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Learning awareness week

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1 Learning awareness week
Junior students Presentation Good morning and you are very welcome to our workshop today. This is the story of our school planning over the past four years and we are only at the beginning of many changes that will take place. I believe it will take nearly 7 years to bring much of the vision we have for teaching and learn to become embedded in our culture and life in the school. St Joseph’s College is an all girls secondary school with 887 students. There is a diversity of students with cultural, racial and socio-economic backgrounds.

2 Learning boot camp – our aims
Help you to help yourself. Improve your learning environment To learn what works best for you the student Focus you on your work Give you practical guidelines that will enable you to work better Motivate you to achieve your best

3 Which one are you?

4 Students of the Future Knows what they are good at.
They know where their strengths lie. Are always looking to learn more or to get better at what they do. Are good at working with others or in teams Have good ICT skills

5 Students of the Future Are confident positive people.
Will have the skills to evaluate themselves and their performance, they will know what they are good at and what areas need to improve. Communicates with ease and confidence Finds meaning and purpose in life Skilled at thinking for themselves in a creative way

6 Time to get tough with our 6 steps to achieving your goals!
Joey’s Boot Camp Time to get tough with our 6 steps to achieving your goals!

7 How to do a proper ‘Learning Workout’ in school and at home
A proper learning ‘workout’ helps you achieve your specific learning goals With a well-thought-out plan it’s easy to create effective learning Explain that each tutor was given the notes on the slides and the explanation.

8 What can you do to help yourself prepare better for learning?

9 Note the key skills of managing yourself

10 Step 1. Preparation Have you got the right ‘gear’ for class?
The right ‘gear’ consists of all the books, copies, etc. you will need for each class Are you on time? So be prepared, you cannot do a proper learning ‘workout’ without the right gear!


12 How do we prepare for each class?

13 Step 2. Warm up Are you ready to learn?
A good warm up routine helps you to concentrate on the learning to come Warm up routines vary in each class but generally involve roll call, getting books out, correcting homework, recalling the work of a previous class


15 Step 3. Core Learning Exercises
Focus and Listen to your instructor (teacher) Do you know what you are about to learn in this lesson? – Learning Intention Do you know what you are to do during the lesson? – Success Criteria


17 Step 4. High-Intensity Learning Exercises
Are you actively engaging in and learning from the lesson? Are you adding to the lesson by sharing prior knowledge or asking relevant questions? Are you fully partaking in class discussion and activities?

18 It is not enough just to be in the class you must be involved in what is happening.


20 Step 5. Hydration Revision refreshes & hydrates your mind
Did you take notes during and after the lesson? Did you go over and learn those notes? Did you do your homework to practice what you learned?


22 Step 6. Cool Down Routine How have you done so far? – Self Evaluation
What are your learning strengths? Are you achieving your learning targets? What areas of your learning do you need to improve to reach your learning targets? Deskercise (revision) every weekend is the perfect cool down routine!

23 Have you got YOUR learning plan activated
Have you got YOUR learning plan activated? Get down, Get dirty, Get involved.

24 All students should read the new Homework Policy in their journals
Individual subject teachers will explain what the Learning How To Learn bootcamp involves in their subject Start how you mean to go on – bootcamp is for EVERYONE

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