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Lesson Three English I.

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1 Lesson Three English I

2 beget Definition Example (v) to produce; to be the parent of
Hatred begets more hatred.

3 begrudge Definition Example
(v) to resent another’s success; to give with reluctance syn: envy The old miser begrudged every cent he paid to the caretaker.

4 belated Definition Example (adj) delayed syn: tardy; too late
ant: timely Joan sent a belated birthday card to her sister.

5 beleaguer Definition Example
(v) to besiege by encircling (as with an army); to harass syn: surround; annoy The picnickers were beleaguered with pesky ants and flies.

6 benediction Definition Example (n) a blessing ant: curse; malediction
We bowed our heads for the benediction before singing the closing hymn.

7 beneficiary Definition Example (n) one who receives benefits
John was the sole beneficiary of his Uncle Martin’s vast estate.

8 berate Definition Example
(v) to scold or rebuke severely and at length syn: rebuke; reprimand ant: praise The coach berated the three players for arriving late.

9 berserk Definition Example
(adj) in a state of violent or destructive rage syn: frenzied My father went a little berserk when I told him I had put a dent in his new car.

10 bias Definition Example
(n) a prejudiced view (either for or against) that inhibits impartial judgment ant: impartiality The jurors were instructed to review the facts without bias.

11 bibliophile Definition Example (n) a lover of books
Having been a bibliophile since childhood, Mrs. Duncan was the perfect librarian.

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