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4 Weeks In Meeting 2016 Thank you for coming.

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Presentation on theme: "4 Weeks In Meeting 2016 Thank you for coming."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Weeks In Meeting 2016 Thank you for coming

2 AIMS OF TODAY Learn more about St Peter’s. Chance to ask any questions. Practical ways of helping your child Who’s out there to support you NOT A CONSULTATION – THESE ARE: Thursday 13th October – 5:30pm to 8pm Monday 17th October – 3:30pm to 6pm


4 Our Vision We need to ensure children from St Peter’s have the skills, values and attributes to successfully compete for the jobs they want in the future and make a positive contribution. “At times of change, the learners are the ones who will inherit the world, while the knowers will be beautifully prepared for a world which no longer exists.” -Alistair Smith UK’s leading trainer in modern learning and prolific author on thinking skills and brain development.

Courage (Take a risk – have a try!)  Respect and Love (Co-operate – Work as a team!) Reflection (Take time to think!) Creativity (Be Resourceful) Perseverance (Never give up! God is with you!)

6 Ben Nevis – BLUE Everest – YELLOW Snowdon -GREEN Kilimanjaro - RED
Aim High! Ben Nevis – BLUE Everest – YELLOW Snowdon -GREEN Kilimanjaro - RED

7 Class Names

8 School Structure Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2
Class Names Class 1 – MUMBAI – Yr R and 1 Class 2 – HARARE– Yr 1 and 2 Class 3 – ROME – Yr 3 and 4 Class 4 – CARACAS – Yr 4 and 5 Class 5 – SAN FRANCISCO – Yr 6

9 Year 1 The way we decide is: By weighing up WHAT’S BEST FOR EACH Child The Criteria we use to decide is based on all the factors below; - Age - Balance of boys and girls in a class - Balance of children achieving at a range of levels / needing extra support. If a year group is split there will be a mix of achievement levels in both groups. – Positive and negative friendships. – Social interaction and level of independence.

10 Communication
START OF DAY - Please do understand, though, that the start of the school day is a very busy time for teachers as they prepare to start the day smoothly. If you need to speak to a member of staff please contact the school office and an appointment will be made. BUGGIES. END OF DAY - Teachers will see the children out at the end of day and are keen to have a quick word. Please bear in mind they may have meetings to attend, though, and if you need a longer or more private conversation, again please make an appointment. STEP FORWARD. WAIT TO CHAT PLEASE. to: Parent Mail – VERY VALUABLE!! Sign Up. Website – key notices posted. Quick drop in box at office. USE BOOKBAGS – Child Independence.

11 Appointment Sessions ‘BLUE SLIPS’ - a message can be relayed to a teacher and they will get it that day. The teacher will usually be able to catch you for a quick word at the end of the day (unless they are on PPA). In addition each teacher will have an ‘APPOINTMENT SESSION’ each week. If you would like to see your child’s teacher for a more lengthy discussion, or just keep up to date with their progress, you should sign up for a session in the new ‘little yellow books’ that are by the signing in book in the foyer. Your child’s teacher will send a note home to confirm the meeting time and date. Miss HERBERT – Wednesday – Time slots between 3:30 & 4:30pm

12 Still Check Bags Some letters have to go home on paper.

13 Office Open 8:40am to 9:10am. 3:00pm to 3:30pm. Not in person:
If a message is urgent please ring. s not checked as regularly.

14 Transition / Settling In
What went well? What could be improved? How have the first few weeks been?

15 What is your role in your child’s education?

16 Influence on learning 85% of children’s waking time is out of school

17 Reading and Phonics Reception Phonics
We are starting the children on learning their letter sounds. We follow the "Letters and Sounds" scheme of work which also has a support website for parents and teachers. There are 6 phonic phases that the children will  progress through and we are currently starting on phases 1 and 2 according to the different abilities of the children. Over the next few weeks we will be sending home reading books that directly linked to the phase of phonics that they are working on. These are intended to support the children with their reading. The links below will provide you with ideas and games to support your child's phonic learning at home.  Phonics Play is a website provide both free and subscription resources which support the children's learning. We currently use this website at school.

18 Reading and Phonics How the letter sounds are spoken by the children is vitally important for the learning of reading and writing. “Pure” sounds are encouraged. On our website we have an helpful video showing you how the sounds should be pronounced. Some words are trickier to learn and we send home “Tricky Trucks” which are words to be learned by sight rather than phonetically. Winston Wolf

19 Exciting Term Year R – Fire Fighters – People who help us
Years 1 and 2 – The Great Fire of London. TOPIC WEB ON CLASS PAGES OF WEBSITE

20 Helping your child learn
Relax and look at books together Get them involved with money and time Play word & number games – links on website Talk about school Bring things from home to school Spend time outdoors Help them get enough sleep

21 Wow Cards! We would love to hear their achievements outside school.
From writing their name to physical achievements like swimming or scoring a goal! Display outside the classroom. Parents evening – add your comments to their special books.

22 St Peter's CE (Aided) Primary School, Cowfold
Home - School Partnership Agreement


24 Who’s there to help ? Family Centre.
Rural Henfield Children & Family Centre Sure Start – Village Hall School Nurse. Family Link Worker. School.

25 Who’s there to help ?

26 Do you have any questions?
Is there anything you are worried about regarding your child’s school life?


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