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Soft Modelling of Military Expenditures, Inequality and Profits

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1 Soft Modelling of Military Expenditures, Inequality and Profits
Ali Cevat Taşıran Middle East Technical University, North Cyprus Campus Adem Yavuz Elveren Fitchburg State University, MA January 6, 2017 Chicago

2 Milex Inequality Growth Kuznets Dunne & Uye (2010)
Study Period # of Countries Method Ali (2007) 160 2SLS Ali (2012) MENA countries Kentor et al. (2012) 82 GLS Lin & Ali (2009) 58 Panel Granger Töngür & Elveren (2015) 37 GMM Töngür et al. (2015) 130 Dunne & Uye (2010) i) negative and ambiguous effects are more common ii) recent studies: negative effect iii) positive effect is more pronounced in the case of developed countries Milex Political regimes, development, and conflict Ali (2007) Higher political & social instability Ali (2007; 2012); Lin & Ali (2009); Kentor at al. (2012) Töngür & Elveren (2015); Töngür, Hsu & Elveren (2015) AD increasesbenefits poor relatively more Pay is higher in military industries; guns-butter less-skilled labor and skilled R&D personnel Literature Survey: Dunne & Uye (2010) inter alia Higher employment and output Misallocation of resources Inequality Growth Töngür & Elveren (2016) growth=f(milex, inequality) Augmented Solow growth model, 82 countries, Higher Shigher I; large sunk costs; higher work effort Poor invest less in H; instabilityuncertinity & less investment Kuznets

3 Milex Inequality Profit Elveren & Hsu (2016) 24 OECD countries
A panel autoregressive distributed lag model for the whole period in the post-1980 era weak evidence: for arms-exporting countries, non-arms-exporter countries Milex Political regimes, development, and conflict Ali (2007) Higher political & social instability Ali (2007; 2012); Lin & Ali (2009); Kentor at al. (2012) Töngür & Elveren (2015); Töngür, Hsu & Elveren (2015) AD increasesbenefits poor relatively more Pay is higher in military industries; guns-butter less-skilled labor and skilled R&D personnel Increasing demand, increasing labor productivity, bringing about int. trade dominance Crowding out, reducing productivity via “unreproductive” goods, increasing OCC by expanding a capital intensive sector Elveren & Hsu (2016) Inequality Profit Might be (+) in SR but (-) in LR, Vasudevan (2015) Palley (2002), Dutt (2006), and Carvalho and Rezai (2016): high AD was maintained by “debt-fueled consumption” Edward N. Wolf (2015) inter alia

4 Method Why Partial Least Squares Path Modelling (PLS-PM)?
Different theoriesDifferent conceptualizations different measurements of the variables incorrect types of empirical distribution functions of the Threevariate No consistent empirical distribution specifications of Military Expenditures, Inequalities and Profits. Problem is complex, theoretical knowledge is scarce/complex, and no information about distributions of the dependent variables So, PLS modelling is the most appropriate technique in this context, as it uses Least-Squares oriented but distribution-free methods.

5 Data The analysis covers 21 countries for the years from 1988 to 2008
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, US 423 observations and 125 variables

6 Data Set Source World Income Distribution COW Nordhaus et al. (2012) William Nordhaus, John R. Oneal and Bruce Russett (2012). The Effects of the International Security Environment on National Military Expenditures: A Multicountry Study. International Organization, 66, pp doi: / S size of informal economy Marxian profit rate UTIP-UNIDO manufacturing Theil pay inequality index UTIP-EHII inequality index SIPRI World Development Indicators US Department of State’s Bureau of Verification and Compliance Center for Systemic Peace, Major Episodes of Political Violence, (War List) Uppsala Conflict Data Program Penn World Tables

7 Results-no heterogeneity

8 Results-with unobserved heterogeneity Response-Based Unit Segmentation (REBUS)

9 Results Korea Australia Netherlands Spain Sweden Turkey Canada France

10 Results Netherland UK US Canada France Germany Japan

11 Results Mexico Turkey Brazil Chile Argentina

12 Results China India Indonesia

13 Results 1) Milex has larger negative effect on profits when overall profit rates are higher. 2) Milex has positive effect on profits when Milex is smaller. 3) Higher Milex increases income inequality in countries with very large or very small military expenditures. 4) When inequality is low, higher Milex leads to both lower income inequality and profits. 5) When inequality is high, higher Milex leads to both higher income inequality and profits.


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