) employing serial binary data interchange. USB RS-232 Cable
Vital role of RS232 Converter (Max 232)
This chip is developed by Maxim Corporation. RS 232 CONVERTER is a chip to convert the TTL voltage levels into RS 232 level and vice versa, 4.GSM modem (SIM300) Now every embedded system is used to communicate with other system using GSM and GPRS technology. MODEM is used to access the message sent by the user to display in notice board.
5.LCD Display The most common LCDs connected to the 8051 are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. In recent years the LCD is finding widespread use replacing LED’s. This is due to the following reasons: Declining prices Ability to display numbers, characters and graphics Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD. Ease of programming.
APPLICATION Colleges. School. Hotels. railway stations.
conference hall.
Future Enhancement A commercial model can be able to display more than one message at a time. Alphanumeric LCDs have a limitation on size as well as no of characters. These can be replaced with large LED display boards which are not only eye catching but display characters in a moving fashion one after the other. Robots can be controlled in a similar fashion by sending the commands to the robots. This can be used for spy robots at distant locations, utilized by the military to monitor movement of enemy troops.
conclusion GSM modem, which is the latest technology used for communication between the mobile and the embedded devices. It is more efficient and easy to install, no need to change programming of IC once done. It can be set up at public transport places like railways, bus station, and airport and also at roadside for traffic control and in emergency situations, it is cost efficient system and very easy to handle.
REFERENCES [1] The 8051 Micro controller and Embedded Systems
-Muhammad Ali Mazidi -Janice Gillispie Mazidi [2] The 8051 Micro controller Architecture, Programming & Applications -Kenneth J.Ayala [3] Fundamentals Of Micro processors and Micro computers -B.Ram [4] Micro processor Architecture, Programming & Applications -Ramesh S.Gaonkar References on the Web:
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